Date: 06 May 2010 19:51 Title: Lone Wolf
Excellent. Top notch manipulation there by Eric. And the bit about Chairman Baker didn't go unnoticed, either. I reall want you to continue this...

Date: 08 Dec 2009 20:58 Title: Settling In
I enjoyed that. After the rough life these people have been thru a little down time is deserved. The bit about the cherry trees kinda hit me-I'm a firm believer in caring for the Earth.
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm a firm believer in that, too, part of the tragedy of the thought of mass scale global destruction. What's going on even in our world is bad enough, but thinking about so many beautiful places completely slagged is a sobering thought. Thanks for the review!
Date: 05 Dec 2009 07:50 Title: Lone Wolf
Johannsen is a cold, calculating bastard, but we do see glimpses of humanity (or would that be half-humanity?) from time to time. Not that I don't think he wouldn't strangle Li in a flat second if it suited his purposes, but then the man's got to have priorities, right? ;-)
So, now we hear the sound of the other shoe falling, or at the very least preparing to fall. We still don't know who's behind this potential threat, or why, but I'm guessing it won't be too terribly long before we find out.
Author's Response: Indeed he is. Like most he has his good and bad points, good and bad being rather relative when it comes to someone like that. You really think he'd hurt Li? Sweet, innocent Li? OK, I know I'm not fooling anyone, so I won't even try. Let's just say it's easy to stay on Eric's good side. Just don't get in his way.
Something is going on, for sure. Is it related to what the Chairman and the physicist spoke of in the board meeting? Well...that remains to be seen!
Date: 04 Dec 2009 09:25 Title: Settling In
Once again you've captured some wonderful character interactions and some poignant reflections on all that's been lost on a post-apocalyptic Earth. I loved the 'girls' bonding, especially adding Li to their number and making sure they were enjoying a day out and about on Lunar One.
Author's Response: I felt like they could use a little R&R given what they've been through and what has been going on. Benny had fun hanging with the gals, too. He, Sam, and Ginny are very close in age. Li's somewhat older but still likes to have the chance to let her hair down now and then. Glad you enjoyed!

Date: 03 Dec 2009 13:55 Title: Lone Wolf
Oh, my God. Eric is as creepy as Beckley! Sorry to reference my own story here, but WOW. What a masterful manipulator. Maybe some of Li's semi-hidden idealism will rub off on him? I wonder what his motives are, deep down. You just made him much, much more interesting. Wow.
Clearly, something bad is going on here with the attack on Cochrane and the concealment of it from Eric by Rencorp. I think our friends on the Molly Magee are in trouble.
I like the reference to tension between Earth and the Moonies and the worry over an interplanetary incident. Very interesting, and it makes sense that this soon after a world war and prior to the discovery that we're not the only people in the universe, we wouldn't quite have outgrown that kind of behavior, yet.
I can't wait to see what happens next!
Author's Response: Eric and Beckley might find in one another kindred spirits of a sort, although I doubt either would take much comfort or derive much enjoyment from that fact. He's definitely manipulative, but is it to an evil end? I guess we'll have to see.
Something is afoot, that's for sure.
It made sense to me that after a war there would be tension between the colony and Earth. Trek lore is fairly sketchy about the time period overall, but at least in my 'verse, Lunar One stayed out of the Earth conflict, watching from afar in fear and disgust. It made things very difficult for them for some time, but it's one of the things that helped to make them so self sustaining and self sufficient. It's only natural that now they'd view Earthers and Earth motives with a degree of mistrust, having become the haves instead of the have nots in that political dynamic. I say this in the commentary simply because there isn't room or reason to go into that kind of depth on that particular detail in the story, but perhaps it helps to make their attitude make more sense. Thanks for taking the time to review!

Date: 30 Nov 2009 14:00 Title: Settling In
Oh, my goodness! This was phenomenal! I have to say, maybe you should divorce this story from the Trekiverse while there's still time and try to get it published! I would happily pay money for this story. (Of course, I say this not knowing where it's headed, so maybe it's more tied to Trek than it seems so far ... but for now, even as a stand alone story, it delivers.)
By the way, how many potential shipper pairings do you have in this story, now? Ian/Diane, Ian/Sam, Sam/Stryker (haha, just seeing if you were paying attention!), Ginny/Eric, Ginny/Benny, Li/Eric, Li/Benny, Diane/Sledge? Am I leaving anyone out?
Benny shows his natural kindness by looking out for Diane. I was really surprised when Diane came out and opened up to him. I guess he's that kind of person, though, a safe person. I liked how he couldn't sleep because the bed was too soft. That felt very true.
Li also surprised me here by coming out of her shell a bit. That was nice to see. She seems so lonely! It was very kind of Sam to make sure she felt comfortable and included, and best of all, useful, treating her comparatively privileged life as a just another experience to draw on and not an object of envy. I also really liked her remembrances of Earth pre-nuclear war, and how it led into her feelings regarding the lunar colony vs. the Hubs. Great stuff. Then, the return to her room, and an urgent message ... that'll teach her to leave the Crackberry -- oops, I mean, personal comm -- at home. I wonder what's up?
Oh, and you totally sold me on the lunar colony. Sounds like a nice place!
The characterizations and descriptions in this chapter were simply wonderful. I loved it. Keep it up!
Author's Response: Wow, that's so amazingly flattering. I'm something of a weenie when it comes to the idea of trying to get published. I don't even know why. I don't think it's fear of rejection. Probably the opposite. lol Thank you, though. That means a lot to hear.
Ugh! I can't believe you figured out that Sam and Stryker are secretly in love. Now I have to scrap that altogether. Maybe I'll pair Stryker and Henderson instead, turn this into some sort of middle age Yaoi tale of improbably luuv. I bet NOBODY saw that coming!
I was a little surprised Diane opened up to him, too, but I think it's like you said. He presents a safe front. He's not the sort who'd take anything somebody told him and twist it to his own ends, and people around him can see that about him.
The Crackberry. hehe Some say cell phones are a modern convenience. I call them a modern evil. Yes, Li is a lonely person and has been for a very long time. Maybe she'll retain some lessons about opening up after this assignment is over, or maybe she won't get the chance. Dun dun duunnnnnnn! Just saying. :D Heck, I'd like to go to the lunar colony! Thanks for the awesome feedback. Hopefully the next installment won't be two months in coming. :X

Date: 23 Nov 2009 14:52 Title: Executive Decision
Glad to see Sledge take the opportunity for the corporate upgrades to the ship. Here's hoping they don't come with too many strings attached.
McLeod and Jones butt heads and no prisoners are taken. I have to keep reminding myself that these are hard people who've endured more than their fair share of loss and heartache simply by virtue of the age they live in. Both Ian and Diane could have handled this better, but it appears so much has gone unsaid for so long that when the words finally tumbled out after Ian's revelation that he and Sam were now together... it turned into an avalanche of pain, guilt, and recrimination.
Damn. Fine. Stuff.
Author's Response: Thank you. They are both hard people, and neither one of them is accustomed to fighting fair. How far down they're going to go is something we have yet to see, or whether they can even salvage a basic friendship after this.
Date: 23 Nov 2009 06:04 Title: Lunar One
Geez, where to begin with this wonderful chapter?
Once again you show the reader the stark contrasts between the shabby, dilapidated existence planet-side on Earth and the clean, refined corporate lifestyle available on Lunar One. Ginny’s sensual, almost erotic ravaging of a ‘simple’ orange really underscores how such things have become delicacies on an Earth suffering in the throes of a global nuclear winter.
Ginny’s scene with Johannesen was simply terrific, and the hug-ultimatum made me laugh while being genuinely touching as well. I would imagine people during this period probably rarely if ever see a simple, honest gesture of pure gratitude like that.
Li’s agoraphobia rings especially true, given the limitless open horizon of the airless moon.
And the offered modifications and upgrades to the Molly Magee must come with a hidden price. Nobody does anything for free, most especially in this dark chapter of Earth’s history. Henderson and Sledge are correct to be wary of this situation.
Author's Response: Ginny is a genuinely kind person who has never had much to be grateful for in her life. It makes the little things all the more important, I think.
Sam and Li both got bitten by the agoraphobic bug. I'm not agoraphobic at all, but I have to admit that photos taken from the lunar landings and even movies that realistically portray that look make me uncomfortable in some primitive part of my brain. I can't imagine how much worse it would be if one were from a very enclosed environment. It was another detail that spontaneously arose from some place in the characters' psyches unplanned.
You're right. They are correct to be wary of the situation. Obviously, they don't know how correct yet. Thank you for the review!
Date: 19 Nov 2009 11:51 Title: The Memory of Stars
Sam’s gesture here was wonderful, a selfless need to share the wonder of the unobstructed stars with the others. Sometimes we get so caught up writing our Starfleet characters that we forget how something like staring at the naked stars could be close to a religious experience for people born in a different time. This was an excellent way to underscore how bleak and harsh life has been for this post-WWIII generation.
Some terrific character moments here, most especially the hot little encounter between Sam and Ian. There’s more than a little bit of chemistry there.
By the way, “A dead rat tied to a spatula,” made me laugh out loud. ;-)
Author's Response: Sam has a way of saying and doing things that really surprise me. She comes from some random, unfettered part of my brain, apparently. The dead rat on a spatula thing is something I don't think I'd personally say or even think in a million years without some character prompting. The same with her view of the stars and her gesture of kindness. That came out of left field. I'm glad you enjoyed the time spent with her, because I enjoyed writing it a lot.
Date: 14 Nov 2009 05:41 Title: Hitting Air
Wow. With her tongue loosened by a combination of sheer terror, the vulnerability of paralysis, and sedatives, Li finally tells Johannsen what she really thinks of him... and perhaps she even struck a chord with the effort.
And Eric almost comes across as human here... well, half-human, at the very least. He'd better tighten up that stiff Augment lip, though, before he sullies the memory of Khan. ;-)
And who would have guessed that Ginny would take to zero-g like a duck to water? I loved Henderson's pure pride and enjoyment in breaking atmo in his own ship... really nicely portrayed.
Author's Response: Thanks! Let's hope that Eric isn't stamped in the mold of Khan, or things could get really ugly out there in space. Hmmmm...
Date: 13 Nov 2009 14:09 Title: T Minus 24H
Well, at the very least Sledge and Jones are talking.
Johannsen seemed rather impressed with McLeod, and he strikes me as someone who doesn't impress easily. McLeod on the other hand demonstrated how far he's willing to go to make a point. I'm not certain which scares me more about that... the fact Ian was willing to do it, or the fact that it seemed the only thing that would actually get through to Jones.
Hell, there was nearly more drama in the morning than there was the previous night. Nicely done!
Author's Response: They're talking, but is either really listening? It may be settled down, but it's far from settled.
Eric respects conviction and a willingness to act upon it. Jones and McLeod have never much been about following the rules to the letter. I think in a lot of ways, violence is just an accepted way of life for both of them. They have the might, so they feel right. Could have interesting consequences down the line.
I'm afraid the drama isn't quite over yet. Thanks again!
Date: 13 Nov 2009 12:01 Title: Brass Tacks
Okay, now those were some definite sparks flying as the new additions to the crew settled in! ;-)
O'Neil is sassy and naughty, a highly combustible combination, especially considering Jones' disposition and McLeod's recently bruised ego. But there's something to be said for the direct approach! Jones' comment about O'Neil almost knowing what she was saying had me rolling. I love the cutting humor and quick wit on display here.
Dropping Sledge into the equation only makes the whole mess that much more complicated.
The Molly Magee is fairly groaning under the weight of all this angst... and I'm loving it.
Author's Response: Yes, things are definitely heating up in this chapter. Sam's middle name is "trouble". Her mother should've realized that was bound to cause problems later in her life. :D
I'm glad you enjoyed the humor. I think the ship would burst without it. They're in for a wild ride. Thanks for the review!
Date: 04 Nov 2009 21:10 Title: Executive Decision
That was cool. Necessary, I suppose. I'm impatient to see what the Corp has in store for them....
Author's Response: Time will tell. :D Thanks for the review!

Date: 30 Oct 2009 11:45 Title: Executive Decision
Oh, man. What a mess. Poor Diane. Poor Ian, too, but he went and made that complicated all on his own. (And though the low-g wrestling was cute and funny, I felt bad for Sam when Ian convinced her to take the shower ... she's falling for him a little bit and he's in love with Diane. He is acting like a buggering drongo. I don't have more than the faintest idea what that actually means, but I'm guessing from context since they say it so much, hehe) And now they're all staying on ... well played, PSGarak. This is going to be fun.
Did Eric actually flirt with Ginny? Did I see that?
I liked the look inside Sledge's mind in this chapter. He seems like a good guy. Cares about his crew and all that. I wonder what the story was with him and Diane.
I'm intrigued by this overhaul ... wondering how much the AI has to do with it, and what Rencorp wants with the Molly Magee and her crazy crew when they appear to have the money for their own cargo shuttle and crew of boring corporate types. And I'm wondering how much of this is up to Eric and to what extent he's just taking orders from others.
Continually great stuff.
Author's Response: A buggering drongo in Kiwi-speak is a damned idiot. :D Now you know! It does seem that Ian isn't being exactly honorable with his intentions or actions regarding Sam. How aware he is of that fact is a different question.
Eric's statement was flirtatious. Was it directed at Ginny or designed to make Benny uncomfortable? hehe
Sledge does care about his crew. For all of his flaws, he's a decent man. What Rencorp really wants and how much Eric knows are mysteries to be answered at a later date. Thanks for the awesome review!
Date: 29 Oct 2009 19:27 Title: Lunar One
They finally got there-and without blowing up. I loved Ginny's reactions to the luxuries at RenCorp. Totally believable, given her background and circumstances.
Author's Response: Yep, no booms. Yet. :D I'm glad you liked her reactions. She was fun to write for this time. It even made me appreciative of the little things I often take for granted, like clean water or a piece of fresh fruit. A lot of people on this planet don't have access to either. Thanks for the review!

Date: 29 Oct 2009 11:42 Title: Lunar One
This chapter was so worth the wait. The descriptions were so spot on. The low-gravity environment, the fear of open spaces after being cooped up so long, the reactions to the fruit and water ... I also liked Ginny's interaction with Eric. Most people would probably let pride get in the way of a demonstration like that. It's nice to see someone put herself out there, and that Eric didn't totally reject her gesture. I did make me wonder -- when was the last time Eric was hugged? And poor Li. Looks like she's not been forgiven yet. Something tells me Eric has a long memory for that kind of thing, too.
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was a little bit of a struggle in coming. I feel a little rusty after having to take a lengthy break thanks to work and life, but writing for Ginny helped me find the groove again. Every time I think I've found the limit to her courage or willingness to put herself out there, she surprises me. Eric isn't an easy person to approach at all. I think for her the gratitude overwhelmed any trepidation.
Has he ever been hugged? LOL Probably, but honestly, I can't think of too many people who'd be willing. Noooo, he does not quickly forget. As for forgiveness, well...that will just have to remain to be seen. Thanks for the review!
Date: 14 Oct 2009 19:37 Title: The Memory of Stars
That was a real powerful segment. To see stars for the first time-Wow. Mind-blowing. And i like the teasing between Sam and McLeod, too.
Author's Response: Thank you! The emotion of her reaction surprised me, but it made a lot of sense upon reflection. The two of them are fun to write interacting, too.

Date: 14 Oct 2009 01:20 Title: The Memory of Stars
“Do you ever get tired of being the most disgusting person alive? I mean, seriously, I would think after a while it gets exhausting, and anyway, I wouldn't use my hands. I'd use a spatula or a dead rat. Probably a dead rat,” she said. “A dead rat tied to a spatula.”
Made. Of. Win. I laughed out loud.
Oh, Ian. You love Diane! What are you doing? Lord, I am such a pathetic shipper for those two. Sam is fun, though. And I loved her in this chapter. She's not all feisty troublemaker, she's got a soft side.
I loved Eric's reaction to the stars. He is quickly becoming my second favorite character in this story (behind Ian, who must be John Quigley's distant relative/ancestor or something because seriously? So. Much. Alike. Love them both.).
This was the best chapter yet for all the little character moments. What a great way to play with their dynamics while keeping the story humming right along. I know we all claim to hate the star system, but I can't not give this five.
Author's Response: Wow, thank you! I mean, seriously. Sam's soft side took me by surprise. She had that as a hidden facet, just waiting for the right moment to spring it out. I saw this chapter going entirely a different direction than it did, but I do have to say that if she and Stryker ever find common ground, I'll probably die of shock.
Yes, what is Ian doing, and what's going to happen when Diane finds out about it? He did tell Sam he'd tell her...
Eric has...reasons...for that reaction. Nothing is ever quite what it seems with him. Now that's an interesting idea, Ian as a distant ancestor. hehe Speaking of John, where has he been lately? Hmm? Hmmm??
Now that I understand better how the stars work, I'm not as opposed. I just felt guilty when I thought I was giving a really good rating on a couple of stories and it turned out as something like 3 1/2 instead of the 4 1/2 I had intended. Thanks again!!

Date: 13 Oct 2009 16:22 Title: Hitting Air
Uh-oh, we've got a robot spy on board!
Eric seems almost...sad at Li's comments.As an Augment, he must really feel like a stranger in a strange land.
Author's Response: Hopefully, that answered at least some of the questions about what the Rencorp people were doing in the cargo bay. The life of an augment post eugenics war is by necessity a lonely one. To get close to someone risks exposure and almost certain death or imprisonment. His mother taught him well, but nothing can completely remove a human's need for companionship. How much of what Li thinks she knows is the real Eric? Thanks for the review!
Date: 13 Oct 2009 15:55 Title: Hitting Air
Sure you don't like him, Li. Keep telling yourself that. And he'll keep telling himself you hate him. Lies, all lies!
Another great chapter. An almost anti-climactic launch, given all the pre-launch drama, but a great description of the snow and the sun and making it into space. And there was nothing anti-climactic about that last paragraph. AI in control of the Molly Magee? Uh-oh.
Author's Response: Drama during launch would be a bad, bad thing. Of course, drama after the launch is also a bad, bad thing. Perhaps. Time will tell! Thanks for the review!
Date: 09 Oct 2009 08:21 Title: T Minus 24H
This sounds like a fun ride. And Benny sounds like he's falling for a certain government agent. And what were those guys doing in the cargo bay?
Author's Response: Dun dun dunnnnnn! Dun dun dunnnnnnn!!! Answers will be forthcoming. My work schedule has kicked my butt this week, and my spouse is about to go out of town for a week, which will leave me some extra time to catch up on writing. As for Benny and Li, time will tell. With this crew, you never know what farked up shiat will happen next. :D
Date: 07 Oct 2009 22:25 Title: Winging It
Geez, McLeod's got it bad... and after over a decade of hanging out with Jones only now does he realize he's in love with her. Throw Henderson into the mix, and we're going to have the love-triangle from hell.
Author's Response: I...honestly can't comment except to say just wait and see. :D (And...I got surprised, too.)
Date: 07 Oct 2009 22:13 Title: Drinking Companions
Well, Ginny goes from wide-eyed newcomer to laying down the law with Stryker. Yes, his history is a sad and troubled one, but nearly everybody lost someone in the war. As far as Ginny's concerned, Stryker's a walking poster child for staying sober, as he embodies all the consequences of falling off the wagon in a compact, angry, stinky little package.
Oh, and terrific threat for an immediate gratification guy like Stryker. Threaten Mr. Winkie, and he jumps in line pretty damn quick!
Author's Response: All those months working in the jail taught her a thing or two about people like Stryker. He is excellent motivation for sobriety, isn't he? Glad you liked the threat! She made me laugh with that. Of course, what we didn't get to see was the nervous wreck she was after the encounter, but she at least held it together while it was necessary.
Date: 07 Oct 2009 21:37 Title: Good Enough for Molly Magee
Now that was one hell of a job interview! The lead up to their tour of the Molly Magee was especially poignant, with the depth of Ginny and Benny's long friendship being drawn in stark colors. These two survivors really do belong aboard the old girl. Henderson was damn near pleasant to deal with here, though Stryker made for little more than a passable door stop ;) .
Author's Response: Don't worry. You'll see more of Stryker soon. Heh. Henderson is so glad to get somebody who knows his way around the tools and genuinely loves the ship he's just about tickled pink. I had fun with the pie scene, but I never want to try paste pie myself. Thanks!
Date: 07 Oct 2009 18:26 Title: Rencorp
Well, that explains Johannsen's aloofness. Not a sociopath, but an Augment. But even he is chilled to the bone by the recklessness of Rencorp's researchers who plan to toy with energies beyond their comprehension. Now he and Li are stuck in the middle, and if the Chairman's conversation with Wu is any indication, the worst is yet to come.
As expository scenes go, this one was crafted flawlessly and answered a great many questions, while simultaneously spawning a host of others.
Author's Response: Well...half Augment, so to speak. His mother was. His father was not. He is extremely disturbed by what he heard at the meeting. (Who wouldn't be? Correction, what sane person wouldn't be?) This chapter gave me a ton of difficulty for several reasons, Johannsen's innate secretiveness the main one. I'm glad it worked for you. Thanks for the feedback!