Summary: Response to the Crimes Challenge. Set in a retro future of New Kansas City, ex Starfleet Officer turned Private Detective Merrick Dylan takes a case full of interstellar intrigue and mystery.
Categories: Original Series, Alternate Original Series, Crossovers Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Humor
Warnings: Adult Situations
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes
Word count: 12863 Read: 132791
Published: 15 Aug 2012 Updated: 17 Jun 2013
Story Notes:
A fun romp that pays tribute to Trek, pulp mags, and film noir.
1. Act One by the bluesman
2. Act 2 by the bluesman
3. Act 3 by the bluesman
4. Act 4 by the bluesman
5. Act 5 by the bluesman
6. Act 6 by the bluesman
7. Act 7 by the bluesman
8. Act 8 by the bluesman
9. Act 9 by the bluesman
10. Epilpgue by the bluesman
From the Files of Merrick Dylan: Space Detective
Tonight’s Episode: The Case of the Black Shoe
Act One
It was one of those nights, you know the kind…real dark. It had just rained and the streets were wet, just like they always are in the old detective stories. I just came from a meeting with inspector Pat O’Shannigan of the New Kansas City police. He was good for throwing me a bone or two. Things were slow and I needed the work.
I wasn’t too drunk so I decided to stop by the office to check my messages.
It was late when I got to the Jefferies Building and my small third floor office. The lights were on and the door was ajar. I pulled my phaser expecting trouble. I liked this new heater, but kinda miss my old Colt .45 that shot real bullets. But this was the future and the price of progress.
I slowly stepped inside my office. There was a broad sitting in my chair with her legs stretched out on my desk. She was a good lookin dame, even in this black and white film noir situation I found myself in. Yet I was drawn back to her legs. She had the kind of legs that made me want to shinny up one of them like a native boy gathering coconuts.
Who ever she was, she was no threat. I holstered the phaser and replaced it with a cigarette. I lit it, took a puff and blew smoke into the air because the place needed more atmosphere.
–Good evening, Mister Dylan,†said this mystery woman.
–Good evening,†I replied.
–Your landlord let me in. He said I could wait for you here. You’re three months behind on your rent by the way.†In addition to her nice gams, she had a lovely voice.
–I am out of scotch too.â€
The girl smiled. She opened a drawer from my desk and produced a brand new bottle of scotch. She poured two glasses. Even though I had just been drinking with O’Shannigan, I couldn’t turn down a drink from Leggy McLeggerson there. She raised a glass and took a drink.
–So what can I do for you Miss-,†I asked.
–West. Veronica West,†she replied. –I need your help, Mister Dylan.â€
–How do you know my name,†I asked her.
–It says –Merrick Dylan: Space Detective†on your door."
Pretty and smart. I like that in a dame. Miss West took her legs off my desk, poured another a couple of drinks and lit herself a cigarette. She was sitting there all gorgeous and all behind my desk, puffing on her cig and drinking scotch like she owned the joint. I kinda liked that too.
–All right Miss West, what can I do for you,†I asked.
–It’s Veronica,†she answered with a smile. –Mister Dylan, I need your help. There are some Klingons out there that are trying to kill me.â€
If I had a Orion nickel for every time I heard that one I’d be a wealthy man. I took a drink and shook my head. Miss West found that amusing and raised and eyebrow.
–Why don’t you go to the police?†Drinks were refilled.
–The police can’t help me, Mister Dylan. But you can. Will you take my case?â€
–It’s five hundred a day, plus expenses, plus any unnecessary overcharges.â€
–I’ve paid your back rent and your rent on the office for the next three months. Will that get us started?â€
–It will. So tell me who is trying to kill you.â€
–Why don’t we get out of here and we can discuss it over dinner.â€
I am a sucker for a gal with legs, smarts, and class. This gal had all that and more. I helped her with her coat. It was late, but I am a card carrying member of the Sleepless Nights . I locked up the office and escorted Miss West to my car.
From the Files of Merrick Dylan: Space Detective
Tonight’s Episode: The Case of the Black Shoe
Act 2
We went to an all night Chinese and blues joint not to far from my office. Miss Missy had some of the best Chinese food and live blues music in the New Kansas City metro area. Missy’s was the kind of place where bluesmen, private dicks and aspiring crime novelists hung out. The music was good and the food was better.
Miss West made small talk as we ate. As we talked we got to know each other just a little, but she was now a client and I needed to keep things professional.
–Tell me about who is trying to kill you, Miss West.†I said as I opened another bottle of beer.
–It’s complicated,†she replied. –But I will explain as best I can. You see, Mister Dylan, my father is Professor James Magnus West. He is working closely with Dr. Carol Marcus and some key people at the Daystrom Institute on an incredible new technology program called Genesis.
Genesis in theory will allow the Federation to launch a probe into a small moon, and turn it into a vibrant thriving planet fit for colonization or other purposes. Genesis is terra-forming, but on a much bigger scale.â€
–Sounds interesting, where do you fit in to all this,†I asked as I opened another beer.
–I work for my father as a research assistant. My father came up with the formula to make Dr Marcus’ device talk with the software that Daystrom is developing to make the whole concept work. Without the formula, the project is just a grand idea. We are also working with the Starfleet Corps of Engineers to find suitable test locations. Starfleet is also providing security for us.â€
–If Starfleet is your security, why do you need me?â€
–Because, Mister Dylan,†Miss West offered. –Some one on our team went rogue, leaked some key elements of the project to some very bad people, and some of our team members have been killed. I’ve noticed Klingons shadowing me lately and I have a gut feeling they are going to try something to use me to get to my father.â€
–There are others interested in this technology and may have other ideas in mind for it?â€
–That’s right. While the concept is to use Genesis to create life from lifelessness, if the device was targeted on a planet where life currently exists, it would be destroyed in favor of the new development. Imagine the Klingons using Genesis to make planets for bases and resources to build fleets of ship. Genesis has that kind of power too, if misused.â€
–How far along is this gig?â€
–We have a long way to go, we are running full simulations with great results, but Starfleet R&D has found us a little hunk of rock in deep space we can try Genesis on. We are about a year out from that first test.â€
–And you want me to keep the Klingons off your back until you can get the formula to your father.â€
–How did you know I was transporting it?â€
–I am a detective, Miss West. Ten years on the streets in this town and you start to figure stuff out.â€
Miss Missy came by to collect our plates and the check. She was tall, thin and attractive with exotic Asian feature that would want to make your preacher kick out a stained glassed window. Missy was also an excellent chef. I pulled my thin wallet out of my jacket pocket to pay Missy for the food and the beers. She took my hand and gently pushed it away.
–You keep your money, Rick,†Missy told me. –It’s on me tonight. How was everything?â€
–Excellent as always, Miss Missy.â€
Miss Missy smiled as she took our dishes and went about her business. I finished my beer and enjoyed Miss West’s company a few more minutes. I tried to think about how I was going to help the lovely Miss West though her situation.
–Thank you for dinner,†said Miss West. –Would you mind driving me back to my apartment? I took the bus to your office.â€
A twenty minute drive across town and we were there. Miss West’s bungalow was cute, and fit her well. As we pulling up, we noticed some unusual activity. Miss West pointed out a car in front of her bungalow that she had not seen before. Lights were on and we could see movement inside. It all added up to one thing…trouble.
I advised Miss West that we should wait it out. No sense in going in there and risk both of getting beat to a pulp, or worse. The uninvited guests did not stay long. About five minutes later, three figures ran out of the house and into the waiting car. They drive off into the in a quite a hurry.
I pulled my car up closer to Miss West’s residence. I told her to wait for me until I could make sure her house was safe and there were no remaining threats. A quick walk though of the small house and it was secure. I motioned for Miss west to join me.
When Miss West came inside, her house had been gone over pretty good. Things were broken, pictures were smashed, clothes, drawers and papers where everywhere. It looked as if a small tornado had entered Miss West’s house. Miss West stood there looking at the wreck. She shook her head in disbelief, but had an idea this kind of thing was going to happen.
–I know this looks bad, Miss West,†I said. –But the thing is we now have some evidence.â€
–Now what do we do,†she asked.
–I am going to go to work. I could use a hot cup of Joe, if you don’t mind.â€
–Sure. I could too. I will go put some on. Should I call this in? It was a break in after all.â€
–Not just yet, darling. I need to look the scene over carefully before the cops get here and contaminate the evidence.â€
Miss West smiled as she left room. Having her make coffee would give her something to do and keep her occupied. While Miss West was getting coffee, I started photographing the scene and looking for clues. I didn’t find much so I took my search outside. I didn’t find much out there either. Returning inside there was the aroma of fresh coffee and cinnamon.
–Coffee is ready, Mister Dylan,†said Miss West from the kitchen. –I have it out to you in a minute.â€
There may have been something I missed. Carefully looking around the small foyer, there it was. A boot print mashed into the carpet. I took a photo of the print, and a small black speck of something. It looked like dirt, but it was in fact a small chunk of rubber. Perhaps off the sole of one of the invaders boots.
Miss West returned with a tray of coffee and cinnamon Danish. I helped her clear a spot on her couch so we could sit. The coffee was good, and cinnamon Danish was a nice sugary boost. After some small talk and a smoke it was time to get back to it.
–What is your shoe size, Miss West,†I asked.
–I run a bout an eight, why do you ask,†she replied as she sipped her coffee.
–I found a footprint mashed into the carpet but the door. It’s probably too big to be yours. Do happen to have a pair of boots, military or workman type?â€
–I have a closet full of shoes, which now seems to be all over the living room, but no military boots to speak of.â€
I got up and grabbed a nearby bag. I began to pick up some random clothes and shoes and under things, placing them in the bag. I finished the coffee.
–Are we going somewhere, Mister Dylan,†asked Miss West.
–You can’t stay here. The people who did this didn’t find what they were looking for. They may come back and you do not want to be here when they do,†I responded as a took another Danish.
Miss West was taking things I out of the bag that I had put in…a mismatched shoe, a teddy, a skirt and replaced them with articles of cloths she could wear for the next couple days. I took one more look around the joint.
–May I ask where we are going?†Miss West threw a few more items into her bag.
–My place.â€
From the Files of Merrick Dylan: Space Detective
Tonight’s Episode: The Case of the Black Shoe
Act Three
My place was a safe house I rented out for cases like this. It was in the Quality Hill neighborhood of New Kansas City and it was a nice, safe area of town. It was also secure. We arrived in the lobby and were greeted by Smitty, the door man and night security man. Smitty was a nice kid, but about as sharp as a wet bowling ball. I liked the kid because he kept things quiet.
–Good evening, Mister Caruthers,†said a way too perky Smitty who was chewing gum way too enthusiastically.
Miss West looked a bit confused at the name change, but there was good reason for that. Smitty walked us over to the security desk. He produced a small package and handed it to me. Smitty also handed me a pen and a clip board.
–You’ll have to sign for that, Mister Caruthers,†said Smitty. –Wow. Peregrine Caruthers. What a cool name. Sounds like a detective from a old pulp novel, eh Mister C?â€
–It certainly does, Smitty. Oh…this is for you. Thanks.â€
I slipped twenty five bucks into Smitty’s jacket pocket.
In a sense Smitty was in my network and on my payroll. He didn’t ask too many questions and twenty five bucks a week was enough to keep him quiet. Smitty stood there smacking his gum almost to the point that it was annoying.
–So who’s the looker, Mr. C,†asked Smitty.
–I am sorry, Smitty,†I replied. –This is Veronica West. She is going to be my new administrative assistant. Miss West, this is Smitty. He is the guy who runs things around here.â€
–Pleasure, Miss West.†Smitty pumped Miss West’s hand. –Damn glad to meet ya!â€
–Well, Smitty,†Miss West replied. –I’m damn glad to meet you too.â€
–I’m sure ya are, honey! Well, you kids have fun. Just call down here if I can get ya anything.â€
Miss West and I walked to the elevator. Smitty headed back for his security desk and reumed reading a Shadow comic book. I hit the button for the fifth floor. When I caught Miss West’s eyes, she had an eyebrow raised.
–Administrative assistant? Peregrine Caruthers? What the hell kinda bull was that down there,†asked Miss West.
–Look Miss West, I rent an apartment here as a safe house for clients in trouble like you,†I explained.
–My line of work tends to get me in a lot of trouble. The alter ego is for your protection. Or would you prefer the goons that trashed your house track you back here?â€
–All right, Mister Dylan. I’m sorry. It’s been a long night.â€
The elevator stopped. We stepped out. A short walk down the hall and were at apartment 4B. I opened the door and let Miss West in. She walked around the place, nodding her approval at the style and décor. I gave her a tour of the place.
–You’ll find everything you need here,†I told Miss West. –There is food in the ice box, fresh linens, and you will be safe here. I’d advise you to lay low for awhile until I get back. If you need anything, call down to Smitty and he will take care of you. Can I get you anything before I go?â€
–No, thank you,†replied Miss West.
I opened the small package. It was a box of new business cards. I gave one to Miss West. She took it and smiled. The card was on a white stock with a simple art deco type font in black ink. It read simply:
Merrick Dylan
Space Detective
(555) 662-1709
New Kansas City, Earth
–This is my number. I gotta go, but I will check on you later. Get some rest,†I said.
–Oh wait, Mister Dylan. I have something for you.†Miss West reached in to her handbag and gave me a small plain packet in which was a sizable amount of cash.
–What’s this,†I asked.
–I’m paying you double your fees. I know my father will appreciate you helping me and getting to the bottom of this whole affair,†Miss West responded.
–Where does a gal like you get a load of clams like this?â€
–My father is a wealthy man, Mister Dylan. But I do a little nude modeling at the Art college to help pay the bills. I am afraid that grants and donations can only take a girl so far.â€
I didn’t hear a word after –nude modeling at the art collegeâ€. I stood there trying not to think about it, but it was hard not to. The only thing that brought me out of my pre-teen school boy thoughts of what naked women looked like was a touch on my arm.
–You seemed to be lost in thought for a moment,†said Miss West. –What were you thinking about?â€
–I was thinking I need to take some classes at the Art College,†I responded.
If there were a camera in the room, this is where I would mug to it and give a devilish smile. But there was no camera. Just some cheap paper and the cheap ink printed on the pages of this dime store pulp novel you people find yourselves engaged in.
–I gotta go,†I told Miss West. –Lock the door behind me, and Miss West do not let anyone in here except for me and Smitty.â€
–Got it. Good night, Mister Dylan,†Miss West responded.
–Good night, Miss West.â€
–Please, it’s Veronica okay? My friends call me Ronnie.â€
I nodded turning to leave. I heard the door shut tightly and the click of the lock. I called O’Shannigan and had him send a couple of his men to Miss West’s house. It was now an official crime scene. O’Shannigan was not happy taking a call from me at the wee hours, but he also put up with it.
I pulled out my little black book and looked through my network of contacts, sources and informants. One stood out from the crowd. I knew I had to start with him. I looked at my watch. It was a little after 3:00 am and in this business that means the night is just getting started.
From the Files of Merrick Dylan: Space Detective
Tonight’s Episode: The Case of the Black Shoe
Act Four
It was across the tracks in a seedier part of town. The kind of place the respectable people don’t go, but attracts the degenerates, gambles and drinkers and the local criminal element. I walked into the bar, at which there were a few patrons playing cards and drinking.
Other than that the place was empty. As I stepped up to the bar, a tall Andorian was behind it polishing glasses and giving me a visual bad attitude. I took a seat. The Andorian stared at me like I was not welcome there.I wasn’t.
–Well if it isn’t Merrick Dylan, the Space Detective. You must be the only space detective I know that doesn’t actually work in space. How many times do I have to tell you that we don’t serve your kind here,†said the Andorian bartender and owner of the joint.
I wasn’t. His name was Sheldon. That’s what we called him anyway as his native Andorian name was unpronounceable to Earth men. Sheldon stood there like a tall thin blue berry.
–Humans,†I asked.
–Funny, Sheldon. That’s not what your girlfriend said when I was climbing off her the other night.â€
–You should try taking that comedy act to Vegas. My girlfriend told me she was rather disappointed with your performance. Now that we have the pleasantries out of the way let me get you a drink. Rizzo, fix Dylan up with a martini. And hold the cyanide this time. What the hell do you want, pink skin?â€
–What I always want when I come here for a drink… information.â€
–Sorry. I am fresh out tonight. You’ll have to come back later. You are welcome to stay and enjoy your drink. When you are done, get the hell out.â€
–Sheldon, you know how this works. You tell me what I want to know and I won’t tell O’Shannigan about that tribble fight club you have here on Thursday nights.â€
Sheldon slammed a glass down hard on the bar nearly breaking it.
–You rat bastard son-of-a bitch! You damn well know I don’t engage in tribble fights.â€
A man came up to the bar, placing some bills down. –Hey, Shelley, put down 300 on Fuzzy.â€
Sheldon gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes. Rizzo set a martini in front of me. Sheldon speared an olive with a toothpick and dropped it into the drink. In case you hadn’t picked up on it, Sheldon doesn’t like me very much. I sipped the martini. It was good. Sheldon was a rat, but he made good drinks.
–Okay, Sheldon let’s try this again,†I said. –I have a new client. Nice girl, cute too. Some guys broke into her house tonight and tore the place up. Why would some one do a thing like that?â€
–I wouldn’t know.†Sheldon started to polish the bar top.
–You know everything. So far I have been nice, but quite frankly if I don’t get some answers I am gonna smash you in your damn blue face!â€
–Ooooo- yet another empty threat you have yet to act on. All right, I will play just because I want you out of here. Word is a few days ago, three Klingons arrived in town. Rumor has it they are looking for some girl, probably your girl. I don’t know what they are up to, but it’s probably not good.â€
–Rizzo, may I see that bottle of green stuff,†I asked.
–Sure thing, Rick,†Rizzo said as he retrieved the exotic looking bottle.
I looked the bottle over, then –accidentally†dropped it. Glass and green liquid covered the floor next to my bar stool. Sheldon looked like he was going to jump over the bar and beat me half to death, and I swear for a moment that blue face of his was turning red.
–That was a very expensive bottle of one hundred and fifty year old Aldeberran Whiskey. I may not be able to get another,†huffed Sheldon.
–Ooops,†I replied. –Is that all ya got Sheldon? Three Klingons in town looking for my client?â€
–That’s all you’re going to get tonight. I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to leave. Thanks so much for you business and please do not come back.â€
–Have a nice night, blue berry.â€
–You too, pink skin.â€
I finished my drink and left. Sheldon was not a lot of help, but it was a start and worth a shot. It was now almost 4:00 am and I was wearing down. I had to sleep some time. It did seem like Miss West was in too much trouble yet, but it looked like it could go down that road very fast.
I was barely awake on my way home, but I was thinking about the hard rubber sample I sent to the crime lab for analysis and any potential threats against Miss West. It was time to stop thinking and get some shut eye.
From the Files of Merrick Dylan: Space Detective
Tonight’s Episode: The Case of the Black Shoe
Act Five
I stopped by Miss West’s place the next morning to find two of O’Shannigan’s beat cops there. I brought them some coffee and donuts as a small favor. O’Shnanigan was there too, checking on things. O’Shannigan was a slightly over weight Irish cop. He had been with the New Kansas City Police for twenty years. He was a good cop, and we worked well together. O’Shannigan approached me and shook my hand.
–Top o’ the morning to ya, Ricky boy,†said O’Shannigan. –Ya know I can’t keep my boys guarding the place forever. If you have your client at the safe house, there’s no need for them to be here. On top of that my boys have not seen any unusual activity about.â€
–I understand, Inspector,†I replied. –Do you have the crime lab report for me?â€
Inspector O’Shannigan handed me a folder with the report in it. I glanced at it quickly then tossed into my car. I owed O’Shannigan for letting me use police resources and time.
–Inspector, there is a case of Romulan Ale on the way to your office,†I told O’Shannigan.
–You’ve got my men for a half day longer,†O’Shannigan smiled. –After that, Ricky I gotta pull em.â€
I acknowledged that and slid into my car. O’Shannigan closed my door wishing me a good day. I pulled away from Miss West’s bungalow and headed for the safe house.
Smitty knocked on the door of the apartment. –Miss West, it’s Smitty.â€
Miss West opened the door to find Smitty beaming and chewing his gum.
–Morning! I brung ya the paper and some flowers,†said Smitty. –Anything else I can get ya?â€
Miss West found Smitty’s Bugs Bunny pitched voice and Bronx accent sweet and amusing.
–Thank you. I don’t think I need anything else right now,†replied Miss West.
–Okay. Well, if ya do need anything, just call down to the front desk and whistle. Ya know how to whistle don’t ya?’
–You just put your lips together….and blow.â€
Smitty laughed. –Yeah! Hey, you sound just like Lauren Bacall in that picture with that guy! I kinda like that other picture too, with the bird…the Maltesian Falcon, Muldovian Falcon…oh well it’ll come back to me I’m sure. Okay, well see ya around doll face! I’m gonna make like a banana and get outa here!â€
Miss West smiled as she closed the door. Smitty was a little too perky and over enthusiastic, but he was good at taking care of his residents and my clients. Miss West filled a vase with water, and put the flowers on the coffee table. I arrived about fifteen minutes later. I knocked, opened the door slightly and stuck my head inside.
–Miss West? It’s Merrick Dylan,†I announced.
–Please come in, Mister Dylan,†Miss West said invitingly. –May I pour you some coffee? I just made some.â€
–That would be great. Thanks.â€
I walked into the living room. Miss West appeared a moment later with a cup of fresh coffee. I was taken by what a lovely gal Miss West was. She was still dressed in her morning gear, an over sized t-shirt, a robe, and black leather flip flops.
I really didn’t need to see her bare legs this early in the morning but there they were. Miss West had the kind of legs like a road in Atlanta, long and curvy. I made a mental note to myself to sign up for those classes at the Art College.
Miss West approached me slowly. Before handing me the mug, she blew on it cutting a path through the steam rising from the rich black liquid. Miss West carefully handed me the mug.
–Be careful, Mister Dylan,†said Miss West. –It’s very hot.â€
The coffee wasn’t the only thing in the room that was hot.
–I was just getting ready to make some breakfast. How do like your eggs?â€
–Scrambled with some pepper and a couple squirts of Tabasco,†I replied.
Miss West smiled then turned and walked to the kitchen. I couldn’t help but watch her walk. She had the kind of walk that….aw hell. I needed to check out the crime lab report, not describe Miss West’s walk to the loyal readers of this crazy mixed up story. I sat down and took a sip of coffee. It was hot and strong, just like a….oh yeah the crime lab report.
As I skimmed over the report, there were some interesting things. The small chunk of rubber I found turned out to be a unique rubber only found on Q’nos, the Klingon home world. The rubber came of the sole of a boot that was traced back to a Klingon armor outfitter, and was to Klingon military spec.
The size and depth of the boot print mashed into the carpet at Miss West’s place indicated the weight required to make that imprint was no doubt from a Klingon. Sheldon was bang on about the Klingons being in town, and I had proof that they were at Miss West’s house.
Miss West returned with a tray. On it were tow plates of scrambled eggs, a nice thick slice of grilled ham, a carafe of coffee and thick cut toast with butter and peach jam. I knew it was jam because jelly don’t shake like that. Miss West was an excellent cook, the breakfast was delicious
–Anything interesting in the crime lab report,†asked Miss West.
–It was Klingons that tore up your house,†I replied. –They were looking for the formula of yours, but didn’t find it.â€
–That’s because the formula wasn’t there. It’s secure, trust me.–
I sipped my coffee. –Where exactly is the formula?â€
Miss West smiled. –Oh, come now, Mister Dylan, a girl has got to have some secrets doesn’t she?â€
–I suppose so.â€
–I spoke with my father before you got here. I am taking a civilian transport to Space Station K-7, then we are meeting up with the Reliant and Starfleet will take us to Regula One where we will meet up with Dr. Marcus and her team.â€
–K-7 is not on the way to Regula One, if memory serves.â€
–It isn’t but some of Dr. Marcuus’ staff wants to take some samples of quadrotriticale and test it for growth and yields when they launch the first Genesis probe.â€
–Wheat. A hybrid of wheat. I like your place, Mister Dylan, but I don’t want to be cooped up here for the next few days while I wait on my ship. I’d like to get out a little.â€
–Sure, but only with an escort. Where would you like to go?â€
–I’ve heard good things about the Country Club Plaza.â€
The girl was smart. The Plaza was a large shopping area south of downtown. Lots of people would be there and in a open, public place it would be dumb to attempt anything on Miss West. Keeping Miss West safe for the next few days would not be a problem.
Yet, I couldn’t help but feel there was more to this than trying to kidnap Miss West and get her fathers formula for Genesis. We finished eating. Miss West got her self ready. We were walking through the lobby when Smitty caught us.
–Oh hey there Miss West,†exclaimed Smitty. –I just remembered that picture from earlier. The Millenium Falcon! Oh, there’s package here for you, Mister C. Just came for ya. You have to sign for it.â€
I signed and took the shoe box sized parcel. It was wrapped in plain brown butcher paper. The parcel was addressed to P. Caruthers. The return address simply read –F.B. Omb. I opened the package and opened the brown box. Inside was a card that was hand written.
It said –Have a blast!â€
I pulled a black sphere from the box. It was somewhat heavy and solid. Just as I was putting it back in the box, a holographic spark appeared. Now it made sense. F. B. Omb. F-Bomb. It was an effing bomb! The holographic sparks were probably there for safety reasons.
–Bomb!†Smitty shouted.
I quickly ran outside and was going to toss it away, when a group of nuns cut me off. I turned the other direction and ran into a group of Girl Scouts selling cookies. I ran back into the lobby where I saw Smitty was holding the door for me and pointing outside to the courtyard.
–The fountain, Mister C!†Smitty screamed.
I ran outside to the fountain, thrust back my arm and was about to throw the bomb in the water when I saw a mama duck and six adorable baby ducks swimming peacefully in the fountain. I ran back inside to be cut off by a few people. Miss West threw her hands in the air.
–I’m open!†She shouted.
I tossed the bomb to her. Miss West caught the orb with the precision of a wide receiver as if she were playing for the Chicago Bears. Smitty ran interference for her.
–Elevator,†Smitty exclaimed.
Just as Miss West got to the elevator, half a dozen people came out and another half dozen stepped in. Miss West lobbed the bomb over the small crowd to Smitty, who tossed it me. I was haft way up the stairs when I turned and ran back down a few.
–Smitty!†I shouted. –Meet me on the roof, but stop by the apartment and grab my golf bag! It’s down the hall first closet on the left!â€
I headed for the roof as fast as I could. Miss West was close behind me. How she could run up several flights of stairs and keep up with me in her heels was an amazing feat. We burst out from the stairwell onto the roof. Smitty appeared just a few seconds later with my golf clubs. I dropped the bomb between my feet.
–Give me the five iron, Smitty,†I said.
–I think you want the titanium driver for this one,†Smitty replied as he tossed the club to me.
–All right, Mister C,†Smitty said. –You have a 3 knot cross wind from the east, so try and lay up at about one hundred and fifty yards or so and hit it as hard as you can.â€
I swung at the bomb and nailed the sweet spot. The black ball arced gracefully into the sky then at the apogee it burst into a rather large explosion. A second later a small shock wave hit us. The threat was over. Everyone got their composure back. Smitty shook his head.
–So what the hell was that all about,†asked Smitty.
–We got a little talky in that last scene and needed and action sequence to break things up,†I replied.
–Yeah, I can see that. But if ya ask me I think it looks like some one is trying to kill ya. Just say’in.â€
The bomb was meant for me, possibly Miss West. But if they were coming after her it meant a serious breach in my security. I thought Sheldon may have been the leak, but his crimes never involved murder.
The blue berry was mostly involved with gambling, smuggling and bribing politicians. No, it wasn’t the blue berry. Miss West looked a little shaken up but was okay.
–Smitty let’s keep this one quiet,†I said.
–I’ll try, Mister C,†replied Smitty chomping hard on his gum. –But that explosion could be heard throughout the tri-county metro area. You want I should call O’Shannigan? There’s nothing left of the bomb, but I have the paper and package down at the desk. Maybe that could tell em’ something.â€
–Good thinking, Smitty,†I replied.
Smitty was smarter than his small stocky frame made him appear. In addition to being concierge, security and the doorman at the joint, Smitty was loyal and reliable. Like Watson to Holmes or Alfred to Batman. Smitty was a great asset, he knew enough to almost be dangerous, but also knew not to ask too many questions. He had a keen sense to assist me when I needed it, but back off and lay low when I didn’t.
–Well you two oughta blow,†said Smitty as he was putting my clubs back in the bag. –I’ll give ya a few minutes before I call O’Shannigan.â€
–Thanks, Smitty,†I replied.
–You two kids get outa here. Don’t worry about the clubs, Mister C, I’ll take care of em for ya. Oh hey, by the way you two make a cute couple.â€
Miss West smiled. Was it that obvious? Miss West wanted to freshen up a little before we left. Miss West seemed to know what she was involved in, she didn’t seem too phased by the attempt on my life, possibly hers, but she did seem understandably nervous. With the new threat I had a lot to think about. But for now, I’d drive her to the Plaza and get he mind off the bomb attack for a while.
From the Files of Merrick Dylan: Space Detective
Tonight’s Episode: The Case of the Black Shoe
Act Six
It was later in the evening. I had to make a quick stop by the office. I still had Miss West with me. We had spent the day together. I didn’t see anyone shadowing us or anything unusual. But the night was just getting started. We stepped off the elevator walking toward my office.
–Mister Dylan, I need to use the little girls’ room,†said Miss West.
–End of the hall to the right,†I replied. –Do you need me to wait for you?â€
–Thanks, but I will be okay.â€
–You know Miss West, every time a client tells me they are gonna be okay, that’s when the trouble starts.â€
–Let me show you something, Mister Dylan.â€
I followed Miss West to a nearby bench. She put her foot on the bench and hiked up her skirt a little bit. From her garter and a small pouch, she pulled a small type one hand phaser.
–Say hello to my little friend,†said Miss West in a mock Cuban accent.
This gal seemed to think of everything. She had the legs but she also had the brains. She probably got her smarts from her father. Miss West holstered her weapon smiled and continued on to the ladies room. I got out my keys to my office, but the door was opened slightly. I entered cautiously and flicked on the lights.
There were files, papers, books and a lot of damage much like we say at Miss West’s house the other night. The other thing I noticed that was hard to miss was the acrid stench of the Klingon cigars these men were smoking. It also appeared they were enjoying the bottle of scotch Miss West brought in.
At my desk I found a Klingon sitting behind it. He was flanked by two other Klingons. They looked like brown Mongolian devils in grey shark skin suits. I looked around my train wreck of an office. It was the third time this month goons had trashed it. It reminded me how I needed to get better locks.
–Good evening. Mister Dylan,†said the Klingon behind the desk. –I am Johnny Kongo, and these are my boys. Say hello, boys.â€
–Hello boys,†the other two Klingons said.
–Mister Dylan, where are my manners,†Johnny Kongo said. –Gentlemen, we are guests on this man’s planet. Give him the standard Klingon greeting.â€
The two Klingons approached me. The next thing I felt was a fist in my gut followed by the crack of a shoe against my jaw. Johnny Kongo got up and walked around my desk. The two Klingons picked me up and hurled me through the air. I landed square on the desk which collapsed. Hurt and disoriented, Johnny Kongo reached into my jacket and took my black type two phaser.
He whacked me in the forehead with it. Johnny Kongo shot the window out, then threw the phaser out the window to the street below.
–All right, Mister Dylan,†said Johnny Kongo. –Where’s that pretty little dame you are working for? My employer wants something she has. Tell me where she is and where the item is and we will go easy on her.â€
I rubbed my chin. –Go to hell, Johhny. And if any harm comes to my client, things will get very bad for you and your boys here.â€
That response earned me a punch in the face from Johnny Kongo himself. Damn, Klingons hit hard.
–Listen to me, Mister Dylan,†said Johnny Kongo. –I am a tough guy, but I am fair. I am fair. I am giving you til sundown tomorrow to come up with the girl and what she is carrying. If you do not come trough let’s just say enjoy what a short life you will have after that. Think about it. All right boys, Mister Dylan has had enough for one night. Let’s blow this joint.â€
One of Johnny’s goons whacked me on head their way out. Miss West was coming out of the ladies room when she saw the three Klingons bolt out of my office. She ducked back in until they were in the elevator. Miss West ran down the hall into my office. She found me on heap on the floor. Miss West quickly knelt at my side.
–Oh my Lord, Mister Dylan,†Miss West said. –Are you okay?â€
–I’m peachy,†I replied. –Listen, you can call me Rick. What are you doing?â€
–I’m checking for any broken bones.†Miss West was touch me as if she were a paramedic. –I am taking nursing classes.â€
–Nursing classes at the Art College?â€
–No…look be quiet and let me look at you. Your hand…its bleeding.â€
Miss West took a scarf from her bag and fashioned a tunicate from it, wrapping it tightly around my hand. Miss West continued her improvised exam of me. She didn’t find anything majorly wrong, but knew I was going to be hurting for a while. Miss West helped me up. I could walk on my own, but Miss West helped me.
–Let’s get you back to the apartment so I can fix you up,†said Miss West.
From the Files of Merrick Dylan: Space Detective
Tonight’s Episode: The Case of the Black Shoe
Act 7
Smitty saw Miss West enter the lobby with me leaning on her. Smitty ran over to help. A couple minutes later and everyone was in the apartment. I grabbed a bottle of something from the wet bar and took a swig. It was tequila, or vodka. I can’t remember. Miss West took the bottle from me. Smitty made a quick call on the blower.
–I need you to go take a shower, Mister Dylan,†said Miss West. –The heat will help relax the muscles, and please clean your cuts and scratches with soap and water. I will look you over when you get out.â€
I nodded and head for the shower. Everything hurt, my head was spinning. Smitty approached Miss West.
–Is he gonna be all right,†asked Smitty.
–He’ll be fine. Looks like most of his injuries are superficial, but he will be sore for a while,†Miss West responded.
–I ordered you some food. It will be here shortly. There is a little drug store on the corner, let me know what you need as far as bandages and ointments and whatnot and I’ll take care of it for ya,â€
Smitty handed Miss West a pad and pen. She jotted down the things she needed quickly. About fifteen minutes later, Smitty returned with a bag take out from Miss Missy’s and a bag of the supplies Miss West requested. Smitty quietly left.
–Thanks, Smitty,†said Miss West as Smitty nodded and closed the door.
I came out of the shower feeling a little better. I had changed into a black t-shirt and jeans. Miss West patted a cushion on the couch and told me to lie down. She began to look me over and bandage me up.
–I wish I had a tricorder and a medical kit, but I don’t so we will do this the old fashioned way,†Miss West told me. –You look worse than things actually are, the Klingons actually went pretty easy on you tonight.â€
–They were just trying to scare me,†I replied.
–Did it work,†asked Miss West.
–Not a chance. Is that beef lo mein I smell?â€
–Smitty called in some food for us. Wasn’t that sweet of him?â€
–Yeah, he’s great. Listen, thanks for taking care of me tonight. If we went to an ER there would have been questions and a paper trail…this actually saves us a lot of trouble. Thank you, Miss West…Veronica–
She took my good hand and squeezed it gently. –Ronnie. My friends call me Ronnie.â€
Ronnie held my hand a moment and I found myself melting in those deep chocolate eyes of hers. I could say anything. I was about to break my one rule of getting involved with clients, but I didn’t care. This could go well or it could end up with one of us crying in the rain at the corner of Heartache and Misery. Ronnie leaned into me and slipped her arms around me.
It hurt to hold her, but I couldn’t let her go. I was afraid I was falling for her like a bag of bricks under a lead parachute.
Ronnie ran her fingers through my wet hair. Then there was that first gentle kiss, that got less gentle and a little more serious as the minutes went by. For a moment the pain went away. We kissed for a minute and Ronnie gently pulled away. There was an awkward silence for a moment as we both wondered if that was the thing to do or not.
Ronnie smiled. –Well, there is a ton of food here and you should probably eat something. –She was right. Getting beat to a pulp makes you hungry. I was digging into some egg rolls, and noodles when my communicator chirped. I flipped it open.
–Good evening, pink skin. Sheldon here,†said the blue berry.
–What is it Sheldon,†I asked.
–You didn’t hear this from me, but word on the street is the Klingons you are looking for are having a sit down with Boss Santorini. Somewhere in the warehouse district in Lenexa.â€
–Do you have a time?â€
–You know how these things go. I don’ t have a specific time, but its reasonable to assume that it may be between one and four a.m.â€
Sheldon know the time, he was just jerkin around with me.
–All right, thanks Sheldon.â€
–Oh, don’t thank me just yet. This little morsel has a price. I want two cases of the same vintage of the Aldeberran whiskey you smashed on my floor the other night.â€
–You know how rare that stuff is?â€
–I do. I am sure calling one of your Orion trader buddies will expedite my request. Besides, get me the cases and I will forget to tell Boss Santorini that you will be snooping around tomorrow. Do we have a bargain?â€
–Tell me why you need two cases of one hundred and fifty year old alien whiskey first.â€
–We are having a Fizzbin tournament next month, and my liquor sales go through the roof. Oh, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell O’Shannigan about it. Good day, pink skin.â€
–See ya around, blue berry.â€
I closed the communicator and went back to my food. I never got tired of Miss Missy’s cuisine and I was there a good three nights a week. It’s amazing how much physical pain that good food and the company of a pretty girl can take away. I tried not to think about work, but it was all I could think about. If Boss Santorini was in town something big was going down.
I had a feeling in my gut that it may have something to do with Miss West and the Genesis project, but I have been wrong before.
–I am sorry to put you through so much trouble, Mister---Rick,†said Miss West.
–Trouble comes with the job,†I replied. –It’s not the first time I have been beaten up over a pretty girl.â€
–Aww- that’s sweet.â€
–Tell me Ronnie…research assistant, art college model and nursing student. What’s that all about?â€
–I’m just a girl trying to find herself in this crazy messed up world. I am working for my father until the first test shot of Genesis. But I’d really like to go to medical school and be a doctor. What about you, what’s your story?â€
–That could fill a book.â€
–I love to read.â€
–Let’s keep you alive for the next few days. What about you, what’s your story?â€
–Okay. Listen you should probably rest anyway. I’ll clean this up, don’t worry about it.â€
Ronnie walked over to me. She slid an arm around me. She kissed me on the cheek.
–Sweet dreams, detective.â€
Sweet dreams indeed. And don’t get involved with clients. But it was too late for that.
Author's Notes:
This chapter has a special guest.
From the Files of Merrick Dylan: Space Detective
Tonight’s Episode: The Case of the Black Shoe
Act Eight
There was a knock on the door to the apartment. The knock was very familiar.
–Its open, Smitty,†I said.
Smitty entered. He had a small bag, 3 cups of coffee and a dry cleaning bag. He put the food and coffee on the table and brought me the garment bag.
–How ya doin,†asked Smitty. –I brung ya coffee and my ma made some biscotti. It’s really good, you should try it its really good. And here’s the suit you asked for, Mister C. It’s all cleaned and pressed and everything. Louie did a great job this time.â€
–Thanks, Smitty,†I said.
–So, are are you okay, boss,†Smitty just realized what he said.
We both looked at Ronnie. Something was going on in the pretty little head of hers, and if there was a light bulb above her head it would have been able to light up the eastern seaboard. Smitty had the look of embarrassment. Ronnie had a look like she just discovered a gold mine. In a way she did. She walked over to us and stopped. She took a long sip of her coffee and smiled.
–Did I just see a cat jump out of bag,†asked Ronnie. –What’s up with you two?â€
–Oh-the boss thing,†Smitty started to cover his tracks.
–It’s okay, Smitty. She knows,†I said as Miss West handed me and Smitty our coffees.
–I know you two are obviously working together,†Miss West explained. –Smitty here brings you things you need before he is asked and it’s exactly what you need when you need it. The other day with the bomb, its like you two have been through that before. This apartment is your real base of operations and you office downtown is a front. Am I on the same page, dear boys?â€
–Well, this apartment isn’t but you should see the get up we have in the sub basement. It’s like the freakin’ bat cave down there,†said Smitty.
–Okay, Smitty that’s enough,†I said. –Miss West, may introduce you to the real Peregrine –Smitty†Caruthers. Smitty here is the developer and owner of this building.â€
–So the concierge doorman thing is an act too,†asked Miss West.
–Oh no, Miss West. That’s real. I love doing real estate deals and all that jazz, but I like working with the people ya, know,†replied Smitty.
–Miss West, you hired me to do a job, and I will do it the best I can, but security has been compromised and you are at risk. I am going to have to ask you to keep our little secret,†I said.
–Oh, I won’t tell anybody a damn thing.â€
Miss West smiled, sipped her coffee and walked away. She took the morning newspaper sat down and began to read. It was still early, but Smitty slapped my arm.
–Oh, hey boss…you better get ready if you want to get to the press conference,†said Smitty.
–Press conference,†asked Miss West.
–Really just PR for O’Shannigan’s department, but he told me to drop by,†I responded. –I am gonna change and get down there. If you need anything---–
–I know, just whistle.â€
I got there early. The media room at Police HQ was packed full of reporters. Most of them were drinking the free coffee the police provided and burning through cigarettes. I even burned through two Marlboros before O’Shannigan appeared.
When O’Shannigan did appear the room went wild, flash bulbs went off, questions were shouted and it was very close to being a riot. It took a few minutes to calm the media sharks down. O’Shannigan basically gave some crime stats and pointed out that crimes in New Kanasas City were on a downward trend, but much of the media didn’t buy it. O’Shannigan giave short yes or no answers to questions and did not expand to much.
–Allright, we have time for one more question,†said O’Shannigan. –Yes sir, you in the back.â€
–Thanks Inspector,†the reporter replied. –Robert Scorpio, New Kansas City Star-Crimebeat section. There’s word out that Boss Santorini is in town, this isn’t his territory. What’s your thoughts on a major crime boss like Santorini being here?â€
–I don’t know, Mister Scorpio, – said O’Shannigan. –But if Santorini so much as spits on the sidewalk, we will get him. All right, thank you. That’s all.â€
As O’Shannigan left, the media still shouted questions. It seemed that the blue berry’s tip was reliable, and I would have to see what was going on. Things quieted down and the media slowly dispersed. One of the reporters bumped into me, but it was unintentional.
–Sorry, pal,†he said.
–No problem,†I told him.
–Say, buddy, got light?â€
I gave the guy a book of matches with my name and number on them. He lit his cigarette and looked at the match book cover.
–Merrick Dylan: Space Detective? That’s you,†he asked. –Say, what happened to your hand and your face? Were you in an industrial accident or somethin?â€
–Slipped on a banana peel,†I replied.
–Listen pal, you got any hot tips on what’s going on? Santorini would not be in town just to visit his frackin’ gramma.â€
–I was hoping you might have some hot tips for me.â€
Mister Scorpio smiled. –Nahhhh- I got nothin’. I gotta fill my column before Thursday, so I am hoping that someone will at least knock off a liquor store. Well, I gotta blow. Nice to meet ya, Mister Dylan."
Mister Scorpio saw another detective and chased him down for a scoop. The warehouse district in Lenexa the blue berry said.
Smitty was behind the desk in the main lobby. His communicator chirped.
–City morgue, where we aint stiff on service,†answered Smitty.
I gotta admit, that one cracked me up.
–Listen, Smitty I am gonna run down to Lenexa and check out a lead. It may be a while before I get back there. Do me a favor and take Miss West to lunch for me, but stay close to the building,†I instructed.
–Okay, boss.†Smitty pocketed his communicator. –Lenny! Take over for me. I am going to lunch.â€
Lenny approached the desk as Smitty took of off his long red doorman jacket and replaced it with a grey suit jacket. Lenny looked through the deliveries.
–I got a parcel here for old lady Marlow in 14 C,†said Lenny.
–Just make sure she signs for it.â€
There were several warehouses in the industrial park I was checking out. I didn’t see any signs of anything suspicious, and expected that. I went into one of the offices and inquired about leasing some office or storage space as a way to get a look around without drawing attention to myself. It took a couple hours and going to several docks and facilities, but finally I had a hit. I asked about a particular unit.
–I am sorry sir, not only is that one rented and it is off limits. We do have a building with the same square footage that might meet you needs a little better,†the manger informed me.
–Let’s take a look,†I replied with a smile.
Smitty took Miss West to a favorite dive of his to eat. It had a small outdoor patio and was very close to the safe house. Smitty was engaged with Miss West in conversation about how he used to be involved in the racket and real estate scams, but after a few years in prison he turned his life around and now was legit. The partner ship between Dylan and the ex-con was a dynamic one, with Smitty giving Dylan an insider’s view of how criminals operated and thought.
Smitty told Miss West his life was a lot better now that he was went straight. Smitty also enjoyed working with Dylan and fighting back at the criminal element.
–Yeah so since then I have been totally legit and I enjoy helping people and the real estate development biz a lot more than scamming people,†said Smitty.
–That is quiet a story,†replied Miss West.
The three Klingons approached Smitty and Miss West, the ones that worked over Dylan. Miss West recognized them but kept her cool. Miss West looked at Smitty and mouth quietly –It’s them.†Smitty nodded. Two Klingons took up a position next to Smitty. Johnny Kongo circled Miss West like a shark.
–Good day earth people,†said Johnny Kongo. –We are visiting your lovely planet and I could not help but be intrigued by the aroma of your earth cuisine. May I ask what this dish is that you are enjoying, my dear lady?â€
–It’s a big Warp Speed Burger,†replied Miss West.
–A Big Warp Speed Burger? As we are from out of town, would you mind if I tried it?â€
–I would prefer if you didn’tâ€
Johnny Kongo took the burger anyway and bit into it. He stood there savoring every bite. He all but finished it.
–Mmmm…that’s a tasty burger,†said Johnny Kongo. –What is that beverage you have there?â€
–Hey buttface,†said Smitty. –Can’t you see I am having lunch with my friend here? If you guys want some food then get some yourself or buzz off. What do you want with us anyway?"
–What we want, little man, is to take your friend here for a little drive,†replied Johnny Kongo. â€And we are going to do it gracefully and with out making a scene. Now Miss West, if you will come with us I promise you will not be hurt.â€
–Just like you didn’t hurt Rick the other night,†asked Miss West.
Johnny Kongo was getting angry, but kept it under control. Smitty stood up, but the Klingons shoved him back into his chair.
–Hey, guys. Ya know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France,†asked Smitty. –My foot kickin your ass!â€
Miss West tossed her drink up into Johnny Kongo’s face. Smitty quickly punched the other two Klingons in the gut. Miss West rose quickly and shoved Johnny Kongo back into an empty table. Miss West drew her hand phaser, aiming it at Johnny Kongo.
As he was getting up, Miss West shot him with a stun beam that knocked him back down. The other Klingons were getting up. Miss West tossed the small black weapon to Smitty who quickly stunned the two Klingons. Smitty tossed the phaser back to Miss West. Smitty pulled a wad of cash from his jacket pocket and handed it to a nearby waiter.
–Sorry for the mess,†said Smitty. –This ought to cover any damages.â€
Johnny Kongo was shaking off the stun. Miss West knelt down and shoved what was left of her burger into Johnny Kongo’s face, making a real mess of burger, toppings and condiments. Miss West stood up.
–How’s that for a tasty burger, creep,†said Miss West.
Smitty grabbed Miss West’s hand. –We gotta go. We’ll take the back way.â€
Robert Scorpio was just coming out of a Starbucks next to Smitty’s building. Smitty and Miss West were walking briskly but not running. Robert stepped onto the sidewalk. Miss West and Smitty were looking over their shoulders to make sure the Klingons were not following them and not watching out ahead of them.
Smitty turned around just in time to see Robert and avoid him. Miss West did not and she bumped square into Robert, knocking her handbag off her shoulder.
–Oh, excuse me, ma’am†said Robert.
–No trouble, I should watch where I am going,†replied Miss West.
Robert helped her up handing Miss West her bag. Robert seemed to recognize Miss West.
–I think I know you from somewhere,†said Robert.
–I am sorry, have we met before,†asked Miss West.
–I don’t think so. Oh yeah. I seen pictures of you with your father, that professor fella Jimmy West?â€
–That’s my dad, James West. I am his daughter, Veronica.â€
–Charmed, Miss West charmed. Pleasure to meet you. I am Robert Scorpio. I work for the paper. Crime beat reporter.â€
–Are you sure we haven’t met? You seem familiar.â€
–I’d remember meeting you, Miss West. Say…could you get me an interview with your pop? Doing a science interview with a guy like that just might get me the Pulitzer!â€
–I’ll see what I can do.â€
Smitty looked down the street. –I hate to break this up, but we really should be going.â€
–My friend is right,†said Miss West. –We do need to go. Maybe you could interview me sometime.â€
–Golly! That’d be swell! How will I find you?â€
–Don’t worry, I will find you.â€
Miss West winked and smiled at Robert before Smitty whisked her into his building. Robert adjusted his fedora and tie and smiled. He let out a wolf whistle.
–Wow. What a dish,†he said out loud.
As Johnny Kongo was wiping smashed burger, cheese and mustard off his face, the manager approached him. He looked the Klingons over.
–Gentlemen,†said the manager. –If you are not going to order anything I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to leave.â€
I returned to the apartment in Quality Hill to find Miss West and Smitty playing cards. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. I took off my hat and lit a cigarette. Smoking seemed to help me think. I poured myself a dink and got comfortable.
–How was lunch,†I asked.
–Exciting,†replied Miss West. –The Klingon goons showed up, but we dispatched them.â€
–What did you find out down in Lenexa,†asked Smitty.
–Not much, but something is going down tonight. Looks like Sheldon was right. I can’t help but think the Klingons are somehow connected with Boss Santorini, but I am not sure how. I’m going to have to go back to the warehouse tonight and snoop around some more. I am gonna need back up, Smitty.â€
–You got it, boss,†replied Smitty. –Well, now that you are back I am gonna get down to the lobby and keep eyes down there.â€
Smitty left and Miss West joined me on the couch. Without asking she took my glass and refilled it.
–I want to go with you guys tonight,†said Miss West.
–I am afraid not, Miss West. You are in enough danger as it is.â€
–I can handle the danger. I am coming with you and that is final.â€
–Very well. Although I would caution you to think about this. It could get ugly.â€
–It’s already gotten ugly. My apartment and your office is trashed, someone tried to blow you up, not to mention the Klingons worked you over pretty good and tried to grab me at lunch. We’re in deep.â€
Miss West poured herself a drink. In an unexpected move, Miss West lifted her leg and placed it over mine. She began to dangle she black shoe off of her foot.
–Like my shoes,†asked Miss West.
–They are cute,†I replied, not entirely sure where Miss West was going with this.
–Anne Klein Wystere,†said Miss West. –Classic black pump, three and quarter inch heel with a half inch platform. Seven medium, $49.95 on sale at DSW. I love em’"
–That is all fascinating, Miss West but what does this have to do with-–
–Just stay with me a minute. Go on, check them out.â€
I took Miss West’s shoe from her foot and looked it over. A typical woman’s high heel shoe, I still didn’t quite get it until very thin slot in the platform opened and a tiny SD card popped out. I took a look at the card.
–The Genesis Formula,†I said. –So this is what every one wants. Very clever, no one would ever find it here.â€
–I thought so. For security reasons, there are only two copies of the formula in existence. There is a back up, but even I don’t know where that is. Only my father does.â€
I put the card back into the slot and it slid into the platform. There was no trace of a door, slot or opening of any kind. Who ever rigged this for Miss West knew what they were doing. I handed Miss West her shoe and pulled a piece of paper out of my jacket pocket. As Miss west slipped her shoe back on, I unfolded the paper.
–What’s that,†she asked.
–A sketch of the storage complex, if we are gonna be looking around there we need a plan,†I replied. –I rented a smaller unit and van, so I have access. We just drive in, unload some empty boxes and try to find out what’s going on. Get ready for a very long night, Miss West.â€
Much later that evening, we pulled into the storage complex in an unmarked grey van. I pulled into the unit I rented. It wasn’t that hard to find, it was between Vance Refrigeration and a Dunder Mifflin Paper unit. Smitty opened the door as I backed the van into the dock.
–If you two would start unloading, I need to get eyes on that building over there,†I said.
Smitty and Miss West began moving large empty boxes from the van into the building. I walked to where I had a good view of the target building. I lit a cigarette and observed some vans and trucks pulling into that other unit. It seemed like the cargo was people. Something was going down all right. Over a two hour period several vehicles came in and out. After a half hour of no activity it seemed like a good time to move.
–Let’s go take a look,†I said.
As Miss West Smitty and I walked over to the building, there was no security posted outside. Probably to make it look like nothing at all was going on. It was almost too easy but that usually meant trouble. The doors were locked, but here were skylights in all the buildings. We all headed for the roof. How Miss West climbed a ladder in those heels still baffles me to this day. We made our way an illuminated skylight which indicated that there was activity.
I managed to carefully crack the glass and metal frame open. Smitty wedge a piece of wood into the crack so we could keep it open and observe. Smitty shook his head and whistled softly.
–Whatcha got, Smitty,†I asked.
–Wow. Its like the Vatican of organized crime down there,†replied Smitty as he checked out who was all down there. –I got Boss Santorini, there’s Johnny Kongo and his pals. Joey –the nose†Maroney, Lefty Migillicuty, Nicky –the Shark†Marks, some Orion Syndicate guys. Holy crap! Lord John Whorfin is down there along with John Ya ya and John Smallberries. What ever is going down tonight it’s a big deal.You better call O’Shannigan.â€
I nodded and flipped my communicator as Smitty and Miss West observed the gathering.
–What’s the big idea, Dylan,†said a groggy and barely awake Inspector O’ Shannigan. –Do you know what time it is?â€
–Sorry Inspector, but you are going to want to come down to Lenexa in a hurry,†I said. –And bring back up.â€
–Back up? What the hell? All right I will be there and bring a couple of guys.â€
–I think you will need a little more than that.â€
–How much more, Dylan?â€
–All of it. Just get down here. All the major crime bosses are having a sit down right in front of me, and I think it may have a connection to my client.â€
–Oh…why didn’t you say so? I am on my way.â€
Down in the big empty storage room, tables and chairs were set up for an obvious group meeting. People were shaking Boss Santorini’s hand and smoking cigars and drinking. The conversation was typical mob talk.
–Hey Vinny, you take care of that thing we talked about?â€
–Yo, Pauly, I need you to go to the docks and rough up some schmucks who are late on their protection paymentsâ€
That kinda stuff. A small lectern was set up. People took their seats as Santorini took his place behind the lectern. He ran his fingers through his slick black hair and adjusted his tie. He took a sip of water before he spoke.
–We all know why we are here tonight,†said Santorini with not too much of a mob-Italian-New York accent. –As you know, we are attempting to pull off one of the biggest scores this quadrant has ever seen. Hijack Project Genesis and use it against the Federation. With this ultimate power we can bring the Federation to their knees.â€
Santorini sipped his water then continued. –We will do this by extorting the Federation and demanding certain payments in order for us not to start re arranging their populated planets with the Genesis missile. However, to do that we lack the one component we need for Genesis to work…the formula. In order to get the formula we need to get Professor West’s daughter. She was it, but we have not been able to grab her. So tonight I am offering a prize of a million to any crew that can get Veronica West to me unharmed, and get her to tell us where the information his hidden.â€
Santorini was bringing out the big guns just to nab my client. I am not sure I could keep her safe from that kind of threat. I was going to call O’Shannigan to inform him of how many people there were and give them an approach into the storage complex, but I dropped it. It fell through the crack and landed in the middle of a big bowl of onion dip. All eyes were now on the roof.
–We’re made,†said Smitty. –Let’s get outa here!â€
Before we could make a run for it, henchmen were already on the roof flanking us. As quickly as we could, we drew our weapons and laid down some stun beams to clear a path. Just then the parking lot filled up with all kinds of police cars, vans and even a couple Kansas City Police shuttle craft flew over head. The henchmen that were left scattered, but Smitty aimed and stunned a couple of them just for kicks.
A small firefight broke out in the warehouse but the police had it contained and under control very quickly. After about twenty minutes, the police and O’Shannigan had the bad guys rounded up and arrested. He shook my hand.
–Well Ricky,†said O’Shannigan. –This was a big one. I suppose I owe you.â€
–Don’t mention it, Inspector,†I replied.
–I’ll be seeing ya. I gotta go take all this trash downtown and start bookin’ em all in.â€
The few remaining cars left. The shuttles lifted off and we started back for our car. I noticed some movement. Three figures running to a car. It was hard to see the black Cadillac in the night, but its sillouette was obvious. The car spun around, and sped down the parking lot. I quickly adjusted my phaser and stepped right into the path of the speeding black car.
I leveled my phaser and let loose a burst. A small explosion came from the nose of the car, it swerved off course. The car hit a loading ramp flipping onto its roof. It crashed in into fence. As Johnny Kongo and his boys crawled out of the car, Smitty intercepted them.
–Going somewhere,†asked Smitty.
Miss West found me holstering my weapon. She was smiling.
–Quite a night,†she said.
–Sure was,†I replied.
–I am not sure how to thank you for all you’ve done for me, but this might be a good start.â€
Miss West slipped her arms around me and planted a deep kiss on my lips…the kind of kiss that dames plant on the hero at the end of these kinds of stories. I couldn’t complain, I was engaged in a kiss so tight with Miss West you’d need the jaws of life to pry us apart. Smitty approached. He saw Miss West and I kissing. He smiled nodded in approval and went back to Johnny Kongo to keep an eye on them. Once the kissing stopped I looked at Miss West for a moment.
–Can I by you a cup of coffee,†I asked.
–No,†Miss West replied. –You can buy me a drink. I hear Westport is a great place to hang out late at night.â€
We walked by Smitty, who was tightening the restraints on the Klingons.
–We’re gonna go get lit,†I said. –You’re welcome to join us.â€
–You two go ahead,†replied Smitty. –I’ll run these rats downtown for O’Shannigan.â€
I’d type up my report in the morning, but I could close this file. The Case of the Black Shoe was officially closed.
Dr. West curled up on her bed in her quarters, and in jeans and a black t-shirt closed the book she just read and looked at Dylan. She didn’t speak for a minute. She just looked at him.
–That my dear Captain,†said Ronnie. –Was the most silly, stupid, ridiculous piece of pulp trash I’ve ever read in my life.â€
Dylan looked a little confused, even a little hurt. Then he saw Ronnie crack a smile.
–It’s also the most wonderful birthday present you could give me. Thank you,†said Ronnie.
–When did you ever find the time to write this?â€
–When ever I could,†replied Dylan. –A few pages a day off and on til it was done.â€
Dylan rose and joined Ronnie on her bed. He took her into his arms and kissed her gently.
–Happy birthday, Ronnie,†said Dylan.
Ronnie hugged Dylan tightly and kissed him back. –I think I am falling for ya, ya big lug.â€
Ronnie and Dylan were just about to kiss again when the intercom buzzed.
–Captain Dylan, to the bridge,†said Chyles deep British voice.
Dylan sighed. –On my way.â€
Ronnie shrugged her shoulders and held the book close to her chest.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.