“You have been brainwashed to believe that the Federation is the single greatest organization in the galaxy, that as one of its citizens you can express yourself more freely, be more productive and happier than any other creature in the known universe. What they have done is blind you to the fact that there is another way to live your life. Another way to find fulfillment then simply to look for ways to better yourself within a framework which by its very design is limiting the achievements of the individual. Of course they don’t want you to know about those other ways. The powers that be want to keep you in your current state, they do not want you to ask questions or long for another existence. Those who hold the power in our society want to remain in power and want to keep you away from it. But more than anything else they want to continue to maintain the status quo and suppress your most basic, your most natural development.
You might not necessarily agree with what I have to say. You might even tell yourself that you are happy just the way you are. You are not hungry or thirsty, you don’t suffer from any incurable ailments, you are not physically oppressed by the authorities and you will sleep in a warm bed tonight. Yes, all this is true. But the true crime, the true injustice, is the one you might not even have realized yet. It is the world that has been pulled in front of your eyes to blind you from the truth.
The Federation is destroying humanity and our alien brothers along with it by imposing on us rules and laws which go against the very core of what it means to be human. It is taking away focus, drive, ambition and yes, true happiness. We humans and most other races have not always been like this. Read any historical text and you find that once we were a culturally rich and diverse people, shaped by many circumstances. We were poor, we were hungry and we fought with each other and we even settled our conflicts through wars. But we were also rich and fulfilled and made peace. In short our lives had purpose.
Many of our brothers decided to follow this dream by leaving Earth and the Federation. Some succeeded, many others failed. But we should not have to run away from who we truly are. We must return to our true ways. All of us. Let those who do not wish to embrace their humanity leave our home.”
Roaring applause echoed through the lecture hall.
Michael Gary Grayson had captured the minds and hearts of the one-hundred plus people sitting in the audience, winning them over like he had done countless times before with his charm and flawless oratory style.
The light levels rose and the handsome dark haired man of thirty-five smiled at his audience with utter confidence. People had always flocked to him and it wasn’t always just because of his message. His boyish good looks and sparkling brown eyes worked like magnets, often swaying even the most stubborn of skeptics.
“This is why I have founded the Grayson Institute. Here as well as at many other locations throughout the Federation you can learn about the future I propose. About a new way for humanity and the entire galaxy. You will be able to learn firsthand of how I envision a new order that will make us not only the most powerful empire in the known galaxy which no longer has to fear foreign invaders but will make you the most fulfilled generation in the history of this planet. I will now take a few questions.”
A spotlight quickly picked up the first person.
“Will you be running for elected office in order to further your agenda?”
“No,” Grayson replied. “I have no plans to run for any kind of office. In fact I believe that entering political office makes individuals much more likely to be corrupted by the system. Instead we will change the system from the outside and force those in power to give in to our demands.”
“Mister Grayson,” a young woman began. “Some label you an anarchist with no interests beyond disrupting public order. How do you answer to those allegations?”
“An excellent question,” the speaker replied with a beaming smile and stepped away from his podium. “First of all, those who call me an anarchist have neither taken the interest nor the time to understand my vision. I am the exact opposite of an anarchist. I propose stringent laws to guide our society, more stringent even than those we suffer under now. The difference is that they are nothing like the laws the Council or the President would feel comfortable with. It’s easy to label me an anarchist if I disagree with your entire political construct. For that is all it is. A weak and unstable construct, ready to be torn down.”
There were cheers again.
“What do you say to those who claim connections between you and organized crime, specifically in this city, and who see you as a producer and distributor of illegal substances?”
Grayson lost his composure for less than a second. Most in the audience never noticed. His smile hardly ever faltered at all. “You have to understand,” he began slowly, looking directly at the man who had posed the question, “that these people are afraid of me. Very afraid. I … we all are a great threat to their continued existence, serving an outdated system. It is no surprise then that they try to find a way, any way to get rid of me, even if that means to circulate rumors and lies.”
“Are you saying that you have nothing to do with the stims trade?” the insistent man asked.
A few mumbles rose from the crowd.
Grayson looked at his audience. “Some people have called me a thinker, a philosopher, a revolutionist even. But I am no criminal. Stims are illegal and I will not now nor ever condone their use.”
Before another question could be raised, Grayson quickly spoke again. “I think a short recess is in order. I have shared much with you today and I’m sure you will need some time to reflect on what you have heard.”
Grayson bowed before his audience which didn’t hesitate to give him a loud standing ovation. Not everyone did. The dark-haired lecturer turned and walked off the stage.
< Find out who asked that last question and get him out of here. Those questions were supposed to be screened. >
His smile was gone. Somebody would pay for this oversight.