Date: 11 Apr 2022 00:07 Title: Epilogue
I always felt mourning the lost was never adequate in the franchise and glad to see more of the impact here.
Odd decision regarding Kincaid despite his recent actions to bring resolution to the nuveau Maquis and the DMZ. But I suppose Leone was wanting to see some sort of resolution in the wake of her own loss.
So does this mean Sandhurst is getting Lar'ragos back involuntarily?
Overall a fun episode and not quite as R-rated as I had expected given all the disclaimers.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
No, Lar'ragos was not reassiged to Gibraltar, but chose to take leave on Vulcan to treat his long-term PTSD. As Sandhurst told him, there was no longer any place for him aboard that ship.
And yes, we were perhaps being somewhat overcautious with the rating, but there was some sexually suggestive dialogue and situations, not to mention rather graphic violence.
Thank you for your excellent, thoughtful reviews!
Date: 07 Apr 2022 01:49 Title: Chapter Eleven
Old habits are hard to break. So the newly emancipated Maquis are already plotting to return to their old ways and lose their hard won independence. The Romulan and Klingon empires are plotting to destabilize the power standing between them and reconquest by the Dominion.. At least Lar'ragos appears to be making a good choice - to get out of the game for awhile.
A rather depressing but reasonably accurate reflection on human (klingon, romulan) nature. People keep treading down the same old paths headed toward the same depressing destinies...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 02 Apr 2022 12:07 Title: Chapter Ten
Quite a satisfying end for Galmesh - but it appears Lar'ragos is just as broken. Really great long-running character arcs for these characters and particularly satisfying that nothing is settled quickly and Lar'ragos is allowed to hit the floor - if eased to it.
And a very interesting relationship in the admiral's case. Ariel had far more than sex in her arsenal - she had quite a grip on the hearts of a number o fcharacters. Very gripping scene with Sandhurst and Leone.
In the midst of all this, the birth of a Maquis state - that's one I wasn't expecting...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 02 Apr 2022 11:48 Title: Chapter Nine
Far better than killing him - Galmesh has to live with the dishonor of being captured alive. And we get a duel...
I suspect Lar'ragos will manage to get his pound of flesh somehow. Quite an interesting confrontation between Lar'ragos and Sandhurst - shows how much of a rift has developed.
I was expecting Galmesh to meet a sticky fate - but a fate worse than death is even better as a story device...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 29 Mar 2022 01:18 Title: Chapter Eight
Well... the cavelry arrived and shot at their own... that was a fun and unexpected turn of events.
We have got to get a moment with Galmesh and Lar'ragos - there's just no other way for that particular baddie to end.
Really enjoying the quick-paced cuts from scene to scene - catching snippits of the battle from various POV. Much faster intercutting than I've seen before.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 26 Mar 2022 02:55 Title: Chapter Seven
Nice gritty battle sequence. A good hard dirty fight with some fancy flying from the Star Fleet pilots. Lar'ragos and his team cavorting on the K'Vort is particularly entertaining.
But easily the most entertaining is Sandhurst calmly conducting negotiations in the midst of it - with some cardassians hidden in the next room.
Of course, things have got to turn sour at this point... Very fun sequence - Thanks!! rbs
Date: 23 Mar 2022 19:55 Title: Chapter Six
Sateem and Galmesh - that's just so wrong on so many different levels...
But the segment does make Galmesh's motives clear - and they've nothing to do with the validity of the Maquis cause. I kind of suspected that. Surprised that Kincaid doesn't seem to.
And Galmesh didn't hesitate to bring the battle. At the moment it appears to be an even match.
Good quick read on this chapter, despite its length it's punchy and to the point. Really enjoying the details of Sandhurst's diplomacy.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 21 Mar 2022 00:24 Title: Chapter Five
Looks like Star Fleet seriously has the upper hand here - rolling up the Maquis colonies, rolling up the stragglers, bringing the head honcho to the negotiating table.
Working like an inexorable, well oiled machine.
Isn't that usually where it all starts to go wrong?
Liking the actual relationship between Lar'ragos and Ariel. Also enjoying T'Ser's current perception of Sandhurst. Although for some reason he seems to me to be a little on the brittle side at the moment.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 18 Mar 2022 08:42 Title: Chapter Four
I have to agree with the Marine - really liking Ebnal. Picard he is not. That was a fun little rant.
Also enjoying the unfolding of different Maquis perspectives from Diaz to Kincaid to Galmesh. And a fun process sequence with Lar'ragos and Ariel. Fairly often every scene leads to an action sequence. Including the scenes that don't - as Lar'ragos put it, the "seek" part of seek & destroy - provides verisimilitude and helps the action sequences pop more when they show up.
Nice speech by Sandhurst - good line: “We will not give such aid and comfort to our enemies."
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 15 Mar 2022 02:29 Title: Chapter Three
Definitely looking forward to the demise of Galmesh - I can only hope a fitting end is in store for him. Quite enjoyed the last valiant moments of the doomed crew of the Amberjack.
So Lar'ragos accepted a promotion? And now he's on the hunt. This is going to be fun... Looks like it's going to be a rocky reconciliation between him and Sandhurst.
Also liking the politics of the situation as expressed in the final segment.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 12 Mar 2022 16:54 Title: Chapter Two
Several things I'm liking about this - starting with the "reasonable" Maquis as opposed to the more unhinged violent ones.
Also liking that Kincaid can sleep soundly. And that he takes Sandhurst seriously.
Quite a fun lot of civilians - so this is what Teams means. And probably something Kincaid is seriously worried about...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Yes, the neo-Maquis are riven with factions as most movements of any size are. Kincaid's the one trying to fight a 'cleaner' dirty war.
Pava and his team make their transfer to Gibraltar, opening a whole new can of worms for all involved.
Thanks for your continuing patronage!
Date: 10 Mar 2022 03:19 Title: Chapter One
Okay - this is going to be barrels of fun! An orion hybrid - perfect SFI operative.
Quite enjoyed Sandhurst's clever use of the holodeck to test her - and even with all of those layers of protection still coming away disturbed.
You know she's some kind of a Medusa - because you're already turning to stone...
Great zinger line at the end.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Elannis is Trouble with a capital 'T', and Sandhurst is the lucky person who has to try and fold her into his team for this mission.
Date: 05 Mar 2022 08:59 Title: Prologue
Orion hybrids are so much fun... nice twist on the STE depiction in that the pheremones ork equally on females instead of giving them headaches and making them irritable to the point of ineffectiveness.
SFI, like S31, always makes for interesting story formats.
Looks like fun...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 28 Jan 2013 06:08 Title: Epilogue
wow. Just wow. That was an incredible story guys. Very well done, very engrossing, very depressing to the point of feeling sick...just wow. My heart was wrenching for Pava there at the end...I can see what you guys were talking about in that chat a few months ago.
I'm excited to get into reading the Vanguard stories now, and the FSA series. Amazing work guys...I wish I was half the writer y'all are.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm pleased you enjoyed the story so much.
And yes, Pava is a bit of an attention whore, even when he doesn't want to be. ;-)
Date: 29 Dec 2011 07:31 Title: Chapter Nine
OK, Pava clearly is in a bad place right now. I mean ... worse place. Never knew the guy had a death wish, but seeing what he's been through, here, and generally, I can understand.
And while I was never Ariel's greatest fan, I'm sorry to see her go out like this. The only consolation is that this happens years after her Farragut adventures and therefore, hopefully, we get to see her pop up again.
When are people gonna learn? When you want to live, stay far, far away from Gibraltar and her crew. Unless your name is Pava Lar'ragos. He's pretty much screwed either way.
Author's Response:
Pava's in a bad place, yes, but then again he has been for a while now. He's at a turning point, but which direction will he choose to go?
Thaniks for the review!
Date: 19 Apr 2011 04:10 Title: Chapter Eight
I really would like to see the Maquis get their new state. I'm sure it won't be easy (others will make sure of that), but I think it's a long time coming.
I really like not only the action here, but the politics as well.
...and Sandhurst finally made it to the bridge! ;)
Author's Response:
Sandy *did* finally make it to the bridge! I'm glad the political angle came across here as well as the action...
Date: 14 Apr 2011 16:07 Title: Chapter Eight
To say this chapter was intense would be a gross understatement! Great action sequence aside is the significant meeting between the Cardassians and the League of Sovereign Colonies. At least that seems to be going well.
Not so much for Pava and co. They were badly blind-sided on the Immolator - now they're hurt and bleeding, about to face a very ticked-off Galmesh and the Maquis survivors.
Glad to see T'Ser have a hand in taking revenge for the ambush on Amberjack. I think Captain Akinola would be very pleased.
Author's Response:
T'Ser will definitely get in some licks on behalf of the Border Service. Lar'ragos, on the other hand, often doesn't know when to quit, even when he should.
Date: 26 Jan 2011 20:02 Title: Chapter Seven
I tip my hat to you, sir! You are the undisputed master of writing battle sequences. Very taut and fluid with just the right amount of cutting-edge technology mixed with dizzying maneuvers and seat-of-the pants tactics. Sandhurst's meeting with Kincaid, while a key element to the story, seems almost like an aside to the battle-dance between the Maquis and Federation ships. Nice cliff-hanger, too, as more Maquis ships head inbound. I'm pleased that T'Ser isn't finding her new billet boring. ;-)
Author's Response:
Many thanks! Yeah, Sandhurst may have bit off a bit more than he was prepared to chew, under the circumstances. He wouldn't be the first person to underestimate the Maquis. And as for T'Ser, she may rest assured that a posting aboard Gibraltar might be many things... but boring won't be one of them. ;-)
Date: 08 Jan 2011 16:09 Title: Prologue
Another great chapter.
Just when it looked like Gibraltar had a handle on things more Maquis show up but it wouldnt be normal if everything went according to plan now would it.
Looking forward to the next installment.
Date: 24 Dec 2010 23:53 Title: Chapter Seven
Very, very nice.
The interaction with the special ops team was fun. I also really enjoy Sandhurst's tact at the negotiation table.
Peace is finally on the horizon for the Maquis. I hope they get it, for everyone's sake.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the comments, dnoth! I agree with your assessment; there's a lot at stake here.
Date: 23 Dec 2010 16:12 Title: Chapter Seven
About time this gets another chapter.
The battle is afoot and for a brief moment it looked as if Gibraltar & friends would have an easy victory for once. Then the universe remembered the absurdity of such an idea and promptly changed the odds.
And look at Sandhurst flexing his rarely used diplomatic muscles. To everyone's surprise, the sly fox has already hammered out half of a deal to ensure an independent Maquis state. Now the question is, will the Federation play ball, too.
And then there is Pava and the SMT's. They were a bit heavy on the catch phrases and pre-mission rituals here for my tastes but you can't argue with their effectiveness.
Outstanding, as always.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review, CeJay! Yeah, the SMT's are full of machismo swagger, but that comes with the territory in their line of work. As for Sandhurst, he's playing things pretty close to the vest here, but given that this is him... things could conceivably unravel and go sideways any second.
Date: 17 Nov 2009 04:06 Title: Chapter Six
LOL, I loved that line from T'Ser: "Paybacks are a bitch, and so am I." After what I've seen of her toughness in CeJay's sory over at TrekBBS, I definitely have a much greater appreciation of what that means than before.
As for Sandhurst--this is interesting. I am finding myself wondering how much of his behavior under these circumstances is sincere, and how much of it may be an effort to cultivate a false impression with Diaz. If so, he's playing a very dangerous game, but one that could also pay off in a big way if it succeeds.
One of the things that (to my mind) made me think he was trying to cultivate an image of greater recklessness and amorality than he actually has is that he would claim there was no way a Cardassian representative would come to participate in these negotiations. If there were the potential of anything that would permanently solve the Maquis problem in their territory, I would think they would take an interest in it.
The other thing that got me thinking is the image Galmesh had in his mind of Sandhurst--exaggerated to a degree off the real thing. I am beginning to think Sandhurst is really aware of his reputation and the stories, and was playing it up deliberately.
Then again, I could be completely, 100% wrong.
Date: 16 Sep 2009 09:16 Title: Chapter Six
I'm tempted to say that Sandhurst might have missed his calling. The guy should have been a diplomat. I had no idea he was such a prudent negotiator. But I guess selling his Maquis-state plan to Kincaid and Diaz was just the easy part. Selling this to Command, the Federation and the Cardassians, now that's going to take some serious lobbying.
In the meantime we learn the full extent of Galmesh's surprisingly cunning plan. Or maybe not so surprisingly cunning considering that he's working hand in hand with a Romulan, of all people. Love the irony that she is his lover and enemy. That's poetic.
I didn't agree with T'Ser's call however to keep the Gallant back when Galmesh attacked. It felt a little bit like tempting fate. We're talking about Gibraltar after all, with this ship you never want to take any chances. I'm sure T'Ser will learn.
Terrific chapter but I do get frustrated that every other installment of yours includes a couple of words I've never heard before. A learning experience, I guess.
Date: 24 Jul 2009 17:15 Title: Prologue
Oh man. The Maquis have finally crossed the line. They blew up a Border Service cutter which Starfleet is out for blood. Sandhurst is hated by the Maquis making him a great choice to lead the task force. He's one of the few people they know won't mess around.
Captain Ebnal is quite the hardass too. Willing to take a Galaxy into the Badlands, risky but would definitely send a message.
As for Galmesh, I see Pava or Solly gutting him like a targ as a way of getting even.
And the Maquis are being relocated. They are lucky they get to take stuff with them. If it had been the Klingons they would of simply bombarded the planet and left no one alive most likely.
Overall, very nice read. Keep it up and want to see more soon.
Date: 29 Jun 2009 17:59 Title: Chapter Five
Very interesting--and man, I LIKED Gul Brelat! :-) To me, it's very easy to see why his superiors chose him for the task of accompanying Starfleet at the dismantling of the colonies...his personal history makes him much more willing to exercise restraint than I think some guls would have had, and that even had force become necessary, he wouldn't necessarily have been cruel and unusual. The fact that he was able to feel for the colonists--and yet I think he would also have used force if necessary--makes him just from that tiny snippet come across as a complex character and somebody I'd like to see more from.
Arakaki definitely got a lesson there in not judging people by the scales on their skin, I that I suspect she'll carry with her.
It's also very interesting to see more of T'Ser's take on Sandhurst. I am very hopeful that will become more substantial respect as she spends more time around him. :-)
As for the Sandhurst-Lar'ragos dynamic...still liking that. You can definitely see that Sandhurst's resentment hasn't died. Hard to gauge what Pava thinks, though...if he regrets his actions, or simply regrets being on the outs with Sandhurst.
As for Ariel...God, I hope that comment about getting dirty--and all of the things Pava warned her about...are foreshadowing. Talk about somebody who has karma headed their way...boy, that makes her and Pava quite the pair.