Summary: Their lives seemed perfect – or, at least, close enough. They were happy, and together.
And then they were forced to do things that they didn’t want to do – and then discovered that they did want to do them.
How could they go back, and save what they had?
Or would it be better to do something radically different?
How could they pick up the pieces and stay together after having done that?
Rated: M
Categories: Expanded Universes,
Enterprise Characters: Beckett, Doug Hayes,
Ensemble Cast - ENT,
O'Day, Lili
Genre: Het,
RomanceWarnings: Adult Situations,
Graphic Het
Challenges: None
Series: In Between Days
Chapters: 32
Completed: Yes
Word count: 69094
Read: 97042
Published: 23 Sep 2011
Updated: 24 Oct 2011
Story Notes:
This story has numerous musical themes - one for about 2/3 of the chapters. Of course you do not need to listen to the music, although I hope you will, at least a little, as a soundtrack. The story is a direct sequel to Reversal and is a sequel to Intolerance as well.
1. Chapter 1 by jespah [Reviews - 1] (1409 words)
Joss's theme - Emilie-Claire Barlow - O Pato
2. Chapter 2 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2452 words)
Lili's theme - Crowded House - Something So Strong
3. Chapter 3 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2720 words)
Doug and Lili's theme - John Legend - Ordinary People
4. Chapter 4 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1370 words)
Doug's theme - Snow Patrol - Shut Your Eyes
5. Chapter 5 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1891 words)
Melissa and Norri (Leonora)'s theme - kd lang - Constant Craving
6. Chapter 6 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2391 words)
7. Chapter 7 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1640 words)
8. Chapter 8 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1183 words)
Tripp's theme - Matthew Sweet - Sick of Myself
9. Chapter 9 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2411 words)
Deb's theme - The Divinyls - I Touch Myself
10. Chapter 10 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2546 words)
Hoshi's theme - Bette Midler - Do You Wanna Dance?
11. Chapter 11 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1998 words)
Malcolm's theme - The Style Council - Wanted
12. Chapter 12 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2171 words)
Melissa's theme - Allman Brothers - Sweet Melissa
13. Chapter 13 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1882 words)
Brian and Yimar's theme - Michael Jackson - PYT
14. Chapter 14 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1791 words)
Travis's theme - Marvin Gaye - Stubborn Kind of Fellow
15. Chapter 15 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2464 words)
Jennifer's theme - The Cult - Fire Woman
16. Chapter 16 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2171 words)
Jonathan's theme - Jefferson Airplane - Somebody to Love
17. Chapter 17 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2282 words)
Deb and Jonathan's theme - The Cardigans - Lovefool
18. Chapter 18 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (945 words)
Doug and Melissa's theme - The Cure - Let's Go to Bed
19. Chapter 19 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2071 words)
Jennifer and Travis's theme - Duran Duran - Rio
20. Chapter 20 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1392 words)
Hoshi and Tripp's theme - Joe Jackson - Kinda Kute
21. Chapter 21 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1599 words)
Jennifer and Frank's theme - Maroon 5 - This Love
22. Chapter 22 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1851 words)
23. Chapter 23 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1993 words)
24. Chapter 24 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2045 words)
25. Chapter 25 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1586 words)
26. Chapter 26 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2584 words)
27. Chapter 27 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (3986 words)
Malcolm and Pamela's theme - Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
28. Chapter 28 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (3727 words)
Lili and Doug's theme (middle) - Joe Jackson - Breaking Us in Two
29. Chapter 29 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1932 words)
30. Chapter 30 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (3783 words)
Jennifer and Frank's wedding song - Dusty Springfield - I Only Wanna Be With You
31. Chapter 31 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (3752 words)
Malcolm and Lili's theme - A Flock of Seagulls - Wishing (If I Had a Photograph of You)
32. Chapter 32 by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1076 words)
Malcolm, Lili, Doug, Melissa and Norri's theme - The Cure - Love Song