Date: 21 Sep 2022 09:56 Title: Chapter Twelve
Really liking the barratry - though at a breathtakingly inconvenient moment. But then, hiding a conspiracy from Section 31 is probably impossible, so giving her minimal time to react is probably best. Particularly liking the crew's assessment of Lar'ragos.
Trust the romulans to throw a monkey-wrench into the works. I knew it had to be exceptionally unwise to leave the Baroness (as she now styles herself) unattended.
However bad things may get, never assume they can't get any worse...
Although it could be that Sandhurst's warning may have forestalled complete disaster. Nice cliffhanger ending for this series.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
I'm very pleased you've enjoyed the story. Thank you so much for your in-depth reviews!

Date: 13 Sep 2022 01:39 Title: Chapter Eleven
In a much later episode, when presented with Star Fleet's potential for the kind of power that Shul'Nazhar represents, the blind Andorian emperor, Sin IV, remarks to the Director of Section 31: "I am not concerned with the kind of people that we are. I am concerned about the kind of people we might be tempted to become..."
Looks like Ebnal has a few bitter pills to swallow if he wants to make full use of the opportunities Sandhurst has to present him. Ebnal remains one of my favorite characters - loved him from the moment he first appeared in your stories.
Really nice discussion of the brevet-command situation.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 13 Sep 2022 01:12 Title: Chapter Ten
An uber-Amon/Skorrah? "We are the Skorrah-Hai..." Yeah... probably a good idea to get rid of those. Interesting story about genocide - when is it permissible? Humanity could be seen as an existential threat to some species, given our potential. At what point would they consider genocide against us acceptable? Really nice moral conundrum you posed here.
I think I noticed both Sandhurst and Lar'ragos alive in a later story - but quite gutsy to kill off one of your two leads at this point. And leave the other a traitor at the tender mercy of Lucian Ebnal...
Really great action sequence here - a bit thick, so it's a bit of a slower read just to keep all of the different action threads straight.
And Section 31 comes out on top - not only of Milky Way business but trans-galactic threats. Go S31!
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 02 Sep 2022 03:53 Title: Chapter Nine
“Then you tell the brigadier that once daddy is finished with the Amon, I'll be coming for him, too.”
I'm totally loving that quote! I'm probably more of a mind with Commander Cavney here, but Lar'ragos is in delightful form. Totally loving Ebnal here too:
"...You’ve grown on me, not unlike a fungus or a pernicious venereal disease.”
Really nice background for Lar'ragos the ancient soldier - part of what makes him such an interesting character.
And I totally loved the closing line. This little scene is a complete romp!
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 25 Aug 2022 03:24 Title: Chapter Eight
“Fucking amateur.” And with those words the relationship between Lar'ragos and Sandhurst has come full circle. The master became the student - and in some way now the master again. A very interesting relationship arc.
It appears Rameriz is not content to be outdone by some ravenous vampiric species from another galaxy - she's not the Baron by a long way, but she is determined to present an existential threat. And Sandhurst may be right that she needs to be dealt with - possibly first.
Quite enjoying the letters to home theme in this chapter - definitely brings home the desperation of their gambit. There's really no way for them to bring enough supplies to another galaxy to make their fleet sustainable if there aren't supplies they can scavange there.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 09 Aug 2022 00:40 Title: Chapter Seven
“Where does this leave us, Federation?”
“Tired. This leaves us tired.”
Totally classic exchange - really nice. Wish I'd thought of it...
"And perhaps the greatest gift of all for someone aiming to storm an inter-galactic fortress... Klingons."
Another great line - this chapter is positively seething with them...
Destruction of Ferenginar! Okie-dokie then... And Lar'ragos carrying the WMD in his body - really an eye-opening chapter overall.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
I'm pleased you enjoyed those exchanges. Yes, I killed Ferenginar... but in my defense, they had it coming. They know what the did.

Date: 02 Aug 2022 23:21 Title: Chapter Six
"And Donald Sandhurst is no more..." But is he??? Definitely taking a wait and see on that one. Especially since Verrik still seems capable of getting under his skin.
So we have a Section 31 Amon agent? Well, former S31... Which would be a first...
Very interesting weapon, Oddfellow(s)... Might be a little hasty to release at the moment. Especially since it was not provided clear rules of engagement. It's release should also have been predicted by the Amon...
Probably the most interesting is Zeischt/Sandhurst's odd vulnerability.
“Well…” Wu remarked. “Shit.” - easily my favorite line from the new movies (not sure if Into Darkness had been released before you published this.

Date: 28 Jul 2022 19:41 Title: Chapter Five
Lar’ragos proclaimed, “Take me to your leader!” - always a classic when uttered on an alien planet... Seems to me that Gan'Louk knows far more than he should about Lar'ragos' condition and especially the cure for it. Definitely not a klingonel aurian to be trifled with.
The doctor is clearly a fun and unique character - looking forward to more of him. And I'm really enjoying Gan'Louk - very interesting character. Nice to see a reconciliation of sorts.
So Sandhurst has become an unrepentant warlord - even if he's focusing his tribe's training efforts on various baddies that probably should be wiped out. Very interesting seachange for this character. But then, considering his life-changing encounter with the Baron, not surprising that a little of that native human viciousness could become more prominant in his nature...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 27 Jul 2022 00:01 Title: Chapter Four
Kudos on the Oppenheimer reference - a surefire fit for these stories. Liu keeps turning out to be quite the useful and concise counselor.
Quite enjoying Lar'ragos' seemingly uncharacteristic self-doubts. And very interesting to see a 400-year old character in a growth arc.
Evidently an incomplete one as he's storming into a hornet's nest of enemies without what seems to be much of a plan...
A month in trans-warp? I get the idea someone has their thumb on the scales here...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 20 Jul 2022 01:55 Title: Chapter Three
Always enjoy Lar'ragos getting under someone's skin. There's a little bit of healing that Wu is (unwittingly) bringing to him.
Absolutley loving the confrontation among Lar'ragos, Gan'Louk and Ebnal. Talk about a situation bathed in testosterone... Actually quite valuable for Lar'ragos to get the measure of a very mysterious klingon. Ebnal is always delightful as well.
Also loving Lar'ragos' carefully timed explosion and the growing understanding between him and Wu. Quite a bit of growth for that character.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 14 Jul 2022 23:13 Title: Chapter Two
A drunk Lar'ragos, nostalgic for the bad old days of the Hekosian Empire. interesting counterpart - a warrior born.
So the cardassians scored against the amon - quite the feat. There will no doubt be a reckoning. They can't be happy about lesser beings sending them packing.
nice intro to Wu and funeral ceremony.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 06 Jul 2022 23:26 Title: Chapter One
So you have Nechayev in charge of SFI - a role she plays at a much later age in STH. She's so likeably unlikeable...
Lar'ragos has undergone a lot of character development, possibly more dramatic than Sandhurst (though not as dramatic as Rameriz.) I'm a big fan of character arcs and this series does not disappoint.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 06 Jul 2022 23:07 Title: Prologue
From starship captain to minor deity... Sandhurst has definitely developed some ambition! I can see what he's getting at - he clearly has a vision. Might be a bit of a hard sell, but he's definitely starting his membership with a bang!
Fun times ahead, no doubt!
Thanks!! rbs