A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Summary: When Lieutenant Commander Data is ruled the property of Starfleet, it is a decision that will have far reaching consequences... A new race is born, but the Maddox-type is not what it seems. Will this lead Data's brother to redemption, or revenge? WARNING; This story will explore some disturbing territory. But don't worry, they're only androids...
Chapters: 12    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes, Next Generation
Characters: Data, Ensemble Cast - TNG
Genre: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Character Death, Violence
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 38945    Read Count: 10021
[Report This] Published: 14 Sep 2018 Updated: 04 Nov 2018
Yearning by Mary Trouba    Rated: T      Reviews (0
Summary: Jadzia Dax, Bashir, and the cast of DS9 work to solve the mystery of a pair of vortices threatening the station with the help of a trio of visiting Betazoids.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine
Characters: Ensemble Cast - DS9
Genre: Mystery
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11616    Read Count: 518
[Report This] Published: 18 Sep 2018 Updated: 04 Nov 2018
Summary: The final stand of the Rellas' Army will not be fought on some cold, distant outpost of the Star Empire. It will be fought on Romulus, tonight.
Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Alternate Universe, Drama, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 12221    Read Count: 6515
[Report This] Published: 28 Oct 2018 Updated: 28 Oct 2018
Summary: With the "Top Gun" trophy on the line, Phil's final exam proves to be one of character. Meanwhile, Trallian must choose whether to risk his family's safety or his soul.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11138    Read Count: 5592
[Report This] Published: 21 Oct 2018 Updated: 21 Oct 2018
Summary: The Klingon Empire stays ready for battle as the Romulan government falls deeper into chaos. Meanwhile, Annabeth hopes that a visit to an abandoned space station will cheer her up.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11015    Read Count: 4552
[Report This] Published: 14 Oct 2018 Updated: 14 Oct 2018
Summary: A bold victory for Phil makes him a hero to some and villain to others. Meanwhile, Shinzon brings his dreams of conquest closer to reality.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: No    Word count: 11070    Read Count: 5509
[Report This] Published: 07 Oct 2018 Updated: 07 Oct 2018
Summary: Phil discovers that two telepaths from Betazed will prove to be his biggest challenge yet. Meanwhile, Laria realizes that sometimes true justice can only come at the tip of a d'k tahg.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 12747    Read Count: 4955
[Report This] Published: 30 Sep 2018 Updated: 30 Sep 2018
Summary: Phil realizes his pilot skills are fading, Rellas and his surviving followers flee into hiding, and Chancellor Martok retreats with Lord Torlek into Qo'noS' wilderness. Across the galaxy, many must choose whether they are on the right path.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10466    Read Count: 5736
[Report This] Published: 23 Sep 2018 Updated: 23 Sep 2018
Summary: SEASON 7 PREMIERE: As Alex moves on to a new chapter in her life, Proconsul Semachs unleashes General Shinzon against his enemies.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10454    Read Count: 4807
[Report This] Published: 16 Sep 2018 Updated: 16 Sep 2018
The Relevance of Discretion by Odon    Rated: T      Reviews (0
Summary: Being involved in an 'intimate relationship' with Seven has its problems.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Voyager
Characters: Seven of Nine, Torres, B'Elanna
Genre: Humor, Slash
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 2432    Read Count: 619
[Report This] Published: 26 Aug 2018 Updated: 26 Aug 2018
B'Elannarella by Odon    Rated: MA      Reviews (0
Summary: Sensual astrometrix Anna Seven, aided by the savage and passionate B'Elannarella, must save the universe from the evil Doctor's Photonic Cannon. Any resemblance to the 1968 film "Barbarella" staring Jane Fonda is purely intentional.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Voyager
Characters: Ensemble Cast - VOY
Genre: Humor, Slash
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 9586    Read Count: 84
[Report This] Published: 19 Aug 2018 Updated: 19 Aug 2018
Summary: SEASON 6 FINALE: The combined Cardassian State and Romulan fleet launch their assault on Celdis Prime. The Federation braces for a second front as the rest of the Imperial Navy prepares to attack across the Neutral Zone. The Pershing class battlestarships hold the line alone.
Chapters: 9    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 12983    Read Count: 7662
[Report This] Published: 08 Jul 2018 Updated: 08 Jul 2018
Summary: The United Federation of Planets and the Romulus Pact mobilize for all out war. As the Klingon Empire and the Republic of Cardassia both decide to stay out of the fighting, Tigranian and Laria watch helplessly as their old friends are sent on a suicide mission.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10293    Read Count: 6396
[Report This] Published: 02 Jul 2018 Updated: 02 Jul 2018
Summary: It's election night in the Federation and a new president seems inevitable. As one of the most influential powers in the quadrant grapples with its policy, the fate of the galaxy rests in the balance.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10666    Read Count: 5861
[Report This] Published: 24 Jun 2018 Updated: 24 Jun 2018
The Sisters of Sha Ka Ree by Stan W    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (1
Summary: Who would have thought a simple diary would set in motion a series of events that would put the whole Federation in jeopardy? Certainly not Admiral Hiroshi Mifune. He had long since retired from active duty and was perfectly content with his current assignment as a distinguished professor at Starfleet Academy, teaching archaeology and warp physics. But events have a way of interfering with the best-laid plans and sometimes the bell tolls for you. If that were not bad enough, he knew he would be forced to commit treason, cooperate with an old enemy, and ask for help from the best student he ever had, one Jean-Luc Picard, all to save the Federation from potential extinction! But as the grandson of the famous Admiral Hikaru Sulu, he had a certain reputation to uphold, and this was just one more challenge.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Next Generation
Characters: Data, La Forge, Geordi, Picard, Jean-Luc, Riker, William, Troi, Deanna, Worf
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 1223    Read Count: 480
[Report This] Published: 06 Jun 2018 Updated: 23 Jun 2018
Summary: Klingons take nothing for granted. A small misstep by Laria threatens to end her life when a subordinate challenges her with Blood Combat to the death. Across the galaxy, the Pershing encounters a strange shipment in the hold of a Saurian freighter.
Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 12026    Read Count: 6731
[Report This] Published: 17 Jun 2018 Updated: 17 Jun 2018
Summary: One of the most important holidays on the Klingon calendar approaches and Tigranian must commemorate it in front of the entire empire. Meanwhile, crew replacements for the vacant spots on the Pershing's senior staff finally arrive.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10702    Read Count: 5693
[Report This] Published: 10 Jun 2018 Updated: 10 Jun 2018
Summary: A new starship joins the fleet, a new relationship blooms onboard the Pershing, and a new investigation threatens to rip the Federation apart.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10378    Read Count: 6237
[Report This] Published: 03 Jun 2018 Updated: 03 Jun 2018
Summary: After three months of hunting the Crime Boss, Glinn Devek, across Cardassian Space, the crew of the Pershing takes some much needed shore leave. Katie and Phil confront the past, Annabeth and Alex look to the future, and Laria and Tigranian finally travel to Qo'nos to meet the Lady of the House of Torlek.
Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: None
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 13701    Read Count: 11815
[Report This] Published: 13 Jun 2016 Updated: 28 May 2018
Summary: The Republic of Cardassia plans a secret rescue mission, but they can't do it alone. Starfleet refuses to help, but the new Klingon general on Cardassia Prime orders his fleet into action.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11854    Read Count: 6239
[Report This] Published: 28 May 2018 Updated: 28 May 2018
Summary: As the galaxy draws closer to all out war, Tigranian must finally make the choice: obey the Federation or remain Klingon.
Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10247    Read Count: 6932
[Report This] Published: 21 May 2018 Updated: 21 May 2018
Summary: SEASON 6 PREMIERE: Rellas, leader of the slave revolt against the Romulan Star Empire, has managed to get the survivors of his people across the Neutral Zone. However, he wants back in and only the Orion Syndicate can help.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 12584    Read Count: 6254
[Report This] Published: 14 May 2018 Updated: 14 May 2018
Inside Information by jespah    Rated: K      Reviews (0

The Enterprise and the MU tie to the Discovery in all sorts of unexplicable ways.

Trust your dreams; they will guide you home. 

Later Days

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Enterprise, Discovery, Expanded Universes
Characters: Beckett, Doug Hayes, O'Day, Lili, Saru, Stamets, Paul
Genre: Drama, Family
Warnings: None
Series: In Between Days
Completed: Yes    Word count: 442    Read Count: 643
[Report This] Published: 26 Mar 2018 Updated: 26 Mar 2018
Summary: O’Brien and Bashir are caught up in the events of In The Pale Moonlight. And there’s nothing they can do about it.

Somewhere, Sisko is losing sleep over the finer points of morality. Somewhere, someone is telling Garak he can have a data-rod but only for eighty-five litres of bio-memetic gel. And far beyond all that... Benny Russell is dreaming about what people do when time rolls on, but change never comes.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine
Characters: Bashir, Julian, Garak, Elim, O'Brien, Miles, Sisko, Benjamin
Genre: Alternate Universe
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11143    Read Count: 5427
[Report This] Published: 19 Feb 2018 Updated: 19 Mar 2018
Flashback by PerseShow    Rated: T      Reviews (0
"Bajor must stand alone!"

More than 900 years after Benjamin Sisko first uttered those words in the midst of life-threatening visions, it finally becomes apparent what he meant (and couldn't even know for himself). Thanks to a resurgent Romulan Empire and an newly aggressive Klingon Empire, the Federation is now in decline. The collapse of peace in the galaxy seems inevitable...were it not for one particular backwater world, forgotten and overlooked for nearly a millenium.

It's time for the Emissary to return to Bajor. But with the cast of corporeal players he's got to work with, he has his work cut out for him.

In this installment: Miro, Eeris, and Odo have forged a shaky sort of truce, but they'll soon find that the only way forward is to truly rely on one another. For a Changeling alone in the wrong time, a Trill with a painful past, and a Bajoran with reckless spirit, that's easier said than done.
Chapters: 11    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine, Expanded Universes
Characters: Dax, Miro, Kira, Eeris, Kirel, Eella, Odo, Prallax, Naral, Sisko, Benjamin
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Friendship
Warnings: None
Series: Trials of Peace
Completed: Yes    Word count: 40388    Read Count: 11341
[Report This] Published: 08 Mar 2018 Updated: 08 Mar 2018