Reviews For Embers of the Fire
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 29 Jun 2021 09:28 Title: Chapter 3

Nice portrait of a would-be cardassian strongman - and a ferengi weapons merchant. I like reverse angles that get into such characters and their motivations more or less sympathetically. 

It is all too tempting to create scenery munching villains (the writers of ST TV and movie series have more than occasionally been guilty.) They're so much more satisfying when their motives are underpinned by some believable conviction.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

He sees himself as a patriot, and that makes him more dangerous than most.

Reviewer: Erin Moriarty Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Sep 2014 02:10 Title: Chapter 3

Poor Urlak, forced to deal with Ferengi to get the things he needs. This would have never happened before the Dominion War...

I can't wait to see if Inish's risk pays off!

Author's Response:

Inish is a gambler. Cautious Ferengi seldom profit... that must be in their rules of acquisition somewhere!

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2012 13:59 Title: Chapter 3

I like this Urlak fellow; he came off cold and calculating from the start with his offer to Inish. Glad to see your bad guys hitting the mark straight away...

Author's Response:

He's a bad dude, to be sure, and certainly not someone to cross lightly.

Reviewer: David Lowbridge Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 26 Apr 2011 23:34 Title: Chapter 3

Fantastic chapter, well written and brilliant characters. the bad guys do seem to be organised, how will an old ship cope with these new weapons?

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words.  Yes, Gibraltar has an especially challenging mission ahead.

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jun 2010 23:34 Title: Chapter 3

Great setup for a powerful Cardassian character who is up to something drastic. Urlak seems like a guy who is very street-wise, someone with a quiet and powerful air to him (esp. a guy who has his hands on biomimetic gel). Very well written; you know how to richly describe your characters and universe (unlike my child-like writing). Curious about Urlak's plans that have 'already been set into motion.'

A little off topic, but I wrote a short piece a little while ago about how annoyed I got to see a futuristic society resort to bartering as a way of exchanging goods. This is obviously a consequence of Roddenberry's 'moneyless' economy, but it's hard to see how it could function efficiently. Just a side, it has nothing to do with your story:)

Author's Response:

Urlak is a dangerous man who sees himself as potentially the sole salvation of his people, making him even more unpredictable.  He has an unbelievable arsenal at his disposal, and the resources to acquire even more, as his dealings with DaiMon Inish demonstrate.

Though he has significant wealth at his fingertips, Urlak knows Inish will meet any demand in order to possess the bio-mimetic gell, which gives the legate superior bargaining power.

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: unusualsuspex Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2009 08:55 Title: Chapter 3

Well so much for continuing my own writing! I've been drawn into the world of the Gibraltar and her mission and to be honest I'm hooked.

The writing styles is impeccable. Situations and scenes drawn vividly in the mind's eye, locations described with enough detail to present that important 'theatre of the mind' picture, and a crew that is (to say the least) a mixed bag.

It would certainly appear from the first three chapters at least that Sandhurst will have his work cut out not only with a recalcitrant first officer, but with a crew composed of "activated reservists and career dead-enders", "newly commissioned ensigns" and "some of the Fleet’s problem children".

Not a command post that's likely to prove easy.

Add to that the problematic mission and the stage is set for an exposition in inter-personal and inter-racial conflict.

I repeat so much for continuing my writing! Where will I find the time now I'm knee deep in the Gibraltar series! LOL!

All told, very nice work!

(PS the 8 rating is only because I expect the rest of the story to drag me in further and require a higher rating - besides I don't want to over inflate your ego! LOL!)

Author's Response:

I'm pleased you've found the story so engrossing thus far!  Thank you for the terrific review, and I'll try to keep the ego under control. ;-)

Reviewer: CentralPlexus Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Oct 2009 18:55 Title: Chapter 3

There's something about Inish that hearkens back to their earliest days as the new "big bad" for TNG - I wonder how his actions will effect events in the coming chapters. This new Cardassian insurgency has me worried... once again, an excellent chapter!

Author's Response:

Many thanks!  Yes, Inish is an 'old-school' DaiMon, no scruples and in it for pure profit.  But, he knows a good deal when he sees one.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11 Sep 2009 08:33 Title: Chapter 3

Another great chapter, introducing another level to the intrigue - you've written Inish and Urlak really well, providing them with fully fledged personalities. Lovin' it so far

Author's Response:

Very glad to hear it.  Thanks for commenting!  :)

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Aug 2009 01:52 Title: Chapter 3

It's hard for me not to empathize with Urlak's desires, if not his methods, and it was nice to see a Ferengi character that wasn't just comic relief. I really like the way this is developing.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2009 06:00 Title: Chapter 3


That doesn't look good-any Cardassian with a grudge is bad, but one from the Obsidian order...oh boy.

This just gets more interesting. Love the Ferengi-business over risk of death. Got to love that profit margin.

Reviewer: Terilynn Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2009 17:58 Title: Chapter 3

It's always fun to read others' takes on what would have happened after the end of the Dominion War - this is certainly plausible and entirely frightening. But most of all I appreciate how brilliantly planned Urlak's manipulation of the Ferengi's position was made. It was surgical and precise - very, very Cardassian!

Author's Response:

As an ex-spymaster, Urlak is a bit more patient and cunning than your 'typical' Cardassian military officer.  Though his methods of manipulation are perhaps a bit more subtle, they are nonetheless very effective.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2009 09:24 Title: Chapter 3

Wow, talk about a setup for disaster. I don't even particularly want to consider what's gonna end up going down with the Gibraltar. Great intro to a big threat!

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