Penname: PSGarak [Contact]
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Member Since: 02 Aug 2009
Membership status: Member
Bio: I've loved Star Trek most of my life. Growing up, I pretty much lived and breathed the original series. I can remember getting in trouble for sneaking out of bed to watch reruns on late night TV. It was the first TV show that ever made me cry.
Deep Space 9 made me fall in love with Trek all over again, for different reasons. Of all the Trek races, the one that seized my imagination the most was the Cardassians. As is usual for me, I found the ambiguous villains and gray (literally) anti-heroes more compelling than the supposed good guys. It's a theme I'll probably explore in one way or another all my life.
Ambiguity is a comfortable state for me, my natural state: neither black nor white, good nor evil, straight nor gay. I prefer the shades of gray.
Membership status: Member
Bio: I've loved Star Trek most of my life. Growing up, I pretty much lived and breathed the original series. I can remember getting in trouble for sneaking out of bed to watch reruns on late night TV. It was the first TV show that ever made me cry.
Deep Space 9 made me fall in love with Trek all over again, for different reasons. Of all the Trek races, the one that seized my imagination the most was the Cardassians. As is usual for me, I found the ambiguous villains and gray (literally) anti-heroes more compelling than the supposed good guys. It's a theme I'll probably explore in one way or another all my life.
Ambiguity is a comfortable state for me, my natural state: neither black nor white, good nor evil, straight nor gay. I prefer the shades of gray.
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