Reviews For Shadow Plays
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 13 Apr 2021 12:36 Title: 003 - "Welcome To Bay City, Kid."
Author's Response: Paris was established as the location of the office of the UFP president in Deep Space Nine. The one where they go back to Earth because of a shapeshifter infiltration threat. This was extended upon in the novel Articles of the Federation. Obviously not canon, but I'd highly recommend it, if you like your political intrigue with a Trek twist.

Date: 13 Apr 2021 12:36 Title: 003 - "Welcome To Bay City, Kid."
Evidently the hover doesn't hover very high as it seems dependent on the roads... Always interesting to look at various visions of future Earth. I'm assuming Paris being the capital of the Federation (instead of Nairobi and Caracas) is probably canon somewhere? I do like the idea of the Federation and Star Fleet having headquarters in different parts of the globe. Makes sense to not locate all the sensitive targets handilly in a tight configuration right over a fault-line...
Nice word-portrait of Jackson.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Paris was established as the location of the office of the UFP president in Deep Space Nine. The one where they go back to Earth because of a shapeshifter infiltration threat. This was extended upon in the novel Articles of the Federation. Obviously not canon, but I'd highly recommend it, if you like your political intrigue with a Trek twist.