Reviews For Shadow Plays
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 29 Apr 2021 12:22 Title: 014 - "Round and Round and Round We Go."

Date: 29 Apr 2021 12:22 Title: 014 - "Round and Round and Round We Go."
Fun chase sequence. I must have missed the earlier references tying Black to Grayson (an interesting monochromatic twist to their monikers.)
And they never caught a glimpse of him - which suggests Black is toying with Bobbie.
Also interesting reference to the Federation being so desparate as to hire mercenaries for a war. Lots of layers here.
One of the big questions about transporter technology - why isn't everyone just beaming everywhere? I would guess city governments would install shielding to prevent it for public protection..
Thanks!! rbs