Summary: Alternate title: Six Times Spock Indulged in an Illogical Human Pastime and One Time the Humans Returned the Favour
Spock spends some quality time with his human crewmates.
Rated: K+
Categories: Original Series Characters: Chekov, Pavel,
Kirk, James T.,
McCoy, Leonard (Bones),
Scott, Montgomery (Scotty),
Sulu, Hikaru,
Uhura, Nyota
Genre: Friendship,
GeneralWarnings: None
Challenges: TToT15 - FICLET FLASHDANCE Series: None
Chapters: 7
Completed: Yes
Word count: 3485
Read: 12103
Published: 17 May 2015
Updated: 24 May 2015
Story Notes:
Seven (eventually) ficlets which can be read separately or under the umbrella of a 6+1 series (yes, I know it's usually 5+1, but it's a 7 fic challenge).
This is my first foray back into fic writing after an approximately 10 year hiatus. *gulp*
1. Scotty by Zilley [Reviews - 7] (500 words)
2. Uhura by Zilley [Reviews - 5] (501 words)
3. McCoy by Zilley [Reviews - 5] (495 words)
4. Chekov by Zilley [Reviews - 5] (491 words)
So, I don't speak Russian at all. I relied on Google. If any of these words are wrong, let me know!
--Edit: Actually, the Russian words aren't even showing up... but the English words are there, so the story should still work.
--Edit 2: A compromise. I made images of the Russian words. It makes the formatting look a little... off, but it's the best I can do.
5. Sulu by Zilley [Reviews - 4] (499 words)
6. Kirk by Zilley [Reviews - 5] (501 words)
7. Spock by Zilley [Reviews - 4] (498 words)