Date: 12 Jan 2021 14:20 Title: Meanwhile...
Forgot to hit the "Liked" button - Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
thanks! -MD
Date: 12 Jan 2021 14:20 Title: Meanwhile...
Lots of backstory here, presented succinctly and in an easy to follow format.
I very much appreciate the summation, which helps me catch up without having to go back to the beginning of the story to track.
I'm a big fan of series writing that allows a viewer/reader to jump in and start enjoying the series without being completely lost in the previous history. Which is why clip shows and "previously on" are superb storytelling devices as long as they aren't overused.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
I think you have to be careful with previouslies. While they're obviously useful for catching somebody up quickly with the back story, you have to make sure you don't go too far into spoiler territory. Saying "this is what you have to remember to understand this episode" is basically saying "this is what's going to happen in this episode", so if you can get the back story in organically as and when the reader / viewer needs to know it, that's the safer bet. Tricky to do though! -MD

Date: 11 Jan 2021 15:27 Title: Act Five
Interesting Ro speech. Evidently some character development there.
Good emotional spiral with Sisko and nicely developed with a number of beats.
Thanks! rbs

Date: 08 Jan 2021 15:18 Title: Act Four
Interesting psychological ploy. A friend of mine was in a car wreck (years before I met her.) She was still angry about the doctor who rode with her in the ambulance nattering on about how irresponsible young people were especially behind the wheel and that she had probably brought this on herself.
It was a ploy to keep her alive by engaging her adreneline through rage - and it worked.
Nice to see that used in a story plot. Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Glad you liked it. I have a tendency to have a lot of my conclusions basically come down to one big conversation, and i was happy with how this one came out, yes. -MD

Date: 07 Jan 2021 14:08 Title: Act Three
Good job capturing Nog and Quark's voices.
I can easily hear Aron Eisenberg and Arman Shimmerman delivering those lines.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 06 Jan 2021 14:07 Title: Act Two
Science note: Given the laws of momentum and lack of friction in a vacuum, a spacship cutting its engines will continue to move at the same rate. Engines in space provide accelleration. It would be more believable if the ship were ordered to cut its momentum and go to station-keeping. This would require reversing engines and the ship would continue moving forward until the engines could overcome the forward momentum. It's a bit more to explain both in dialogue and narration but always important to keep a little science in the science fiction.
One advantage this format does have is it is very straightforward. I was following another story here that became unreadable because the language became too florid to decode. Your writing is very descriptive and easy to follow - which places the emphasis on the story and makes the writer transparent - one of my goals as a writer.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 05 Jan 2021 16:50 Title: Act One
Rather grim situation - at least 6 cubes..
I can definitely hear Michelle Forbes reading the Ro Laren lines, but not hearing Avory Brooks' unique rhythms in the Sisko lines.
I'm not generally a fan of this format, but it is easy enough to read and provides sufficient visuals. And is very easy to track (which is what the format was designed for). Probably the reason I'm not a fan is that I have seen a few attempts at this format that were pretty much unreadable. You seem to be handling it well.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the backstory taken from the novels, but the Federation has just been through the most apocalyptic, all-out, once-and-for-all invasion by the Borg. The Borg were eventually defeated (in a manner of speaking) but the Federation was pretty devastated and this is picking up in the aftermath. That and some other things that will be revealed are why Sisko is in the beaten down state he is...

Date: 04 Jan 2021 07:18 Title: Teaser
Ah - a Commander Ro story. One of my favs from STNG.
It looks like this is set out in some sort of screenplay format.
Good story tease.
Thanks! rbs
Author's Response:
Hi Robert - I started doing the screenplay format way back in the day to adapt the official post-finale novels as if they were more "episodes" of the TV show. Then i just stuck with it, and it's been going on for six "seasons" now. I know it's not what most people do and it can take some getting used to, but I'm hoping it provides a comparately quick and "visual" reading experience. I hope you'll stick with them! Thanks