Date: 11 Jun 2013 21:25 Title: Chapter 8
Intrigue ....
Interesting how K'mpek is different here. The presence of the slave is creepy and tells the reader more about him than nearly anything else - and about their society.
Date: 19 Dec 2009 18:43 Title: Chapter 8
Oh fascinating. You build upon the Klingon schism nicely here. It seems it is more of a three way split. Pacifists like the doctor, those seeking to regain honour like Kalara, and those like the General operating under a falsehood of honour and bravado. Actually, Keene represents an almost new kind of Klingon too. Very interesting. This really mixes things up when it comes to the Klingons. It also seeds a lot of trouble and chaos ahead as the plan now starts to play out. I have a feeling the General is not going to go by the script laid out by the Empress. Kalara looks like she could be implicated in all of this and to muddy matters more, Keene has soemone working with him as a shadow warrior. Very interesting.
Date: 07 Sep 2009 22:12 Title: Chapter 8
Wow, there's so much going on here I'm not sure where to start ... so I'll just say GREAT chapter! So now the Empire Klingons think Kalara is a spy, only Dr. Keene is really the spy. And fake Kalara just handed over the security codes that could leave an entire people unprotected ... I get the sense Kalara's life is about to get significantly more complicated that it already was. I wonder how her professor husband will handle all of this.
Date: 07 Sep 2009 21:11 Title: Chapter 8
The deed is done, indeed. Here’s hoping the good general’s ego and thirst for fame will blind him to the necessity of annihilating the Redemption.
The fracture of the Klingon nation into three factions is a fascinating development. I’m eager to discover more about how this came about. It appears that at least the empire’s new ‘shadow warriors’ are a force to be reckoned with. Whether the warriors can capitalize on the opportunities they’ve provided has yet to be seen…