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Summary: Literary Challenge 64: In the early 25th century, after installing a new scanning system at Deep Space 9, the U.S.S. Phoenix-X triggers a phenomenon that sends it into an alternate universe.
Rated: T
Categories: Expanded Universes Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Humor
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek: Phoenix-X, STO Phoenix Compendium
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1546 Read: 71
Published: 21 Jan 2022 Updated: 28 Jan 2022
Story Notes:
This was written in May 2014 as part of the Star Trek Online Forums Literary Challenge #64.

Literary Challenge #64, Prompt #1: Your Captain and Crew have been on assignment near the Bajoran Wormhole for the last several weeks testing new scanning equipment placed in your Deflector Dish by the engineering crew at DS9. This new technology was designed by the joint efforts of the Federation Science Counsel, the Bajoran Center for Science, and the Cardassian Union Science Ministry.

While scanning the wormhole, an EPS conduit explodes in your Deflector Control room. A massive power surge bursts from your Deflector Dish, causing the wormhole to fluctiate and envelop your ship. After a bright flash of energy, your instruments indicate that your ship has emerged into a section of space that is completely unrecognizable. But this is no ordinary "space." It appears to be unlike anything you have ever encountered before...

1. The New Frontier by Hawku [Reviews - 0] (1546 words)