Reviews For Life Lessons
Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jul 2015 14:52 Title: Dual Edged (Perseverance) - Maren O'Connor
Date: 05 Jul 2015 14:52 Title: Dual Edged (Perseverance) - Maren O'Connor
It's very true - there are shades of meaning and this is why we, as writers, are well-served by reading a lot and continually editing and paying attention to word choice. You're good at this; I like to think I'm improving at it. I think it's a part of what gives away more experience versus less.
For Maren, technically 'stubborn' isn't an insult. Yet it seems to feel that way to her all the same. It's the part where her gifts are, in some ways, denigrated.
Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jul 2015 02:52 Title: Dual Edged (Perseverance) - Maren O'Connor
Date: 05 Jul 2015 02:52 Title: Dual Edged (Perseverance) - Maren O'Connor
Yes. Agree with her on all points here; people call me "stubborn" far more than they call me "tenacious" and "stubborn" is often used in a negative way. Stubborness isn't a horrible thing, it has it's benefits (as Maren no doubt proves) but I get where she's coming from.