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Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Sep 2013 15:25 Title: Short

Awesome job.  Nice little feel good tale.  No lives were in danger, no earth-shattering consequences would have ensued had Corry done nothing, and yet it was a matter of pride, and stubbornness, and humility, and respect, and friendship.  "Good work, Cor."  That was about the best praise Andy could get, considering the source, and the context.  Thanks for this.

Reviewer: Gildir Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Jun 2012 23:08 Title: Positive Thinking

Fantastic, wonderful story. So, so much fun. Wonderful characterizations (especially Scotty), wonderful humor (especially the horse jokes)... just perfect.

Author's Response: Thank you very much!

Reviewer: Terilynn Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Dec 2009 00:38 Title: Rank Has No Privileges

As always a perfect scene between two people I absolutely love.

Author's Response: Thank you so much, Terry! XD

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jul 2009 17:41 Title: Positive Thinking

You definitely did. But I don't know about your doubts re humour. Your Scotty and Corry bits that I've caught so far always have a magical fun whimiscal air about them that is so lighthearted and big hearted and cheery fun. My two cents worth of an opinion anyway.

Author's Response: ::chuckles:: Most of the stories with them, I think, are more serious. So far, you've gotten lucky with the light ones. Thanks again!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jul 2009 13:10 Title: Positive Thinking

Wonderful adventure indeed Steff. A great situation our heroes find themselves in that poses quite a dilemma. And throughout is laced with humour and great banter.

The tactics employed by Scotty are fab - no better way to pull a ruse than under their very noses. The Orions couldn't have anticipated the hot-headed fireball that is Scotty to have packed that much punch after his first gambit one to one.

The getaway on horseback [!] was a great stroke. Heh heh. Adding to the humour of the situation. And of course, everyone pulls togehter in front of the captain to provide a united front. Neat.

Author's Response: Thanks! I've never been historically good at either action or humor, and over the years have worked at it; I'm glad I was able to pull off both!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2009 20:17 Title: Positive Thinking

Right on. No heavy philosophical thoughts, just a straight-forward adventure. That was fun. Better than the lobsters.

Author's Response: ::laughs:: I like the lobsters better, but eh. And no, no philosophy. Even if that is better. Thanks.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2009 20:07 Title: Positive Thinking

Excellent job of turning the tables on their Orion captors!  Leave it to Scotty to dupe the pirates into thinking they had the upper hand before springing a surprise.  Of course, the captain was correct, it would have been safer to wait for a negotiated release... but then, anything could have happened at that point.  Sometimes it's better to play the cards you're dealt then hope the next hand's going to be more favorable. 

Author's Response: Well, that and there's some male pride on the line and we all know how that can go. LOL! Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Jun 2009 21:31 Title: Positive Thinking

BWAAAHAHAHAHA!  I never thought there could be so much humor in this kind of situation, but I was really enjoying it!  No wonder Scotty's so attached to his penlight--not only was it a gift, but apparently it quite literally saved his life!

Not just the banter between Scotty and Corry--but the narrative style throughout, even in the tensest parts, was downright hilarious, and I loved the little twists on common figures of speech, like "glaring sharp things at them" instead of just "glaring daggers."

Just curious about the your universe, are they a naturally-evolved species, in that form?  And do they look like we would imagine a centaur on Earth?

Author's Response: It had started off as a really light-hearted and short piece, and then I added a bunch to it because I was frustrated with my inability to go and write action pieces.

The penlight is... as much a talisman as it is a useful gift. It's kind of his literal representation of the things that matter to him. Home, and family. A light, that no matter how dark a place he's in, he has.

I never gave a ton of thought to the Centaurians, but I figured they probably were a naturally evolved species of some type, and maybe our legends came from their earliest visits to Earth. They really aren't related to equines, or if they are, then it's via the 'seeding' mechanism described in The Chase and different evolutions from there -- they just look like they're half-horse. Thank you for the comment!

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jun 2009 06:35 Title: Rank Has No Privileges

That was a great little short, and very appropriate to the challenge.  It's great to see these two in action together again out in the greater galaxy.  Perhaps Scotty could give ol' Bones a run for his money.

Author's Response: ::laughs:: Given his dislike of the medical, probably not. But thanks for the comment! I'll catch up again on Prophets as soon as I knock out a few interviews I have to do today for work, and a doctor's appointment tomorrow (ick.)

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 17:12 Title: Rank Has No Privileges

Love their interaction! Good tale!

Author's Response: LOL! Thanks!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 13:05 Title: Rank Has No Privileges

Great interaction between the pair and a wonderful situation in which we see Scotty and Corry battle it out over who is giving the orders. Heh heh. I love how you can take such a light situation but give it real depth and emotion, so that although fun and a joy to read, it doesn't leave you thinking that makes it inconsequential. I think writing like that is the hardest challenge. Really good dialogue and characterisation.

Author's Response: Thank you; that's some very high praise! It is fun seeing the arguments over rank, especially because it can never be serious when it comes to those two. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Gumnut Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2009 12:42 Title: Rank Has No Privileges

::grin:: It is so easy to tell how much you love writing these boys. Your prose flows beautifully as if they are old friends or family of yours you are extremely fond of. And it makes good fic.

A lovely bit of banter. I could just see the two of them mock swiping each other across the head. A real sense of brotherhood.

Thanks so much for writing and sharing.

(who got halfway through this last night and got interrupted by a little girl, before I could finish)

Author's Response: I do love it! I never expected, when I started ONOW, to end up writing a whole story arc. And I never expected a character I created to be a one-off POV to decide to stick around, much to my own shock. So, a whole lot of all this writing has been as much of a ride for me, I guess, as them; I know canon, so I know how Scott ends up, but the journey is pretty amazing. And after awhile, I gave up any pretense that Corry's not some part of it, and often, at the center of it too -- he refused to leave anyway. They're good natural counterweights for each other, and I guess somehow they must have both needed it. Thanks much for the comment! And give the little girl a kiss for me on her beautiful head. :D

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2009 23:43 Title: Rank Has No Privileges

A really nice look at the relationship between the two. I'm still only two-thirds through ONOW - seems I've been distracted of late, writing stories or some such nonsense - but I've read enough to understand how these two relate to one another, and it was great. I especially liked the 'invoking the wrath of mom' bit - and we all know it works every time. ;-). Thanks for a sweet ride, Steff.

Author's Response: It's probably best in broad context, but I couldn't fit the challenge into any earlier time really. But thank you very much for reading it, and for the comment! Yes, invoking Cor's mother's wrath is definitely not something either of them want; biological or adopted son.

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2009 13:11 Title: Rank Has No Privileges

Corry and Scotty would have stolen my heart if you haven't already.;-) This is unbelievably sweet, but in all the good ways. ;-)

Author's Response: I'm glad I beat 'em to it. :D Thank you.

Reviewer: Teddog Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2009 02:39 Title: Rank Has No Privileges

A rather sweet but amusing look at Corry and Scotty in the field. Their relationship shines here, both in how they carry themselves and their dialogue. The quick, playful verbal jabs and the mutual understanding they have of each other, like in the case of Corry's mom. Corry might have a higher rank, but it's clear that family comes first, always.

I love the little details that you put into fic, like the exotic colour of the plantlife and the medical supplies. You often write the tech as being a mix of old and new and I always find it interesting what parts are close to what we have in our world now; the elastic bandage, in this case. :)

Author's Response: Thanks! It was nice to write something, even if it was a light, easy-going piece. And yeah, part of both the pain and the pleasure of writing those two is that they know each other so well that they don't have to say a lot for it to show. LOL! And, I guess that it just makes sense to me that an elastic bandage would still be pretty useful for a field medkit like that. Thank you again!

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