Date: 10 Jun 2014 19:17 Title: Chapter 6
You know, I'm sure I've said it before but it is worth the repeating, you do dialogue that is natural very well but that also serves to serve the story and move it forwards. And I like how you find the moments for communal group activity and gathering in a natural way the crew/cast together for scenes such as the larger movie nights one and the subsequent discussion. And I'm somewhat surprised at the captain's presence myself. And yeah, what has engineering got with musicals as their bag?
Author's Response:
Somebody has to be into musicals - I just see them dancing next to the big engine. :)
Thank you re the dialogue. I listen to people constantly; I'm often a wallflower. And I just try to put it out there on a page.
Date: 10 Jun 2014 00:54 Title: Chapter 5
hMMM Is this comet going to become an issue. In Trek episodes it usually does. Given they are doctors, maybe the organic stuff creates a virus or something. I note that there are a few details being dropped in here regards Pam - that is Pamela. It's a neat way to introduce a new character to the ship via these little snippets and getting her involved with the established crew through this competition and seemingly in a guest actor role at the start.
And the anon poet - I still think it is Reed but it has to be said, there's enough here to speculate that it is Hoshi herself. Ha, you're fanfic is able to inspire slashfic.
Author's Response:
Dammit are you gonna write fanfic about my fanfic???!?!! :)
Date: 10 Jun 2014 00:48 Title: Chapter 4
Ah so the girls play their own little game in all of this. It helps to balance things out. Somehow that does make it all a little more palatable. And it's Reed's poem for sure. Tripp is more like to show up with one of his shirts and chocs.
Author's Response:
Definitely - Hawaiian shirt and all (I should've written that, I think).
Date: 10 Jun 2014 00:42 Title: Chapter 3
tut tut, more childish behaviour. But it was all good fun, innocent in its own way and there were a fair few chuckles in all of this. And I recognised the name Pamela. Maybe she will be the future Mrs Tripp Tucker! LOL!
Author's Response:
Yes, I loved writing that line. I just had this vision of them all watching and this long, thin line of drool appears.
Date: 10 Jun 2014 00:37 Title: Chapter 2
Oh dear, the boys on ENT really could be boys couldn't they. They really had a certain rakeish approach to interstellar love. I guess Kirk had to get it from somewhere. However, when you think about it, it is only fitting that the adventurous sort who wants to go off into space might indeed have a little bit more bravado and thirst for randy encounters. And of course, in this era there's none of the TNG too PC stuff. It's a little low ball of the guys and a tad immature, but they do seem to be setting down ground rules about it so that is shouldn't get too inappropriate. Malcolm gets the short straw but something tells me he gets the short straw in more ways than one.
Author's Response:
Definitely the short straw - and it's completely lark-y and immature.
Date: 10 Jun 2014 00:24 Title: Chapter 1
Hee, hee. Queen for a day? Try being an empress maybe Hoshi. You begin by setting a scene that feels very in the ilk of ENT. It's down to earth and communal. I think was something they pushed on the show some but limited the activities to be fitting to the era and time. And given the technology and limited size of the ship, it's natural that the focus would be on socialisation and such gatherings. And poor Malcolm. He really did give in to peer pressure. PS I love that you word it so:
"Yes, I suppose you're right,” Malcolm allowed, “I suppose I succumbed to a spot of peer pressure."
Very fitting and down on the accent. A spot in particular. Nicely done.
Oh and what a fitting title for this teaser. Whether the rest of the story circles around Reed's intolerance or not, we will have to see, but from the off I like that little touch.
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you - and intolerance has several meanings here.
I really hear Reed well (I also hear Hayes well), hence the spot, etc. Plus of course how could he ever admit to anyone that he occasionally breaks wind? Horrors!
Date: 23 Sep 2011 15:43 Title: Chapter 1
Heh. Pretty good intro. I kinda forgot how Malcolm had all those medical problems. It doesn't rule out that he may have been lactose intolerant. Nice to see how the NX-01 crew is not above peer pressure. ;)
Author's Response:
Thanks! He starts off as really fussy in this one - I wanted to get him at his most OCD-I-won't-touch-that-thing-you-couldn't-possibly-pay-me-enough.
And, a little juvenile behavior (and more later) ....