Date: 07 May 2009 20:17 Title: Chapter 1
Damn these stars - the bane of my existence! :D
Date: 04 May 2009 17:02 Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: LOL
Date: 29 Apr 2009 02:01 Title: Chapter 1
Do you know what I really like of your story? Your Spock has "little problems", some from his cultural background, some from his own personality, but he has friends. He is not the isolated alien hidden in his studies, that is portrayed in many academy stories, waiting for Kirk to rescue him from some socuial limbo.
He can be sad from his familiar circunstances, but he´s not bitter about it. And after some struggles, he allows friendship to enter his life, of course, puting to it some logical name. LOL
And his need of knowledge is here from his youth, the seed of the future science officer.
Mmmmhh, Tora has a golden tongue.....after that, whatever Dr McCoy would say, will be just candy cotton.
Author's Response: LOL. Thanks, my friend.
Date: 28 Apr 2009 19:58 Title: Chapter 1
Your Tora is a lovely OC. Then again, you have this talent for writing exceptionally good OCs. Nevermind your plots. Which own my soul. And the fact you don't put these people on a pedestal no one can ever reach, that too.
Author's Response: I believe this plot is too convenient for your liking. :P But Tora rules, yeah. Can't argue with that. Well, we have to agree on something. ;-)
Date: 28 Apr 2009 18:22 Title: Chapter 1
You know my feelings on this already, but I'll say it again - loved it! Especially that Spock is not the model cadet. We have already discussed why I believe this to be true, but to add to that, most (if not all) kids go through a rebellious stage where they think they know everything, and given Spock's strict upbringing on Vulcan, this would be the first chance it had to manifest for him. Thanks for not forgetting that, and for allowing some personal growth for our favorite Vulcan!
Author's Response: Nah, I can't allow or forbid him anything. It's the other way around. ;-) Thanks, Cuppy.
Date: 28 Apr 2009 14:34 Title: Chapter 1
Ooooh I loved this chapter! Reading about Chris Pike is always such a pleasure - and Spock, too! I loved to read about him at the Academy and all... me likes muchly!
Author's Response: Me thanks you. ;-) Glad you like it.