[Reviews - 5] Printer


It’s your new favourite chat show, starring the most talkative man in the galaxy.  


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I owe thanks to Matthew Rushing of TrekFM, aka TrekBBS.com member EnterpriseRules, who had the original idea of Morn hosting his own chat show.

Rated: K
Categories: Expanded Universes, Deep Space Nine Characters: Bashir, Julian, Ensemble Cast - DS9, Ensemble Cast - Multiple, Quark, Vaughn, Elias
Genre: Humor
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: DS9 Season 11 - 'The Crucible'
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 9411 Read: 10353
Published: 09 May 2015 Updated: 04 Jun 2015

1. Teaser by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 1] (1073 words)

2. Act One by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 0] (1328 words)

3. Act Two by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 1] (1845 words)

4. Act Three by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 1] (1729 words)

5. Act Four by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 1] (1815 words)

6. Act Five by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 1] (1621 words)