[Reviews - 6] LikedPrinter
Summary: (2234) - Sometimes he moved wrong and then he existed in nothing more than tortured breaths that just made it hurt even worse, and in those moments he was eternally suffocating, fighting to breathe, fighting not to breathe, until the blackness wasn't just something encroaching on his vision, it was everything.
Rated: K+
Categories: Original Series Characters: Scott, Montgomery (Scotty)
Genre: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Arc of the Wolf: Distant Horizons, Arc of the Wolf
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 583 Read: 1647
Published: 17 Feb 2009 Updated: 17 Feb 2009

1. Chapter 1 by SLWalker [Reviews - 6] Liked (583 words)