Reviewer: Gumnut Signed
Date: 10 Dec 2011
Title: Chapter 1: Aftermath
Wow, there were some chilling moments in this one. The descriptions of drowning and the little boy and his father were particularly frightening.
You've done a wonderful job of illustrating the relationships of the big three. The caring balanced by the professionalism. A lovely piece of writing.
Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.
(you are seriously drawing me back into ST fandom :) )
Author's Response:
Thanks, Nutty. Like I said, a bit darker than what I usually do, but I've always suspected there's more to McCoy's backstory than just his divorce that contributed to the gruff, curmudgeonly, sometimes cynical personality we have come to know and love.
And at this point in their lives, none of them can get by without a little help from their friends, so it only seemed fitting that Kirk and Spock, each in their own way, could help to pull McCoy through this trying time. ;-)