Reviews For Star Crossed
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 17 Dec 2020 15:44 Title: Chapter 4

Well now - a Deltan Godfather.. That's an interesting antagonist. Nice to get some perspective on him as he is being featured in your current venture.

And maybe he wasn't kidding about the addiction. Again, an interesting backstory to be catching up with. 

Flawed characters are always the most interesting...

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Altee's first appearance I believe. He is very much a background character in the series and only makes a full, in the flesh appearance in QD, albeit as a different version. Glad you're enjoying this little story.

Reviewer: Shada Dukal Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Sep 2014 16:52 Title: Chapter 4

Poor Taz! I can stop any time, this is what all junkies say. The fact that she is a joint Trill does not make it any easier for her. Quite a schizophrenic experience. The redbird allegory is great. Once you open the Pandora box, you can’t slam the lid down. Still, it seems to me that she has the guts to face the consequences.

Author's Response: You would think that Trill would know better, wouldn't you? No, not this one. She just made one too many bad choices and ended up where she is now. We shall see if she can handle those consequences. Thanks for reading and commenting.

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