Summary: Unofficial Literary Challenge 10: In the early 25th century, Captain Andrea Reynolds of the U.S.S. Hijinx is invited to speak at Starfleet Academy, but finds she is an unwitting agent in a Bluegill sting operation.
Rated: T
Categories: Expanded Universes Characters: None
Genre: General, Humor
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek: Phoenix-X, STO Phoenix Compendium
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1069 Read: 51
Published: 03 Feb 2023 Updated: 03 Feb 2023
Story Notes:
This was written in April 2015 as part of the Star Trek Online Forums Unofficial Literary Challenge #10.
Unofficial Literary Challenge #10: Prompt #2: You’ve been rotated off the front lines to spend a tour back home as an instructor at your service academy, or perhaps to give a guest lecture at the Academy or at a civilian university that hosts an ROTC battalion or two.
What’s your subject matter? How does the next class of cadets, mangHompu’, or eredhin react to being taught by an officer with your service record? How do you respond to their questions? Is there something nefarious going on at Starfleet Academy, Klingon Academy, or the newly opened Phi’lasasam on New Romulus?
Unofficial Literary Challenge #10: Prompt #2: You’ve been rotated off the front lines to spend a tour back home as an instructor at your service academy, or perhaps to give a guest lecture at the Academy or at a civilian university that hosts an ROTC battalion or two.
What’s your subject matter? How does the next class of cadets, mangHompu’, or eredhin react to being taught by an officer with your service record? How do you respond to their questions? Is there something nefarious going on at Starfleet Academy, Klingon Academy, or the newly opened Phi’lasasam on New Romulus?
1. Teaching the Next Generation by Hawku [Reviews - 0] (1069 words)