Reviews For False Vacuum
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jun 2020 19:16 Title: Part Two: Do No Harm - 6
Author's Response: TNG is definitely a big influence, as is DS9 and to some degree the Original Series.
Date: 04 Jun 2020 19:16 Title: Part Two: Do No Harm - 6
The stiff necked, bureaucratic Krellonians are very original series Star Trek (if STO could have afforded even the modest prosthetics to create their look.) Their behavior and even the plot to this point would fit comfortably into STO (though the subplots are more STNG or STV).
I appreciate the humorous ending of one of the previous entries, the short tempered doctor and the cliffhanger.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: TNG is definitely a big influence, as is DS9 and to some degree the Original Series.