Date: 30 Jun 2013 03:06 Title: Chapter 1
This was an inspired idea. Scotty, Spock and McCoy, as children, and it should feel contrived but doesn't, at all. I love how the kernels of their personalities are here: Scotty's pride, Spock's quiet curiosity, McCoy's wit and sharp tongue. What a fun piece to read.
Author's Response: Thank you! I figured that it was possible, if nothing else.
Date: 21 Oct 2012 21:39 Title: Chapter 1
I liked that. I've often wondered how many times our lives cross with the lives of others before we make the connections. Well done!
Author's Response: Thank you!
Date: 12 Jul 2009 23:42 Title: Chapter 1
Heehee and wow. Love the fact they all met like this. It makes it so almost destined that they should meet again. Love the pride and stubborness in Scotty already.
McCoy and his southern charm, equally so his irrascapable wit and sour notes when things aren't quite to his way. Heehee.
And of course Amanda and her maternal instincts and the wonder of how she juggled that within the Vulcan home. Kinda mindblowing if you let your mind ponder on it. I'm not going to though, I need my mind for tomorrow. Hee!
Author's Response: I hadn't originally liked this one as much when I wrote it, but it's grown on me since then. Trying to balance the children with the adults they'd be. Thanks much!
Date: 28 Apr 2009 03:25 Title: Chapter 1
Interesting little meeting :D Though I'm having qualms about leaving KJ anywhere like that, but then I'm a hovering freakout kind of mother who really needs to learn to step back before she does get to that age.
Your Scotty is definitely of the shy type. Having not read much of your other work yet, do you delve into why he is so independent and socially isolating himself? I certainly can see this in the character and look forward to finding out how else you build the character up.
Nice little fic. Thanks for writing and sharing.
(still a prisoner of Ork)
Author's Response: Thanks for reading! Yep, it gets explained, though it's a very slow process. It literally takes decades for the whole story to come to light. He is shy; he's an introvert, though by the time you get to TOS, he's a whole lot better at interacting with surface friendliness while guarding the rest zealously. And hopefully, you'll continue to like it! :D Thanks again!
Date: 19 Feb 2009 05:52 Title: Chapter 1
Wow...I still find myself loving this story, and it's hard to tell whether it's the young Scotty or the young McCoy that I find the most compelling.
McCoy sticks out right now, I think because I just watched some TOS videos on YouTube focusing on McCoy. It makes a lot of sense that he'd be outspoken as a child and have no shame about voicing his complaints. I also love seeing the beginning of those Southern manners in him!
Oh, and on a random side note...I liked your description of the atmosphere in the spaceport and the cultural comments (though that surely means I would be freezing my butt off in that place!!!). I have to wonder whether baby Spock would've been feeling the cold...?
One final thing I find interesting is your description of Amanda. You touch on something I always thought deserved remarking on--that you see almost nothing in Spock's outward appearance to suggest his human half: that the difference is so great that people watching would assume Amanda couldn't be the mother. (I have to wonder if we'll ever know why? Was it something to do with whatever genetic technique was used to bring their genomes together? Was Sarek behind it somehow?)
Author's Response: LOL! The reason why Spock was wrapped up in that blanket is exactly because he would have found it cold. The blanket itself, though, is a nod to my best friend's story about Spock. McCoy was a whole lot of fun to write as a child; it was neat to see how much of him was in place at five, versus how much would be in place when he reached adulthood.
I'm not sure why exactly Spock took so strongly after his Vulcan genetics. I don't know if Sarek particularly meant it that way, or if maybe the Vulcan genes turned out to be dominant, at least in appearance. I only knew that a ten-year-old Scotty wouldn't have assumed Amanda was Spock's mother. Maybe just a caretaker.
Date: 17 Feb 2009 22:10 Title: Chapter 1
You often write moody pieces but I found this especially introspective.
Author's Response: Thank you much. It was a requested story, since usually when I'm struggling I'll ask others what they'd like me to try. And between reading Jack London prior and trying to make all elements fit, it turned out rather that way.