Reviews For False Vacuum
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jun 2020 15:53 Title: Part Two: Do No Harm - 3
Author's Response: I don't know if Owens will fault Katanga for getting things underway during a medical crisis, although you are correct, he's certainly not following correct procedure. The conflict here stems primarily from the interpersonal dispute between Katanga and Star which is a recent development. You can find more on the origins of their spat in "Homecoming".
Date: 04 Jun 2020 15:53 Title: Part Two: Do No Harm - 3
Definitely some serious violation of procedure - of a level that would require a formal reprimand (after the crisis) even if the mobilization is greatly needed.
Nice dramatization of the inevitable conflict between problem solvers and command staff.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I don't know if Owens will fault Katanga for getting things underway during a medical crisis, although you are correct, he's certainly not following correct procedure. The conflict here stems primarily from the interpersonal dispute between Katanga and Star which is a recent development. You can find more on the origins of their spat in "Homecoming".