“I wish to re-assure the good citizens of the Federation that the Nyuchiban Confederacy is appalled and disgusted by these heinous acts perpetrated by this so-called Freedom for Nyuchiba Society.”
Ambassador Fujiwara paused for a moment, looking for all intends and purposes like a man who had meant every word he had said by showing the appropriate amount of outrage and indignation. For a moment he let his gaze wander across the room, filled with two dozen or more representatives from various Federation press agencies and a few more from foreign outlets, all of which recording every image and every word, streaming them live to billions of people all over the galaxy.
“Regretfully we have been aware of this terrorists organization for some time and knew that they have been active mostly within areas of the outer fringes of the Confederacy. They do not enjoy support from the vast majority of nikkeijin who are firm believes, as am I and my government, in peaceful relations with our Federation neighbors. We are humans with a strong and shared history with the people of this world. And while we have chosen a different path for ourselves many generations ago, we will never forget and always treasure our roots which are firmly planted here on Earth. We see the people of Earth as our brethren and I genuinely hope that they see us in a similar manner.
A small minority of people in Nyuchiba have been misguided and deluded by hateful and narrow-minded factions who would like to see the Confederacy turn away from not just our dear brothers and sisters on Earth but from all the Federation and foreign influences. These people do not understand that our cherished world, our very way of life, would never have been possible without our strong bond with Earth and the Federation.
In fact it would be safe to state that the Federation and the Confederacy depend on each other for the continuous well-being of both our peoples. We share the same resources and enjoy the fruits of our joint labors. We are, very much an interconnected people. As one of our societies prospers, so does the other. If one suffers, so does the other.”
The ambassador chose that moment to pause again, letting his words sink in to the many reporters and by extension the great many people watching his speech. He wanted their entire attention before he would shift to his next and most important message, one he needed every Federation citizen to understand and support. Much more than his political career would be on the line if he failed in that vital task.
“It is with great sadness that I stand here today to talk to you. I am saddened because my society suffers. As you well know, and now have painfully been reminded only recently due to the cowardly attacks by the terrorists in San Francisco, Nyuchiba is at war with those few but destructive elements in our society who wish to isolate us from the rest of the galaxy and thereby bring suffering not just on ourselves but on the Federation as well.
I speak of course of the insurgency on Asuka III which has since gripped the entire planet in a wave of senseless violence and murder. Even as I speak, hundreds are being killed by powerful families whose only interest is to reaffirm their unjust and brutal rule. And for those who believe that this war is merely limited to a far flung colony world, let me assure you that the wave of violence is spreading further each day. Most of the Asuka system has become a battlefield and disastrous attacks on the Nyuchiba City Sprawl are becoming a daily occurrence. And as we have learned today, even Earth, the heart of the Federation is now a target of these relentless terrorists and warmongers.”
Another pause. Fujiwara quickly found the correspondence from the Federation News Service, knowing that the single largest press agency within the Federation would also command the single biggest viewership and then looked right into their camera.
“I ask you, the good citizens of the Federation to aid us, in any form you see fit, to take on these warmongers and together to send them the unmistakable message that we will not accept their reign of murder and terror. That we will not sit by quietly while they try to destroy the unbreakable bond that we have shared for centuries. I ask you to help your brothers and sisters just like the Confederacy came to your help during the Great War to fight the Dominion. When we shed blood together to drive the invaders back into the Gamma Quadrant. Let us now come together once more to drive our enemies back under whatever rock they crawled out of. Now, just like during the War, the destines of the Federation and the Confederacy are intertwined. Let us make our stand against fear and hate as one, united people.”
“The gods-damned opportunistic little bastard.”
Both the President and Speaker Jarni shot Trelu-Chi Sill surprising looks, not having expected such an outburst from the usually mild-mannered Bolian counsel.
The three men had only just finished watching the live feed of Ambassador Fujiwara press conference form the Nyuchbian embassy just a few blocks down the road from the presidential office at the Palais de la Concorde. It was supposed to be an official reaction from the Nyuchiban government to the hostage crisis in San Francisco but all three men had suspected something more when the Office of the President, the Federation Council and pretty much every news agency in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants had been given short advanced notice of the speech. The fact that Fujiwara had been up to more than simply condemn the actions of his kinsmen on Earth had been more than evident when he had appeared with both the Federation flag and his own people’s emblem positioned right behind him.
“I apologize for my outburst, Mister President,” said Sill but was unable to remain sitting in his chair. He quickly turned off the screen as if unable to bear seeing the ambassador’s face anymore and then turned towards his boss. “He practically just single-handedly invoked the FWA provisions and without so much as giving us proper notice or for that matter consulting with us first.”
The white bearded Efrosian gave the Bolian and blank look. “Surely he can’t just do that in a press conference. There are certain protocols to follow.”
“Well, Mister Speaker, the man just tossed the protocols right out of the window. He’s practically addressed the entire Federation on a live feed. And those few million who didn’t catch it now will undoubtedly do so when the FNS will rerun the footage for the rest of the week.”
The speaker of the Federation Council shook his head. “It does not matter how many people have seen this. His government has made no formal request to enact those provisions and we have certainly not agreed in any way or form to consider them.”
Sill took a moment to compose himself before he faced Speaker Jarni again. “Don’t you see, sir, they don’t have to. By now billions of people will have realized that he is absolutely correct about the FWA. Sure, most will never have heard about it but it’s not exactly a secret. All they have to do is spend two minutes on FedNet to learn that we asked thousands of mercenaries to fight the Dominion during the War in return for money, resources and political favors. And guess what we promised the Nyuchibans? Do you really think that after today the masses won’t scream for us to hold up our end of the bargain?”
“The majority isn’t always right,” said Jarni.
“Certainly not. Unfortunately for us, that’s how a democracy works. By the time you get back into the council chambers you will have to deal with dozens of councilors with pressure from their constituents driving them to ask for a special session on these matters. Before long there’ll be a vote and if we’ll try to block it we’ll look like we don’t want to get our hands dirty fighting terrorists which have already struck on our own soil.”
“What are our options?” said the President in his deliberate speech pattern.
The Bolian let himself fall back in his chair, seemingly deflated. “I don’t think we have much of choice at this point, Mister President. Naturally we’ll have to see how public opinion plays out after this. But unless Tessier can pull off a miracle in San Francisco and end the hostage crisis quickly and without further losses of life, Starfleet military action on Asuka III may be unavoidable.”