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020 “ “We Need Guns. Lots of Guns.”

“As some of you have undoubtedly noticed, MSD’s standard issue weapon, the Fletcher 88 Enforcer is rather ineffective against heavily cybernized targets.”

“Try useless,” said Tank and was quickly seconded by Gavin.

Bobbie Case nodded. “That’s because cybernetic bodies can be configured to absorb a great amount of the energy discharged by conventional beam weapons.”

“So what do we use against them?” Slade asked Sly Martinez who had asked all the members of the team to assemble in the training room, a large holo-suit located at the very center of the building. It’s walls were painted in dull green tones but otherwise the large space was almost entirely empty.

Silvestre Martinez, the Mexican born weapons and equipment expert had a small twinkle in his eyes. “Well, androids and cybernetically enhanced persons are still relatively new on Earth, however in other parts of the galaxy they have been much more common for almost a hundred years or so. On Nyuchiba for example one of out every three persons has been cybernized.”

“Nyuchiba? Isn’t that where you’re from?” asked Gavin and looked at Mech who stood a few feet apart from the rest of the team, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed in front of her.

Her only response was a short nod.

“And so is the chief,” said Sly. “He’s used some of his contacts to get us some new equipment,” he added and turned to a table that stood behind him. He picked up a silver and black, pistol shaped weapon. It looked heavier and more imposing than the Enforcer. “This is a Seburo Super Seven Highpower. Like the LT’s weapon it fires duranium laced bullets which are certain to penetrate any cybernetic body.”

Case stepped forward and Sly handed her the weapon.

“Bobbie here has volunteered to demonstrate.”

“No offense,” said Tank, “but are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean she’s a cybernetics expert and not ““ he stopped himself when he caught the fiery look in the young woman’s eyes.

“Just so you know,” she said and turned away, “I’ve undergone Starfleet certified advanced weapons training. I think I can handle this.”

Tank shrugged.

Sly’s lips cracked for a small smile. “Computer, load target practice one.”

A faceless humanoid shaped drone appeared out of thin air just about ten meters from Bobbie Case and the rest of the team.

“Now the first thing you need to know about these weapons is that they all possess a full man-machine interface,” explained Sly.

“What exactly does that mean?” asked Gavin, not sounding too enthused.


A holographic imagine appeared a few feet above Case’s head. It was an exact reproduction of Bobbie’s field of vision. When the blonde woman took the Super Seven into both hands and aimed at the drone a yellow head-up display appeared super-imposed over her vision. It featured a target rectangle focused on the head of the lifeless drone, displaying some basic target information, including range and speed.

The lower right corner of the screen showed information about the weapon such as the remaining ammunition.

“This image will be superimposed over your vision by your enhancers every time you draw your weapon,” said Sly and upon noticing Gavin’s frown he added. “It’s optional and you can tell your enhancer not to. But having this up will give you greater accuracy when using your weapon not to mention information on your target and weapon. Trust me after you’ve gotten used to it you will not want to shoot without it. Bobbie, please proceed.”

She gave him a curt nod and then focused in on her target again. On the image above her, the target rectangle flashed red. She slightly squeezed the trigger and the gun fired.

The three bullets perforated the drone’s head easily.

Tank and the other team members showed obvious surprise at her accuracy. She responded with a beaming smile. “And I don’t need my enhancer to do that,” she said.

“The magazine holds 25 bullets,” said Sly. “It can fire up to five rounds a seconds in full automatic mode. It’s effective range is about 500 meters, it has almost no recoil at all and is the most accurate projectile handheld firearm ever built.”

“That all sounds very fascinating,” said Gavin. “But what if we have to stop somebody who isn’t cybernized? With something like this we’re going to blow their flesh and blood bodies apart.”

“Excellent question,” said Sly. “Bobbie?”

She nodded. “Computer, target program 2b.”

The demolished drone disappeared to be replaced by a very similar figure which looked like an animated mannequin, covered from head to toe in pink skin.

Bobbie took aim again “ the rectangle now a green color “ and this time the weapon fired a crimson bolt of energy. The mannequin was hit square in the chest and immediately collapsed.

“The Super Seven also has a stun setting. It will work on most humanoids and is similar in strength to setting two on a standard phaser. The power cell in the magazine will allow for up to 75 stun blasts. If your target doesn’t fall right away just keep firing. Even a Klingon should succumb after being hit repeatedly.”

“Not bad,” said Slade.

But Sly wasn’t done yet. “Now, let’s move on to the heavy equipment,” he said, the twinkle in his eyes even brighter now. He picked up a rifle roughly two feet long and very compactly designed. It featured a very short and small barrel at the font and a smooth, black exterior.

Bobbie took it eagerly. In her hands it looked a whole lot less compact.

Tank was about to speak up again but a quick elbow shove by Gavin made him reconsider.

“The Seburo TJ-7 is our new heavy duty, all-purpose assault weapon. If you are a weapons aficionado you might recognize the design. It is based on the P90 submachine gun popular in the 21st century on Earth. But the design is about the only thing it has in common with that relic.”

Bobbie held up the weapon for everyone to get a good look at it. The heads-up display above her changed to show the new weapon being wielded.

“This is the first ever projectile weapon designed with a high-speed replicator which can produce up to 30 duranium laced bullets per second. It can fire up to 15 of those per second,” said Sly.

“Computer, run target program 3a.”

No sooner had Boobie given the order, a dozen of metallic drones appeared.

She took aim at the first by using the laser sight and fired a short burst. The drone was demolished in seconds. She moved to the next one to deliver the same destructive force. With apparent glee she mowed down one target after the other.

“The preferred firing option is the burst mode. It can also fire single shots or full automatic. The power cell can produce up to 300 rounds before it is exhausted. Bobbie, show’em our favorite mode.”

She nodded keenly, inputted a command into the small access panel imbedded in the weapon’s chassis and took aim at one of the few remaining targets. The barrel slowly rotated and increased the caliber.

Bobbie squeezed the trigger and what appeared to be a missile shot out of the rifle. An ear shattering explosion tore the drone apart.

Half the team members jumped or ducked, being taken completely by surprise by the noise and destruction. Mech hardly even flinched.

A few upset glances were shot towards Sly.

He ignored them. “That’s the 23 caliber grenade launcher. The TJ-7 can fire up to ten of those. But I suggest to use them sparingly as they seriously drain the power cell.”

“Yeah, I think they would,” said Gavin, still trying to get the ringing out of his ears.

“Does this monster come with a stun setting too?” asked Slade, the up until recent team-leader.

Sly nodded. “Of course,” he said and indicated towards Bobbie.

She ordered another mannequin, changed the settings once more, causing the barrel to rotate to a much smaller caliber again and took aim.

She pressed the trigger but nothing happened.

The display flickered a few times then disappeared only to completely reboot, showing the text: Thank you for choosing Seburo Firearms, Nyuchiba’s weapon of choice.

Bobbie quickly checked her settings. “Hang on,” she said and then tried again. A thin crimson colored beam shot out but then abruptly discontinued. The mannequin hardly even moved on impact.

System error #4323-47-B. Please consult your operation manual or contact a Seburo technical advisor.

“That’s going to be real useful,” said Tank.

“I don’t understand, the settings are right,” said Bobbie and checked her weapon again. Sly joined her but didn’t seem to be able to find anything wrong either. “I should point out that these weapons are still prototypes, so they might have a few bugs. Hopefully we’ll be able to iron them out over time.”

“Hold on, your saying we’re going to go out there with prototypes?” asked Gavin, sounding very concerned now. “What if those things blow up in our hands?”

Sly smirked. “Not to worry, we’ve got a full five year warranty on all equipment.”

“I’m worried about my hands, not the damned weapons.”

Tank clasped him on the back. “Maybe it’s time to get some cybernetic ones then,” he said with a smile and grasped air with his own huge hands.

“No thanks, I’m kind of attached to the ones I’ve got.”

“Listen, they’re not going to blow up on you. But for the time being I suggest you use the Super Seven if you want to stun somebody. And please be careful with these. We only have a very limited supply and we’re practically the only ones who use them. Neither Starfleet nor the UEDA have access to these.”

“I feel better already,” mumbled Gavin.

Sly began to hand out the weapons. Mech refused the Super Seven. “I’ll stick to my Glock.”

Sly gave her a puzzled look.

“It’s a sentimental thing,” Tank was quick to explain.

“Alright people, make sure you get your gear. I don’t want you to start shooting at anything or anyone until you’ve familiarized yourselves with your weapons. The last thing we need is somebody taking off somebody else’s head by mistake. Everybody is to take at least ten hours training with the new weapons every week. We’ll start right now,” said Slade but then stopped himself before continuing. He wasn’t team leader any more. Slade looked at Mech.

She nodded to him. “Couldn’t have put it better myself.”

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