Date: 17 Jul 2020 15:09 Title: Part 3
And why do I get the idea the Litus-Ait might not be entirely trustworthy?
Replicated currency... Evidently these folk haven't discovered latinum yet...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 16 Jul 2013 03:57 Title: Part 3
Somehow, I can only see this going wrong. But I am loving the lower decks perspective, and the way that it's almost stacking up to be either a tragedy or a comedy of errors, or perhaps both. This very helpful Litus-Ait may or may not be a boon, but we shall see either way.
Date: 02 Jun 2013 16:16 Title: Part 3
Dear oh. I have a feeling that Val is going to get quickly exasperated by Zolwat. For one so concerned about contamination of the planet he goes and replicates money - that surely has to be against some sort of regulation! LOL! But the eager Bolian has blinders on readily willing to believe the man, pay him money up front and get into a vehicle with him. Val seems like a lot more seasoned and cynical kinda guy - hopefully his common sense will spot any potential traps.
Alas, it seems that the difficulties, prejudices and hatred that lie between the Tia and the Ait remain at large and after everything it seems the planet has a long and dark path to follow. No neat bows to tie everything up here Cejay. Just real life ugly complications and long festering hatreds. A time when Starfleet probably really should be trying to get involved and yet their own politics means they are going tohigh tail it out of there. Damn shame.