Reviews For False Vacuum
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2020 09:55 Title: Part Three: A House Divided - 10

I really like tight, focused segments like this one. This one manages to convey a lot of story information very succinctly. 

I also like the chapter/part layout of this story. It makes it easy for me to select a group of segments to read and orient into that part of the story - also easy to remember where things are when I feel a need to go back and catch up on clues I might have missed.

Thansk!! rbs

Author's Response: Thanks. I tend to try and section my stories into relevant parts, unfortunately it doesn't always quite work the way I'd like it to. One of my (many) frustrations with the QD trilogy is that I was only able to use this format in the first book while the other two have mostly straight-forward chapters. If nothing else it damages the consistency I like to strive for.

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