Reviews For Civil War
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Mar 2021 19:19 Title: 01/10 – “This is Where it all Went Wrong.”
Author's Response: Thanks, I do think there may have been a dude in that chapter. The crew of the Potemkin is courtesy of Michael Garcia and his Full Speed Ahead series which you can also find right here on Ad Astra. Of course, in his version, things didn't go quite as poorly as they did here. Also apologies for the artifacts in the chapter headings. Only recently realized this issue. This wasn't the case the time I posted the story. Like with a lot of these things here, its not an easy fix as any attempt at editing affects the entire chapter. I'll do a bit of house-keeping on here once QD is in the bag.
Date: 23 Mar 2021 19:19 Title: 01/10 – “This is Where it all Went Wrong.”
Well, that was a hell of an open... Talk about a 007 running start. I enjoyed the all-female bridge crew. Something rarely seen unless someone is making a meal of it.
And Locutus nonetheless...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks, I do think there may have been a dude in that chapter. The crew of the Potemkin is courtesy of Michael Garcia and his Full Speed Ahead series which you can also find right here on Ad Astra. Of course, in his version, things didn't go quite as poorly as they did here. Also apologies for the artifacts in the chapter headings. Only recently realized this issue. This wasn't the case the time I posted the story. Like with a lot of these things here, its not an easy fix as any attempt at editing affects the entire chapter. I'll do a bit of house-keeping on here once QD is in the bag.
Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jan 2018 22:59 Title: 01/10 – “This is Where it all Went Wrong.”
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yeah thinks are off to bad start here.
Date: 17 Jan 2018 22:59 Title: 01/10 – “This is Where it all Went Wrong.”
Holy hell, that's a dark timeline indeed! The ending was heartwrenching -- in a short time you built up the relationship and history between T'Cirya and Leone.
With the Enterprise assimilated and Leone having to leave her captain behind, I doubt this gets much easier for her and the Federation. Reading onward.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yeah thinks are off to bad start here.