Reviews For False Vacuum
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11 Jun 2020 18:52 Title: Part Four: Charybdis - 5

Unapologetically analagous... The writing has very much of an original series feel to it - clear moral lines. Not as much of the gray areas as STNG used, much less the deliberate blurring of morality used in ST Enterprise.


Thanks!!  rbs

Author's Response: That's an interesting comment since I do like gray areas and ambiguous morality. I think some of that will become more noticeable in later stories. Much of the morality in my stories is of course based on the characters as they perceive it. People like Michael Owens, DeMara Deen and Elijah Katanga have very high ethical and moral standards while others like Tazla Star or Nora Laas may see the universe a little differently.

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