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Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Jun 2013 02:31 Title: Chapter 7

Very believable tension and, again, a lot of information, effortlessly handled.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2009 22:32 Title: Chapter 7

Oh Admiral Benjamini has a beef with Sarine alright! I guess and hope we'll see more of her. And it only makes sense that he wouldn't be disturbed by her demeanour or trolling through his history however uncomfortable. As she should have realised reading his file - he has doen worse things than subject people to a lecture. Still can't have made for pretty hearing. But he got more to the crux of the matter as he succiently summed up their respective positions in relation to the Hegemony.

But an interesting thought that it might be his infamous act of genocide that has brought him the attention of the Hegemony. If so why? Do they praise his methods? Do they reckon on using such abilities and willingness to go beyond the pale? Seems to make them a very dangerous power altogether and certainly muddies the waters even further.

Terrific character interaction and a terrificly mysterious plot. Where will they go? Anywhere it seems.

Also, I must commend you on the great world building and descriptions. Very visual and illustrative from the planetside scene travelling to the Ambassador office to the Herod's little flyby of the various space docks and of course the magic of seeing his new command. Awesome details and use. Brilliantly realised as I pictured myself there in the cockpit too. You should some artwork to go with this! Ha! Maybe it will only detract from the writing of the story, so no don't! Ha. Again great stuff.

Author's Response: Thanks for another review! Yes, the Benjamani/Sarine relationship is far from smooth, mainly because for the first time she is faced with a Starfleet captain who has nothing to lose. Like you said, he has had a lot worse than get told off or grilled by an ambassador, so it made sense that he would eventually put her in her place. It isn't exactly his infamous act of genocide that brought him to the Hegemony's attention, though that is part of it. Read on to find out more! :) Thanks for your praise of the descriptions and world building, I really enjoy that aspect of the story and am glad it has come across like I wanted to. As for artwork... i'm horrendous at drawing, so no! If anyone else wants to, I'd be more than happy to see what they come up with! :) Again, thanks!!!! Hope you enjoy the rest.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Sep 2009 23:19 Title: Chapter 7

Oh my goodness! Well, Ba'el's certainly not afraid to stick his thumb in the eye of SI. He's pissed the 'ambassador' of royally, though it was well deserved. At least now he knows he'll have one agency gunning for him on this assignment. However, Ba'el doesn't strike me as a man who fails to watch his own back with a second set of eyes.

Continued excellence!

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