Reviews For The Fall - Year One
Reviewer: Enterprise1981 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2014 23:19 Title: Chapter 3
Date: 03 Jan 2014 23:19 Title: Chapter 3
Nice alternate version to one of the classic Voyager episodes. I agree with trekfan that it's nice not to see Andy Dick this time around. He seemed to have the innovations Voyager's Doc was outfitted with, yet still had the same personality traits as Zimmerman.
All that aside, seems that Starfleet has gotten far more militarized and this ship's crew has gotten to be a paranoid as the Romulans from the original version.
Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Aug 2013 06:46 Title: Chapter 3
Date: 09 Aug 2013 06:46 Title: Chapter 3
Perfect. This was a great episode ... minus Andy Dick. No.
But you got the tone right here and the Doctor's clear confusion about being accused as a Founder really registers to me. He doesn't know what the hell he's just walked into and I'm dying to see how you write the reaction of the VOY crew.