Site Info
Members: 435
Series: 162
Stories: 2108
Chapters: 10031
Word count: 21782723
Authors: 172
Reviews: 14340
Reviewers: 159
Newest Member: ChrisQ
Challenges: 4
Challengers: 2

Featured Story
Exits in the Haze by Nerys Ghemor M

A prominent Cardassian rebel has been imprisoned on Bajor by a vedek of the...

Nothing Can Go Wrong by infiniteviking K+
There are good days, there are bad days, and there are days that simply exist...
Random Story
Intervention by kes7 T
It's 2379, and Cadet 3rd-Class John Quigley's Starfleet career is about to end...
Most Recent
Someone To Remember Them By by Hawku K
In the early 25th century, a Klingon named Treth goes on an honor-bound mission...

Since its founding in early 2009, the Ad Astra Star Trek Fanfiction Archive strives to bring you quality fanfics without any of the headaches. Our community of authors offer a welcoming environment to read or contribute, by providing a friendly enclave in which to discuss, publish, and collaborate.

Join our forums or follow us using social media:

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Tumblr -- Discord

Note: Registration for the archive is through the admin panel; fill out the form linked in the top menu! A separate registration is required for our forums.

Site News
June 2023 Review Hunt
Remember, if you aren't aware, there is a Review Hunt going on between the two sites -- old and new -- which means an opportunity to support your fellow creators and also win art and/or cash! You can find the details here!

--SLWalker on 08 Jun 2023 19:47 0 Comments

Ad Astra's New Home
The site's new home is now stable! You can find it here: Ad Astra :: Star Trek Fanfiction Archive. The only two authors whose works are being moved to the new site by archivists are those we know we lost to the other side -- thebluesman and RobertScorpio -- so if you're not one of them, you'll have to do the physical work of moving yourselves over.

This archive will become read-only on September 1st, and the top level domain will point to the new archive. We're not taking this one down, but you won't be able to use it to post or review.

Hope to see you over there.

--SLWalker on 04 Jun 2023 15:58 0 Comments

Ad Astra's new software is now in beta
Ad Astra's new software (otw-archive) is now running in beta. That means, barring any catastrophes, the days for this current eFiction site being interactive are numbered. We plan on keeping this archive forever as a static snapshot in time, but there will come a time in the near future when all posting is going to be disabled.

If you'd like to come poke the new site with a stick, join our Discord! It's not ready for full deployment yet, I'm still fixing a ton of hard coding, but it is functional enough.

Love you all. Love this place, too; time to bring it into the twenty-first century.

--SLWalker on 17 May 2023 01:51 0 Comments