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Sisko’s friend Prylar Eivos dies, leading to problems between him and Kasidy. 


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NOTE: This story dramatises events first described in the licensed Star Trek novel Rough Beasts of Empire, written by David R George III.


I also owe thanks to TrekBBS.com member DerangedNasat for his work on translating the Bajoran language, some of which I used in this story.

Rated: K
Categories: Expanded Universes, Deep Space Nine Characters: Ensemble Cast - DS9, Ensemble Cast - Multiple, Sisko, Benjamin
Genre: Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: DS9 Season 11 - 'The Crucible'
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 8479 Read: 10636
Published: 02 May 2015 Updated: 02 May 2015

1. Teaser by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 0] (595 words)

2. Act One by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 0] (1772 words)

3. Act Two by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 0] (1611 words)

4. Act Three by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 0] (1753 words)

5. Act Four by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 0] (1778 words)

6. Act Five by lvsxy808 [Reviews - 0] (970 words)