A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Star Trek Discovery by Lazarus    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (4
Summary: 2362: When Starfleet ship is drawn into the forbidden Neutral Zone and seized by a former Romulan subject race, a volatile situation soon threatens to escalate into a full scale war that would devestate the Alpha Quadrant. But when a dangerous rift develops between the Federation Council and Starfleet Command over how to respond to the seizure of one of their vessels, the crew of the aging USS Discovery must find a way to recover the imprisoned crew and prevent a state of the art Starfleet ship falling into Romulan hands, all the while working to prevent a cataclysmic war with the Romulan Empire.
Chapters: 2    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek Discovery
Completed: No    Word count: 13469    Read Count: 5460
[Report This] Published: 24 Dec 2009 Updated: 24 Dec 2009

The Cover of Star Trek Paths Not Take: From the Ashes




In a universe where the Federation fell to the Borg in 2370, the remaining populace of the Alpha and Beta quadrants struggle to survive against the ever expanding, ever stronger Borg.

But 15 years later a subspace signal is sent to all Starfleet officers-a signal telling them to head back to their ships they hid away and abandoned so long ago and make preparations to fight the Borg.

Now the officers and their families must make a decision; leave the quadrants in the darkness that is Borg rule or fight back and prove resistance isn't futile.


Chapters: 24    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes, Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 49220    Read Count: 65747
[Report This] Published: 26 May 2009 Updated: 23 Dec 2009
Summary: Three weeks after the catastrophic events at the end of Volume I, the crew of the USS Redemption must try and put the pieces back together, and prepare for their mission to the Laurentine Hegemony.

Meanwhile, tensions mount back on Earth as the President drags his heels and his staff attempt to find a solution to avoid the all-out war the Federation can ill afford.

And in the shadows, the mysterious Company watches the aftermath and waits for its chance...
Chapters: 17    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes, Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, General, Other
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death
Series: Star Trek: Restoration
Completed: Yes    Word count: 46706    Read Count: 47902
[Report This] Published: 17 Sep 2009 Updated: 18 Dec 2009
Unfair Game by ProudNerd    Rated: K+      Reviews (4
Summary: Q has another test for the Enterprise crew. This time, they'll have to play baseball against professional teams from Earth's history. If they win a game, they go home and all is fine. If they lose all the games, though, there will be consequences...
Chapters: 3    Table of Contents
Categories: Next Generation
Characters: Ensemble Cast - TNG, Q
Genre: Friendship, General, Humor
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 5717    Read Count: 7275
[Report This] Published: 27 Apr 2009 Updated: 18 Dec 2009
A Very Finite Uniformity by Gojirob    Rated: T      Reviews (0

Vulcan in the Ancient Destroyer Universe has those who have trouble living up to Surak's ideals. Then there is The Order, which refutes these ideals and holds them in a contempt that is most illogical.

Chapters: 2    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes, Original Series, Crossovers
Characters: Sarek
Genre: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: The Ancient Destroyer Cycle : Alpha Signs (Creation to 2255)
Completed: No    Word count: 1739    Read Count: 6357
[Report This] Published: 13 Dec 2009 Updated: 13 Dec 2009
Coral by Gojirob    Rated: K+      Reviews (1

A follow-up to ‘The Doomsday Machine.' Charged with an ugly duty, Captain Kirk writes to a former love about how a memory of beauty made it all right.


Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T.
Genre: General
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 953    Read Count: 1362
[Report This] Published: 11 Dec 2009 Updated: 11 Dec 2009
Mission to Farpoint by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: K      Reviews (4
Summary: A century ago a renegade Romulan altered the timestream of Captain Kirk and his crew. 106 years later the next generation takes the helm of the USS Enterprise to continue the voyages they had begun.
Chapters: 4    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 5861    Read Count: 9072
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 11 Dec 2009
T'Kay Tales by LJC    Rated: K      Reviews (1
Summary: From The Terran Coyote to The Klingon K'Ortar: Tricksters of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants (Revised Expanded 4th Edition).
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes, Original Series
Characters: None
Genre: Other
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1704    Read Count: 1665
[Report This] Published: 07 Dec 2009 Updated: 07 Dec 2009
Spare Parts by Gojirob    Rated: K+      Reviews (0


What If George Romero's Living Dead spotted the Rage-infected from 28 Days Later across an empty room? 


Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Voyager
Characters: None
Genre: Horror
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 322    Read Count: 1334
[Report This] Published: 04 Dec 2009 Updated: 04 Dec 2009
Everywhere The Action's At by Gojirob    Rated: K      Reviews (0

Khan faces down a band of adventurers like no other.

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Crossovers
Characters: None
Genre: Humor
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 598    Read Count: 1732
[Report This] Published: 04 Dec 2009 Updated: 04 Dec 2009
To the Moon by PSGarak    Rated: T    Liked  Reviews (61
Summary: Past Featured StoryEarth is in shambles at the end of a devastating nuclear war, World War III. With the environment poisoned and millions dead, the population gathers in vast, enclosed hubs to recover. Ex-Marines and war veterans Jack Sledge and Cedric Henderson intend not just to survive but thrive in this post-apocalyptic environment, aided by their trusty cargo shuttle, the Molly Magee, and a motley crew of ambitious survivors.

Chapters: 19    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: The Offworlders
Completed: No    Word count: 61237    Read Count: 56669
[Report This] Published: 25 Aug 2009 Updated: 03 Dec 2009
A Game of Stones by PSGarak    Rated: T    Liked  Reviews (18
Summary: Three years after the culmination of his doomed assignment to the Angel System and single-minded recovery, Enabran Tain is poised on the cusp of career advancement with the pending retirement of a noted supervisor. Not all is as it seems, as he is drawn into an ever more dangerous game with a shadowy opponent who is obviously playing for keeps.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine, Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - DS9, Tain, Enabran
Genre: Drama, Family, Mystery
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Tain Rising
Completed: No    Word count: 14352    Read Count: 36859
[Report This] Published: 01 Oct 2009 Updated: 02 Dec 2009
TrekWar by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: T      Reviews (1

While investigating a strange subspace anomaly the USS Enterprise is lost in a galaxy far, far away.

Chapters: 9    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: None
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Violence
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 37411    Read Count: 22196
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 01 Dec 2009
The Long Road Home by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: T    Liked  Reviews (2
Summary: For seven years the Starship Voyager made her way home from the Delta Quadrant. These are their stories:
Chapters: 9    Table of Contents
Categories: Voyager
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 32745    Read Count: 22564
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 01 Dec 2009
Shadows of the Future by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: K      Reviews (0
Summary: Remants from a devastated Federation travel back in time to prepare the past for the hostile future that awaits them.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Crossovers
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Violence
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 11783    Read Count: 17291
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 01 Dec 2009
Mirror's Edge by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: T    Liked  Reviews (1
Summary: On a mission to Halka the USS Enterprise finds itself at the mercy of the remnants of the Terran Empire
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Mirror Universe
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 3571    Read Count: 1542
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 01 Dec 2009
Fear, Honor and Betrayal by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: T      Reviews (0

Two men. Friends for years are pitted against one another when an act of betrayal betrays the galaxy.

Chapters: 9    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 33010    Read Count: 22003
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 01 Dec 2009
Act of Rebellion by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: M      Reviews (0
Summary: The battle of Wolf 359 claimed more than 11,000 lives, and in this alternate reality Benjamin Sisko lost not only his beloved wife, but his son Jake as well. The total loss of his family sent him on a spiral of rage directed at one man: Jean-Luc Picard.
Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 25461    Read Count: 21597
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 01 Dec 2009
Wings of Change by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: T    Liked  Reviews (11
Summary: On patrol along the Cardassian frontier, the USS Enterprise picks up a huge troop withdrawl in the Bajoran system. Upon entering, what they find will shape the future of the quadrant for decades to come.
Chapters: 5    Table of Contents
Categories: Crossovers
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11436    Read Count: 12677
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 01 Dec 2009
Dark Vengeance by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: T      Reviews (0
Summary: A Maquis plot threatens to send the Federation into war!
Chapters: 27    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: None
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 21253    Read Count: 65099
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 01 Dec 2009
Eve of War by Garm Bel Iblis    Rated: K      Reviews (2
Summary: The Dominion has attacked. Starfleet has massed. The Commander in Chief issues a call to arms.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 587    Read Count: 1766
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2009 Updated: 01 Dec 2009
Nicked! by Gojirob    Rated: K+      Reviews (1
Summary: Tom Paris doesn't get mad, he gets even.
Chapters: 2    Table of Contents
Categories: Next Generation, Voyager
Characters: Paris, Tom
Genre: Family
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 2733    Read Count: 6800
[Report This] Published: 30 Nov 2009 Updated: 30 Nov 2009
I Have A Cousin by Gojirob    Rated: T      Reviews (1
Summary: In the aftermath of the events of The Wrath Of Khan, David Marcus questions what Carol did and did not tell him.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: None
Genre: Family
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 695    Read Count: 3606
[Report This] Published: 30 Nov 2009 Updated: 30 Nov 2009
The Ex-Incursion by Gojirob    Rated: K+      Reviews (1
Summary: Ro and Kira are fierce Bajoran patriots in any universe. But even a patriot has know when to hold 'em, and when to fold 'em.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Alternate Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Alternate Universe
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 312    Read Count: 1213
[Report This] Published: 30 Nov 2009 Updated: 30 Nov 2009
A Golden Moment by Gojirob    Rated: T      Reviews (1
Summary: Kirk is forgetful, and Uhura is vengeful
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Uhura, Nyota
Genre: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: The Ancient Destroyer Cycle : Bright Forging (2255 to 2269)
Completed: Yes    Word count: 402    Read Count: 1696
[Report This] Published: 30 Nov 2009 Updated: 30 Nov 2009