Date: 26 May 2015 20:54 Title: Phillipa Green (March 17, 2763)
Interesting that Daniels seems to be finding his conscience in a way about what he is doing.
I'm interested in the overall purpose of what Daniels and his party are doing. I know they travel back or forward in time for various purposes, but I have to wonder what the motive is for some of it? I'm guessing the larger story might make this clearer, and I'll be checking it out, now that I have more time to read this summer.
Author's Response:
Oh, thanks!
I write them as being escorts to historians, at least to start (although the HG Wells series's main driver is people mucking around in time and that has to be fixed). In a way, the historians are even more detached than he is - they're just taking measurements and the like, as if Betty and Irene and the others were just lab rats.
Date: 25 May 2015 13:06 Title: Phillipa Green (March 17, 2763)
Ooh, some clever little bits of name-dropping there. And Rick is developing some swagger.
Author's Response:
Thanks! One thing about ENT was the temporal cold war and future guy. Why not make it future gal instead?
Date: 23 May 2015 12:04 Title: Phillipa Green (March 17, 2763)
Nice tie-ins to both Enterprise and the pre-Federation Earth, I've always been intrigued by Colonel Green so it is nice to see a call back to him through his ancestor. And clever explanation of teh Future Guy. Nicely done once again!
Author's Response:
Date: 22 May 2015 03:46 Title: Phillipa Green (March 17, 2763)
Man, Rick is really feeling the brunt of all this, isn't he? I sure hope he gets some counseling or treatment or something at the end of this. His travels through time are really taking a toll.
Author's Response:
And it's about to get worse. Thank you for reading.
Date: 21 May 2015 23:15 Title: Phillipa Green (March 17, 2763)
Oh dear and yet he gets results. I guess that's what drives him and keeps him at it. For all his confidence and audacity he still seems to want in some part to discover people. Even if he wants to keep himself at a remove.
Author's Response:
That's a rather perceptive observation. I wish I had more space with these. There can be a ton of detail in the past, and all the things they would want to know. It could be a fascinating job. But you also see things you can't unsee.
Thank you for reviewing.
Date: 21 May 2015 18:29 Title: Phillipa Green (March 17, 2763)
Nice breaking of the fourth in revealing Future Guy's, should I say, partial identity.
Author's Response:
Oh, thank you - and of course Horan is the actor who played Future Guy.
Date: 21 May 2015 12:19 Title: Phillipa Green (March 17, 2763)
Hmm. Too much swagger can get a person killed, Rick, especially when dealing with folks like this. But then, I suppose you know that can be fixed with a time ship, too.
This is the premise behind Paradox, by the way. Icheb and Maren are sweet kids, and it's Levi's job to keep them that way. This much power can turn the sweetest kids into monsters, even if those monsters have the bst of intentions. You know what they say about the road to hell ...
Author's Response:
Yep, it's coming down to hubris now. Not too much longer before the ... (no spoilers) ....