Reviews For Civil War
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Mar 2021 14:02 Title: 03/10 – “Meet the Guardians of Yesteryear.”
Author's Response: I have to admit I had to look up Michael Beach but recognized him immediately when I saw him. I can totally see him as Glover. The character was created by my fellow UT writer Darkush, and I'm sure to run that by him at some point.
Date: 25 Mar 2021 14:02 Title: 03/10 – “Meet the Guardians of Yesteryear.”
For some reason I'm picturing Michael Beach as Terrence Glover - a particularly charismatic actor. Probably because he played a similar role in the 4th season of Stargate Atlantis.
So the Fro bros are back with their harebrained scheme...
Yeah - this is definitely not going to end well... As Glover predicted..
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I have to admit I had to look up Michael Beach but recognized him immediately when I saw him. I can totally see him as Glover. The character was created by my fellow UT writer Darkush, and I'm sure to run that by him at some point.
Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jan 2018 23:29 Title: 03/10 – “Meet the Guardians of Yesteryear.”
Author's Response: That old mantra that things aren't quite what they appear probably fits here.
Date: 17 Jan 2018 23:29 Title: 03/10 – “Meet the Guardians of Yesteryear.”
Oh ... a bit of a romance between Donners and Glover. But what's the deal with this super-secret base, and this super-secret thing, that will "change the face of the galaxy"? All of it sounds like a Starfleet Intelligence brainchild that can't possibly work out. I definitely agree with the doubts presented here ... but I guess we'll see, won't we?
Author's Response: That old mantra that things aren't quite what they appear probably fits here.