Date: 06 Oct 2009 00:03 Title: Flying in Style
Johannsen is a right bastard, almost sociopathically so. Shao Li has a good amount of personal baggage, but then I'd expect anyone who survived WWIII would as well. I seems as though Shao Li might also be somewhat in the dark about the true nature of this seemingly routine cargo run, either that or there's a part of her as hard and unyielding as Johannsen.
Great background exposition here, too, as we get our first official 'Trek' reference in this story. It appears the aftermath of the last great world war was a great deal more agonizing than any of the series let on.
Author's Response: Yes, he is a bastard. Time will tell to what extent that runs, or if he's actually also a sociopath. It's a safe bet to say that there are only a handful of people who know the truth behind the nature of the cargo run. Is Li one of them? All I can say is maybe.
Thank you. I had been sitting on that reference for several chapters. It was gratifying finally getting to reveal it in this most un-Star Trek Trek fanfic. I couldn't see how a nuclear holocaust couldn't be devastating and I never fully understood why none of the series really dealt with that, other than perhaps they wanted the focus of the show to be forward rather than back. This is my way of filling in some of the edges. I'm glad you enjoyed!
Date: 04 Oct 2009 06:45 Title: When Opportunity Knocks
Wow. She’s living in some darkness, but she’s digging her way out, one day and one NA meeting at a time. Within the space of a single chapter you’ve drawn an especially clear, very sympathetic character for your readers to root for. She’s damaged goods, to be sure, but that just makes her fit in all the better with the others who I’m guessing will shortly become her crewmates.
Author's Response: Thank you. This chapter meant a lot to me in a lot of ways. I've been very fortunate not to wrestle with substance abuse, but others close to me have not been so lucky. I've had the opportunity to see both sides of the equation, the active addiction and the recovery. Her back story and personality grew pretty organically from those experiences and observations, and her roommate's, too, because few addicts are without enablers. I appreciate the feedback and that you like Ginny. I like her, too.
Date: 01 Oct 2009 23:51 Title: Busted
A good, old-fashioned Come-to-Jesus meeting of the minds. ;) Sledge got sloppy right on the cusp of a big haul (literally) and now Henderson's having to set Jack's head straight. The talk in the cockpit was a very nice, very introspective look into what makes both these men tick.
As for whether or not Sledge can keep his shit together when Jones arrives... well, that remains to be seen.
Great segment. Very understated, with just a touch of... 'if you ef this up again, I'm gonna snatch out your windpipe.'
Author's Response: I haven't written any backstory on these guys, but I imagine Henderson's pragmatism and hard edge was very hard earned. He's exactly the sort of person I'd want at my back and exactly the sort of person I'd be scared shitless to piss off. Sledge earned that talking to in spades.
Yes, indeed, that remains to be seen! LOL I think that last was all but said. It hung in the air long after the words were gone. Thank you very much!

Date: 01 Oct 2009 17:21 Title: T Minus 24H
Another excellent chapter. There's so much here to love. The entire interaction between Benny, Diane and Li in the kitchen was great. Ian's calling Diane out by threatening to beat Sledge up was great, especially when he then told Eric how he'd planned to do it while avoiding the scars just to teach Diane a lesson -- and Eric's reaction to that was great. I actually really liked Eric here. He's a fascinating guy. And then there's the tension between Diane and Sledge ... wow. Great stuff, PSGarak.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Yeah, now that they're all together I'm finally able to start playing around with the group dynamic. As you can see, some get on better than others. Eric is a complex guy. Definitely an asshole at times, but there's more to him than just that, and Ian will only take so much jerking around before he jerks back. Now let's hope Sledge is convincing with Henderson, or the Molly Magee will be leaving minus at least one security officer.
Date: 01 Oct 2009 11:27 Title: Doesn't Play Well With Others
Do not start trouble with the po-po. ;) Yeah, going out in a foul mood was his first mistake, the first of many. However, if the end result is just a night in jail and having scored a decent 'flight surgeon', perhaps it was worth the scar, eh?
Great chapter!
Author's Response: Might've helped if he had known they were the po-po, but in his mood, it might not have made a difference! I think he'll find that night a mixed bag overall. Still, could've been worse! Thanks!
Date: 01 Oct 2009 05:30 Title: Insiders
Okay, that was one of the most entertaining ship's tours I've ever read. Sam is an energetic blast of fresh air in a gray and gloomy world. I'm sure Henderson is just going to love the fact that he's hauling two Company/Fed types around as babysitters... and I'm now wondering if his cargo isn't a bit more valuable than he's been led to believe?
Author's Response: Sam is a lot of fun. So far, I think she's one of my favorites to write for. I'm really happy she was entertaining. I could imagine some would find her annoying after a time. I'd say you're pretty dead on about Henderson's likely reaction to the news. As for the nature of the cargo... Thank you for the review!

Date: 30 Sep 2009 06:34 Title: Change of Scenery
Jones and McLeod appear to be quite the pair, and it seems there's a bit of history between Jones and Sledge as well. They've given up on their life of crime fighting in New Zealand pretty quickly, so one might imagine there's something about Jack Sledge and the good ol' US of A that speaks to ‘hearth and home,' at least as much as people of this kind can feel such an impulse. Then again, maybe its just the idea of a decent paycheck waiting...
You've drawn two unique characters in fine strokes in a relatively brief chapter, well done.
Author's Response: They're wanderers at heart, perpetual sufferers of the grass is always greener syndrome. There is indeed a history. Just what it entails remains to be seen. Thanks for the praise! I enjoyed writing this chapter quite a bit.
Date: 29 Sep 2009 20:32 Title: Brass Tacks
Loved this line:
“She's cute,” Jones said breezily. “It's almost like she knows what she's saying.”
The interactions in this bit were great! I was almost jarred, mentally, when it ended. I'd been so deep into the story it came as a shock when the chapter wrapped. And sabotage in the cargo before they get off of the ground? Intriguing. Well done!
Author's Response: I had several moments where I was laughing writing this chapter. Jones and O'Neil are pretty much oil and water, only much more abrasive. I'm really glad you enjoyed the chapter. What WERE those people doing in the cargo bay? Hmmmm....
Date: 29 Sep 2009 20:17 Title: Winging It
A torn and conflicted man. The motivations of your crew get murkier as things go on. If this keeps up you're going to end up with something like Melrose Place In Space! LOL. Kidding-love what you've done so far.
Author's Response: That was almost the name of the story! :P Nah, but every crew has its secrets and drama. We haven't heard the end of it from anybody yet.
Date: 29 Sep 2009 07:24 Title: Winning Bid
Okay, I decided to come over and see what all the fuss was about, and boy am I glad I did. This is down and dirty, the nitty-gritty reality of the late 21st century. Your characters are as colorful as they are compelling, and having faces to put with them only made them stand out more vividly.
Here's hoping these rag-tag merchants can make some profit along the way.
As Captain Reynolds was fond of saying, "This is us, out here on the raggedy edge."
Author's Response: Thanks, and welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy the ride. It's bound to get bumpy.

Date: 27 Sep 2009 14:35 Title: Brass Tacks
I'm sure Eric Johanssen and Shao Li are feeling really good about the situation at this point .... or maybe not.
You said sparks were going to fly, and you weren't kidding. Get a load of O'Neill! She's a troublemaker!
There was some funny stuff here, too -- I like the hilarity between Ginny and Sam, especially. Reading Sledge's reactions to the rest of the crew gave a lot of good insight, as well. I wonder what happened between Diane and him ....
Another great chapter! Can't wait for more!
Author's Response: Hard to say what Eric makes of all of this. Li definitely isn't pleased. Being greeted at gunpoint wasn't on her carefully crafted to-do list that day.
Oh, yes, O'Neil is a huge troublemaker despite her petite size. I have to say, I actually admire her ability to cut to the chase, even though I'd never be so rude or brash, myself.
O'Neil and Ginny are just two years apart in age, and when I put them together, I realized their respective temperaments complimented each other. They've both lived a long time in close quarters with men, so both of them are enjoying the chance to have a gal pal.
Yes, what did happen between Diane and Sledge? Dun dun dunnnnnn! :D Thanks for the great review!
Date: 24 Sep 2009 11:10 Title: Winging It
As the founding president of the Ian and Diane "shipper" club, you know I loved this little peek inside Ian's thoughts. I'm also impressed at how much interesting information you got across in under 800 words. Well done! Something tells me the sparks are going to fly when these two and Sledge are together.
Author's Response: I kept trying to push more out of him, but he was quite certain that was all that needed to be said. It was such a short chapter, it was almost like an interlude. I suppose that's strangely appropriate, since we're getting close to launch date, and the crew is almost fully assembled. No more quiet time! I'm glad you liked it, and all I can say is hang onto your seat. :D
Date: 21 Sep 2009 20:28 Title: Drinking Companions
That was a lot of backbone the gal showed. I liked her threat. My question is-is this ship ever getting off the ground? :)
Author's Response: She knew if she showed him a weakness, he'd take advantage of it. The ship WILL get off the ground. I promise. :D In story time, all of this has happened in less than a week, and it won't be too much longer before they're ready for lift off.

Date: 19 Sep 2009 01:27 Title: Drinking Companions
Stryker is a nasty piece of work, and Ginny has much more spine than I expected. Something tells me this is going to head in an interesting direction.
Great chapter.
Author's Response: Already the fireworks fly, and Jones and McLeod aren't even there yet. Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for the review!
Date: 16 Sep 2009 19:45 Title: Good Enough for Molly Magee
That was an entertaining way to introduce new crew members. Just hope your junky can stay clean!
Author's Response: Thank you! As Benny said, the specter of spark is never far away. Only time will tell if Ginny can resist the lure. Good things as well as bad things are often considered stressful. We'll have to see what this new job brings out in her.
Date: 16 Sep 2009 10:59 Title: Good Enough for Molly Magee
Okay, NOW I could possibly get on the Benny/Ginny ship. They are just too sweet. But I understand Benny's concern about not wanting to complicate that.
And they're both going! Yay! Glad to see Benny's engineering skills haven't wasted away. I wonder if the two "smart asses" (Benny and Sam) will get along, or irritate each other.
The description of paste pie made me throw up in my mouth a little. Nuclear winter sucks.
As always, great stuff, PSGarak.
Author's Response: I think in close male/female relationships (at least this has been my experience), there are almost always those little moments where you get the sense there could be more, but for a variety of reasons, you choose to leave it at the great friendship level. At least so far, that's what these two have done. I can't wait to have everybody together interacting. As you can imagine, it's going to be a volatile mix. I'm not even sure yet who will get along and who won't. A lot of times, they surprise me. Paste pie sounded really gross to me, too. I don't want to know what's in it, or the "juice". I'm glad you're still enjoying!

Date: 09 Sep 2009 08:55 Title: Rencorp
So we have an Augment running around, eh? And some mad scientists, too. Where's Gary Seven when you need him?
Author's Response: Yes, yes indeed. I'm sure Mr. Seven is off handling a much worse crisis. The universe is full of them, you know!

Date: 08 Sep 2009 13:05 Title: Winning Bid
Oh wow! I read about this over on trekbbs and thought I'd check it out. This is so amazing. I love the characters already - you've managed to create a true crew and a real situation that I already feel invested in. An absolute gem. Can't wait to read the rest!
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I had no idea anything was mentioned over on the BBS, so thanks for the heads up, too. There is going to be some delay before any new posts, but I can promise I'm not dropping the story. I hope you enjoy the ride!
Date: 05 Sep 2009 17:15 Title: Busted
Wow Henderson does not seem like the type to cross or make angry. Very hard ass - even Sledge recognizes that! Their history and relationship is a strange one in many ways and Henderson seems to be the one who holds the power in it. But then it appears he was there for Sledge when he was young. That's a long friendship and it fosters loyalty but Henderson's stark warning at the end tells Sledge not to push it again. Great stuff - with Sledge giving matters a lot of thought.
Author's Response: I would never, EVER want to cross Henderson. All I have to do is hear Ving Rhames' voice in my head, and then the ass chewing starts. They've been through a great deal together. It's a relationship that transcends friendship and blurs the line into family in many ways, which also means that they're both capable of brutal honesty with one another when it's called for. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, but I found myself feeling sorry for Sledge during a lot of it, even if he did bring it on himself.
Date: 05 Sep 2009 16:38 Title: Doesn't Play Well With Others
Hee hee. That's what happens when you try to find some solace in the bottom of a glass. Sledge however, has some good out of it if the doctor - I mean paramedic - decides to sign on.
Nice visuals at the start of the scene with the sleeping pods and lighting. Really pictured myself there watching on. Nice little details. It also goes to show that when the crew gets assembled and our visitors come on board things are going to be very tight and cramped. I imagine things will be more than cramped though considering Sledge's mixed feelings over Diane. Looks like trouble brewing on more than one front.
Author's Response: Drinking to excess alone is never a particularly wise choice, that's for sure. I'm glad you liked the visual. I wrote it as close to how I saw it in my head as I could. It will be very cramped and tight with a full crew, all of them pretty large personalities, too. Of course I can't give anything away, but the set up does seem to imply there will be a few fireworks, eh? Heh. Heh. Thanks for the continued interest and the review!
Date: 03 Sep 2009 20:26 Title: Flying in Style
They have a strange relationship. And your Dane is a real piece of work. This was interesting as my first impression was that they were a team. And you made your first actual TREK reference, too. *claps*
Author's Response: The united face they present to outsiders is different from what goes on behind the scenes with them, definitely. I've been sitting on the Cochrane connection for a while now, just waiting for the opportunity to reveal it. I'm glad you enjoyed, and thanks for the review!
Date: 03 Sep 2009 10:14 Title: Flying in Style
That was the best chapter yet! These two are a fascinating pair, and the hints about Cochrane are intriguing. I loved the character interaction here. I've known guys like Johannsen (or at least like this early view of him). Not fun to work with. Also, you did a great job of capturing the post-war realities of Earth without going overboard with exposition. Strawberries and water -- good stuff.
Author's Response: Thank you! I had some concerns as there wasn't much action here, just two people riding on a plane, but with these two it's all about the subtext. I've worked with people like him, too, and did not enjoy the experience. Even in our world and reality, clean drinking water is becoming rarer. I have a feeling that one day, fresh water is going to become the new oil as far as the market, economy, and even warfare are concerned. And strawberries are fairly easily grown, much easier than tree fruit and the like, so it made sense to me. I'm glad it conveyed what I intended. You never really know until somebody reads and comments. Thank you again!

Date: 01 Sep 2009 08:37 Title: When Opportunity Knocks
OK, this is brilliant. Maybe a little detail on Jenny's 12 step confession would have been nice but this was great. A mi me gusta!(Probably spelled it wrong-never learned Spanish in written form.)
Author's Response: The first draft contained more details of her confession, and it totally bogged down the narrative. I mean like screeching tires because the brakes are locked bogged down, so I threw that out after I realized no amount of tweaking it would change the effect. I do intend to have some of the details come out over time. It'll just have to be in a different way. I'm really glad you liked it, since this was a chapter I was worried about. (It is stretching my long ago high school Spanish education to the max, too.)
Date: 01 Sep 2009 01:04 Title: When Opportunity Knocks
Love, love, love the friendship between Ginny and Benny. I almost wonder if it has the potential for more. I hope they do go to the moon together. At the very least, I hope she goes. It seems like she had a major breaktrhough today, and good for her! Great chapter.
Author's Response: Am I getting my first shipping? Really? :D Awesome! I won't give anything away, of course, but yes, they are incredibly close and have been for almost as long as they've been alive. Thank you so much. I was worried about this chapter since it was a struggle. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Date: 31 Aug 2009 19:51 Title: Busted
You added layers to their partnership. Lots of depth. I just wish you could write quicker-I really enjoy this.
Author's Response: I wish I could write quicker, too! Having all the stuff rattling around in my head wanting to come out gets frustrating. If they ever made a cybernetic device that could spit out text from thoughts, I would totally sign up to be a test subject.
I'm so happy you're enjoying it. I've always written fantasy or horror, never much sci-fi. I know this is sort of sci-fi lite, but it's a really fun genre.