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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 19 Jul 2021 08:01 Title: The Burden of Truth (1/2)

Hopkins should have researched the secondary planet for Federation lore... Memory Beta... I'm a big fan of easter eggs - nice callout. My easter eggs are the names of various actors sneaked in throughout STH (like Commandant Barrett th'Zoarhi...)

I appreciate the soliloquay on the vastness of space - something that is dramatically under-appreciated.

Completely recognizable family spat - reminiscent of 18th Century British nobility. Quite a bit of fun seeing Hopkins being a stranger in an oddly familiar land. And a fun twist about the moment of culinary frustration.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Hey, thanks. It's not exaclty Jane Austen (probably a good thing) but yes, certainly inspired by artistocratic family troubles. And nothing gets you to try and leave home quicker than conflict with your family. Well, that, and living in a generally reactionary society.

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